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It was silent for a few moments, though the sound of everyone sniffling was evident.

Then there was the sound of a bird squawking. Everyone winced as another sound followed it; the sound of a cage closing.

Kai looked up at Enoch. Even he had tears in his eyes... not that it was surprising. Everyone was crying.

Miss Avocet leaned into the parlor doors, crying to hear anything when they suddenly burst open. She quickly hid behind them as Mr. Barron threw Jake into the room. He groaned and he collided with the couch.

Enoch's hands found their way around Kai again, he pushed her behind him and glared at the man standing in the doorway.

Mr. Barron waved from the doorway; his smile was pure evil. Kai tried to see around him and find his fear. She smirked as she found his doppelganger standing behind him, pale and eyes missing.

Scared of himself, she thought. Now that's peculiar.

He turned away then, closing the door as he walked.

"Boo!" he suddenly turned back around. The younger children gasped and took a step back.

He chuckled as the older children murdered him with their eyes.

This time he shut the door for real and locked it again.

It was so silent...

Jake whipped around and looked out the window. "It's getting dark. You won't even be able to see their shadow. We have to stay inside. It's the only place we stand a chance."

Miss Avocet nodded, "He's quite right. Now, where does Miss Peregrine keep her weapon?"

Enoch pointed to the next room, "In there. Let's go."

He took Kai's hands and with Emma and Jake, rushed into the other room to find weapons.

As they rushed into the other room, loudly shuffling could be heard. Banging sounds and scraping. Kai blinked a few times from the noise.

They rushed into the greenhouse, where Miss Peregrine kept her gardening tools.

"Here," Enoch handed Jake a garden hoe. He panted and then the phone began to ring.

"Jake, I think tonight, you better answer that," Emma said hurriedly and took the tool from his hands.

"Okay," he murmured. His eyes were wide as he ran off to answer it.

Enoch handed Kai a sharp shovel. "Stay with me," He said firmly, "I can't lose you, too."

The three left in the greenhouse then rushed back out of the room and back into the parlor, where all the children seemed to be blocking off doors and locking any widows.

Kai groaned again as another wave of nausea crashed down on her; so many people at once... so many nightmares.

Enoch never let her hand go, so she had no choice but to keep up with him. Her chest ached as they walked. Her stomach felt so horrible she felt like she'd throw up.

Enoch shut the parlor doors as Bronwyn pushed a couch against it; trapping them in and keeping anybody out.

Everybody stood on a couch, they all held some sort of weapon.

"Fiona," Emma handed her a pair of gardening shears and she handed them to Olive.

"Miss Avocet!" Jake ran to her and handed her the recently acclaimed crossbow.

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