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That day, all Italian players arrived at Athens. Once they checked in to their hotel, Alessandro went for a walk alone. He then meet up with some fans. Once he done signing autograph and all, suddenly;

"You sure famous wherever you go" Alessandro turned around and saw one of the USWNT players; Rose Lavelle was there.

"You're here, huh. Which means she's here too" replied Alessandro.

"Yeah. But, don't worry. What happen between you and her have nothing to do with the rest of the team" said Rose.

"I see. Glad that we're cool here. So, what's bring you to Greece? Shouldn't you be in France?" asked Alessandro.

"Yeah. But the forwards of my team want to see more of you especially in such an important match like Euro Qualification" replied Rose.

"I never know that I'll pick interest from senior players" said Alessandro.

"Actually, the forwards that played in Rio interest to see more of you since that day especially Alex" replied Rose.

"Alex Morgan interested of my play style? Damn. She's like my favourite woman player though" said Alessandro.

"Really? I never know that" Alessandro turned around and saw Alex and Carli.

"Well, because nobody ever asked who is my favourite woman player" replied Alessandro.

"Really? Maybe because nobody thought that you're watching women soccer except when West Ham plays" said Carli.

"Well, I do watch other matches too sometimes when I have time" replied Alessandro.

"I see. That's good to hear. At least we knew that men players do watch us play. Anyway, we're better get going now. Good luck facing Greece" said Alex. Alessandro just nodded before the USWNT veterans walked away.

"I better get going too" said Rose.

"Okay. Best of luck" replied Alessandro.

"Same goes to you" said Rose. She was about to walk away before stopped.

"Can I have your phone number? We can know each other better" said Rose.

"Sure" replied Alessandro before they exchange their contact.

"Okay, then. Bye" said Rose.

"Bye" replied Alessandro. Then, Rose walked away.

"Carino" muttered Alessandro alone.

Few days later;

All players arrived at Athens Olympic Stadium for their first Euro Qualification match against Greece.

"Your little brother is in starting line-up, Kel" said Alex.

"For god sake, Lex. Stop calling him my brother" said Kelley.

"Either you like it or not, Kel. He is your little brother" replied Christen.

"That's true. And you need to accept the fact that whatever happened between your parents and his mom had nothing to do with him" said Tobin. Kelley sighed.

"I know that. But, I don't know if I can accept him as my brother" replied Kelley.

"Why not?" asked Carli.

"Everytime I look at him, it reminds me how did I need to grow up with my dad always not around" replied Kelley.

"Well, do you ever think about him? I mean he never meet your dad since he divorced with his mom, right" said Christen.

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