Chapter 82, Dreams come true. (The last Chapter)

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[Karl] "Dream!!!!!????"

[Quackity] "DReam!!!!!!!?????"

[Sapnap] "DREAMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!???!!??!??!??!??!"

[Dream] "WHAT!!!!??"

[Niki] "WHAT!!?"
(3rd Person btw)

Sapnap started running towards Dream, while Karl And Quackity continues to stay still and Niki still being in shocked.

Sapnap crashing into Dream and hugging him the crap out of him, giving him no room to breath.

[Dream] "Sapnap!!"


[Dream] "Sapnap Sapnap!! I survived the fall!! I'm okay! I'm not dead, I'm Dream! I'm alive!"

[Sapnap] "I...I THOUGHT....I THOUGHT...."

[Dream] "I'm alive Sapnap! I'm okay, just a cut that the tree made thats all!"

[Sapnap] BU-

Dream cuts off Sapnap and hugs him back, resulting of Sapnap crying.

Karl comes in and comforts Sapnap and then Dream gets down on his knees to close at Sapnap.

[Dream] "I'm okay Sapnap... I'm alive."

Sapnap smiles, cleans his tears and hugs Dream again.

Dream hugs back and looks around the room seeing Quacktiy being there as well.

They nod at each other for a "thanks for being here sign".

Karl picks Sapnap up then letting him rest for a bit.

Karl comes up to Dream and tells him what has being going on.

[Karl] "Dream, can I talk to you privately?"

[Dream] "yeah..."

Karl takes Dream out of the room.

[Dream] "What is it."

[Karl] "I just want to update you on... George..."

[Dream] "Please tell me."

[Karl] "Are you sure?"

[Dream] "I- I'll handle it."

[Karl] "George... is basically in a coma..."

[Dream] "WHAT!!!? Is he gonna be okay!!?"

[Karl] "He's going to wake up, it's just that it's going to take him months to wake up."

[Dream] *sigh* This was m-"

[Karl] "Not your fault. We didn't see it coming, you can't predict things like this."

[Dream] "but you basically predict what I said."

[Karl] "Whatever, just that it's not your fault and you know it, okay?"

[Dream] "Alright..."

[Karl] "Are you ready to see him?"

[Dream] "yeah."

Karl let Dream back into the room and everyone looks at him.

He slowly comes up to the bed and sees George being hooked up with tubes to his nose and mouth.

He turns and says that he want to talk to him alone.

Everyone agrees and leaves the room.

Dream snatches Sapnap and told him to stay.

Anxiety vs Love Dreamnotfound/Karlnap.Where stories live. Discover now