Chapter 32 December 15th and December 16th, 2020

471 14 36

(Karl's pov)


That is not the time I planned to wake up.
Oh well I'm awake now.
The stress..
Is not there?
Was I over stressing and getting nervous that it just left?
I dont know.
I feel better about today.
I'm going to stretch a bit.
That feels good.
Okay hold on, before texting Sapnap, I'm washing my face and all of that.
Now hopefully today will be what I planned for.

💞Pandas Sapnap🔥💞
Me- Hey Sapnap, you wake? I know its four for yall.
Sapnap- Yeah, I'm awake...
Me- Oh good, ummm I'm telling them today.
Sapnap- Really?!
Me- Yeah, I'm having a werid good feeling about it.
Sapnap- Well I hope it goes well.
Me- Yeah, hopefully.
Sapnap- Well text me if your about to tell okay?
Me- Yeah I will.
Sapnap- Okay I'll text you later.
Me- Okay.
Sapnap- Love you.
Me- Love you too.

I checked the time again and its 6:02AM.
They are starting to wake up soon.
I don't have a plan of how and when I'm going to say it.
Nevermind about me feeling good because that went away.
Might wait a few mintues to start the day.

Everyone is awake, they were eating breakfast, talking about how the day is going to be.
I gotten out of my room, and got some waffles and some orange juice and sat down with the others.

"Morning Karl!"

"Morning mom."

"Gotten sleep?"


"Well I'm glad that your feeling like home again."



We ate afterwards and once I was finished, I got my brothers attention and he knew.
I went back to my room, brother following me and when he entered, I closed the door and took a deep breath.

"Karl, you have to tell them!"

"I-I Know!"




"Well what's going on?"

"I-I dont know!! I-I had everything planned out!"

"I-I.... I'm probably afraid that they'll say no!"

"Karl. Your overthinking this. Your being overwhelmed about this. Here sit down and calm down a bit."


"Okay... can you remember your plan for this?"

"Kinda... it was basically, tell them today, probably in the afternoon or a time that might feel right. If they say yes, then tommorow I'll leave. If they say no, then I dont know... I'll probably just get away. I dont know, but hopefully they'll say yes."

"Okay, there that's it."


"Your plan. There's nothing to overthink about it! Just make sure everything goes smoothly and then when your ready to say, you have everything in your face, you just have to say it."

"Well okay..."

"Do you know what your going to say?"



"Well work on that."

"I think a have an idea, can I say it outloud?"

Anxiety vs Love Dreamnotfound/Karlnap.Where stories live. Discover now