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That day, Alessandro is walking around the city to see something he can buy for souvenir when suddenly;

"There you are. I've been looking for you around" Alessandro turned around and saw Kelley O'Hara.

"Look, Miss. I'm really not in the mood to fight with you right now" said Alessandro.

"I know. That's why I'm here to ask you to go for a lunch with me later on" replied Kelley. Alessandro was shocked.

"You're kidding, right?" asked Alessandro.

"No, I'm not. Please. This is all I asked from you. I swear I will leave you alone after this" replied Kelley. Alessandro sighed.

"Very well then" said Alessandro.

"Great. Give your number and I'll tell you the location" replied Kelley. Alessandro nodded before gave his number to Kelley.

"Okay, I already text you my number. See you later" said Kelley. Alessandro just nodded before Kelley walked away.

"Is it Kelley O'Hara?" asked Alisha that just came by.

"Yeah" replied Alessandro.

"What did she wants?" asked Alisha.

"Just asked me to have lunch with her" replied Alessandro.

"So, did you accept it?" asked Alisha.

"Yeah. I can't find any reason to say no to it" replied Alessandro.

"That's good. Maybe she wants to sort things out and burry the hatched" said Alisha.

"Well, who knows. Maybe she wants to trick me or something" replied Alessandro.

"It's okay. Just hope for the best but prepare for the worst" said Alisha. Alessandro just nodded.

"But I'm still wondering why is she wants to see me. All this time, she always mocking and insult me and my mother" said Alessandro.

"That's why you need to go and meet her. Only then, you'll know it" replied Alisha.

"This better be good or I'll lose hope to make things better between me and her" said Alessandro.

"It'll be fine. I'm sure of it" replied Alisha.

Later on;

Alessandro walked into the restaurant that Kelley told him about. He then looked around for a while and saw Kelley is sitting at a corner.

"Sorry if I'm late" said Alessandro.

"It's okay. I won't be surprise if you didn't show up though" replied Kelley as Alessandro took a seat.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Alessandeo. Kelley sighed.

"Nothing. It just that I would like to apologise to you" said Kelley.

"Really? What for?" asked Alessandro.

"Everything. I've been so mean towards you for no good reason since the moment we met" replied Kelley.

"You really mean it?" asked Alessandro.

"I am. Do you think you can forgive me?" asked Kelley in returned.

"I don't think that I can forgive you" said Alessandro.

"It's okay. I totally understand it" replied Kelley.

"But I know that I can" said Alessandro.

"You really mean it?" asked Kelley.

"Yes, I do" replied Alessandro.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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