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That morning, Alessandro and Alisha jogged around a park in Valenciennes.

"So, you decided to force me to come here after national duty to support my national team?" asked Alessandro.

"Yes. Especially when your surname is Baggio" replied Alisha.

"This and that has nothing to do with each other. Besides, who watch women's football though" said Alessandro.

"Oh, really?" asked Alisha while giving Alessandro a death glare.

"I think that's my queu to RUN" replied Alessandro before quickly sprints.

"Hey, don't run away!" yelled Alisha before chasing Alessandro.

Skip to the final match of the World Cup;

"È davvero necessario per noi essere qui? Non siamo né americani né olandesi" asked Alessandro as he and the whole Italian women squad are there at Parc Olympique Lyonnais for the final match of 2019 FIFA Women World Cup. (Is it really necessary for us to be here? We're not either American or Dutch)

"Non sei emozionato per questa partita? Dopotutto è la finale" said Lisa Boattin. (Don't you excited for this match? It's the final after all)

"Affatto. Chi guarda il calcio femminile comunque?" asked Alessandro causing Annamaria to knock his head. (Not at all. Who watch women football anyway?)

"Smettila di dire cazzate sul calcio femminile solo perché non andavi d'accordo con tua sorella maggiore, idiota!" said Annamaria before let Alessandro go. (Stop talk shit about women football just because you didn't get along with your big sister, idiot!)

"È la verità. Come ti aspetti che qualcuno lo guardi quando c'è solo un po' di promozione in tutto il mondo. Soprattutto quando il calcio femminile è tecnicamente ancora nuovo rispetto al calcio maschile" replied Alessandro. (That's the truth. How do you expect anyone to watch it when there is only a bit of promotion around the world. Especially when women football is technically still new compared men football)

"Non avrei mai pensato che fossi così intelligente, Sandro" said Manuela Giugliano. (I never thought that you're so smart, Sandro)

"Certo che lo sono. Dopotutto sono un Baggio" replied Alessandro. (Of course I am. I'm a Baggio after all)

Meanwhile on the pitch;

The rest of USA and Nederlands players are warming up before their match.

"He's here, Kel" said Alex.

"I know. I saw him" replied Kelley.

"Is he here to mock us?" asked Rapinoe.

"No. Maybe he just wants to see how good women soccer is. Besides, Lex. Even your little brother is here too" replied Kelley.

"Unlike you, Kel. I can force Bryan to come here now" said Alex.

"So, you both are good now?" asked Carli.

"Well, it's not that we're ever got into a big fight or something. Maybe you should talk to Alessandro after this, Kel. It's about time now" replied Alex.

"Well, maybe you're right. I'll consider it after we get our trophy back" said Kelley.

"Okay, then. Let's take it back home" said Ali.

Later on;

It is a half-time and Alessandro is went to the toilet. Once he done, he decided to walk around where he was there later was stopped by a reporter.

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