𝟚 - 𝕃𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥

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You woke up in the morning by the sun though the window. You had forgot to pull the curtains down.

You slowly sit up in your bed, still feeling tired as hell. Grabbing your phone with one hand as you laid down in your actually really comfortable bed.

You turn it on to check the time. "Argh" a bit of a frustrated noise leaves your mouth as you see the time.

It was only 5 in the f*cking morning.

Damn, I could go back to sleep. No what if you forget time and you end up being late.

You had already started a whole argument in your head about what you should do.

It was really just you overthink everything but it sounded less depressing when you just said that you were arguing with yourself.

Crazy but not depressing.

In the end you just got out of bed, looking at the time again. Then you take the oversized shirt you wore yesterday and walk out in the kitchen.

Quickly looking around for some kind of food, unfortunately there wasn't much. So you just grab an apple before almost falling down on the couch.

Laying on the couch pretty quickly turned into you getting tired again. So as you were looking at the apple, which you haven't even taking a bite of yet, you fell asleep.

You wake up again as your head hit the floor.

Stupid couch!

You flip off the couch while getting up from the floor.

Holy shit, what time is it?!

You grab your phone from the table and look at it.


"Fuck" you mumble to yourself before storming of into your room to get some clothes . You quickly take on the first outfit in your bag before looking on the mirror.

Before thinking about it you just grab your phone and get to the school

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Before thinking about it you just grab your phone and get to the school.


The school was completely empty on the outside, because the next class was already started. Which made you panic even more.

"Can I help you?"

You turn around only to almost bump into a incredibly attached man standing in front of you.

He was tall. His hair was blond, but it had a red glow. and he had blue/green eyes. He was giving you a warm smile as you just were looking at him.

He looked to old to be a student, it looks like he was in his 30's ish, so he was probably a professor.

He clothes were matching perfectly, a brown suit with a white shirt underneath and a dark checkered tie.

You feel a little dump just standing in your big Nike sweater and grey sweatpants.

But at least he look pretty good.

No, he might be 30, I can't say that he is looking good.

"I'm sorry, I think I'm lost"

"You must be new here then" He run a hand through his hair while looking around.

"Yeah I am" you say totally distracted by the hand going though his hair.

"Well I can't really help you. You see, I'm new too"

Wait he's new too, could he be a student... No, he looked older - and hotter- than that.

You both laugh a little. You can't describe how cute his laugh was. It wasn't like any other laugh you had heard. It was this cute 'ehehe' sound he made.

"I can show you to the principal, if you want too."

"Yeah, I would like that" you smile before following him into the large building.

The building was large,  hallways long and the walls high. It was somehow also almost completely clean. There were no people in the hallways, they were probably all to class.

Of course you looked up at him a couple of times while walking to principal. With a face like that, it was impossible to not look at him. You also notiched his jawline. If you could, you would scream. He looked so god damn perfect.

The more you looked at him the more you feel in love.

Or well not in love. It was like when you saw a cute or hot guy while walking in the streets, it was that kinda love.

But at the same time it felt like real love - if that even existed.

"God, why should I also arrive late on the first day" you mumble while still following him. "Yes God must really hate you."

You look up from the floor a little amazed. "What" you say to him before he turns his head and looks at you. No he is not looking at you, it is as if he is looking into your soul.

"I said, god must really hate you."

Even tho you got the joke and thought it was funny. You still didn't laugh. "I'm sorry, I did not get to introduce myself properly before." He gives you a smile before he stops and shake your hand.

"My name is Tom. Tom Hiddleston. I'm the new teacher here"

Teacher? God dammit. He's a teacher. Well I guess he's already married then.

"uhmm I'm y/n l/n, new student" You smiled back at him, even tho you just wanted to know if he had a wife or not.

WHAT, no!! He's so much older that meand i'm a student. He's a teacher and it's not my right to know if he has a wife or not.

"So how old are you, miss y/n?" He stops up infront of a big wooden door. "I'm 19-" You were cut of by the big wooden door which opened.

"Miss y/n, i you would come his way please" A lady with brown hair says.

"I'll see you later miss y/n" Tom says before he walks off.

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