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That day, all West Ham United players arrived at London Stadium as they will face Wattford for the final league match of the season. West Ham has confirmed their position at 10th place as they have 5 points more than the 11th place Crystal Palace but less 4 points than the 9th place Leicester City.

"Are you going somewhere next season?" asked the captain; Mark Noble.

"No. I think I'll stay here for another season" replied Alessandro.

"Good to hear. We can't afford to lose you as Marko going to CSL next season" said Antonio.

"Well, I just here for 1 season after all. Still have a lot to do here" replied Alessandro.

Starting Line-up for The Match

West Ham United 1st eleven; Fabianski (GK), Fredericks (RB), Balbuena (RCB), Diop (LCB), Masuaku (LB), Rice (DM), Noble (RM), Antonio (AM), Anderson (LM), Baggio (CF), Arnautovic (CF)

Watford 1st eleven; Foster (GK), Femenia (RB), Kabasele (RCB), Cathcart (LCB), Holebas (LB), Doucouré (RCM), Capoue (LCM), Hughes (RAM), Pereyra (LAM), Deulofeu (CF), Deeney (CF)

The match begins with West Ham United kicked off the first half.

At 25th minute of the match, Rice managed to steal the ball from Pereyra. He then quickly sent the ball to Noble. Noble then runs with the ball at the right flank before sent it to Alessandro. Alessandro then found some space before shoots into the net to open the score for West Ham.

"What a goal, Sandro!" yelled Alisha Lehmann as she and the rest of West Ham United women team are watch it from VVIP section.

"Awww, did you just cheer on your boyfriend?" asked Becky Spencer.

"He's not boyfriend" replied Alisha.

"For now" said Leanne Kiernan causing Alisha to blush.

"You're lucky that you even has a chance" said Brianna Visalli.

"That's true. We American won't even get a chance to try" said Erin Simon.

"Why is that?" asked their captain; Gilly Flaherty.

"None of us want to get on Kelley O'Hara's bad side" replied Brooke Hendrix.

"Ah yes. They fought in front of the public during 2016 Olympics Games right?" asked Leanne.

"That's true. Until today, they're fighting in Twitter" replied Erin.

"Not really fighting if you asked me. Sandro keeps ignoring her" replied Alisha.

"And being ignored will pissed Kelley more" said Brianna.

At the 38th minute of the match, West Ham is already at the front with 2-0 as Arnautovic scored at the 27th minute of the match after receiving the ball from a great through pass from Alessandro. That moment, West Ham is awarded a free kick 32-metres from the goal. Alessandro raised his hand to check something before smirked.

"Che bel vento che abbiamo oggi" muttered Alessandro alone. (What a nice wind we have today)

Once the referee blew his whistle, Alessandro kicked the ball with a perfect curve shot. With the help of the wind, the speed of the ball increased a bit from it's normal pace causing Foster to fail to catch the ball to give West Ham the 3rd goal.

"I'm surprised that he still didn't get a call up for the senior team" said Alisha.

"Well, I'm sure he will soon. If the rumour is true" replied Gilly.

"About the new head coach for Italy?" asked Leanne.

"That's true" replied Gilly.

"Why don't Berhalter contacted him and beg him to play with USA?" asked Erin.

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