꧁7:Treasure Hunt꧂

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The ship's current captain arrived while Oliver and Emily walked out of the captain's cabin. "how was looking around the village dad?" Oliver asked as he approached his father

"It was alright" The captain responded, just then the captain's eyes fell on a girl with long navy blue hair. "and who might you be?" he asked the girl

"my name is-" she paused her gut was telling her something, this man has a strange aura. "you are?" the captain's words broke her out of her thoughts

"Uhm my name is Marina"

"Captain Jones, pleased to meet you. Now, what brings you here?"

"Oh, yes, um. I wanted to join your crew, I just want to experience what's it like being a pirate"

Aqua lied... for good reasons. after a small conversation with the captain he agreed to let her join them

"you may join in, I'm sure Emily would like some company" Emily smiled

'something seems... odd about that girl, it's like she possesses some sort of power' the captain thought

He kept an eye on her as the afternoon approached and the suns aligned in the middle of the sky. So far everything seems to be fine, Jones currently is in the captain's cabin looking through the maps that are pinned to the wall with daggers.

He has been trying to locate this crystal for a while. It's just an ordinary gem in his opinion but people say it holds great power, so he's trying to find it and see if people's rumors about it are true.


"You seriously do all that?" Aqua asked while helping Emily carry crates from one area to another

"Yep, I'm the most responsible one here, as much as they deny it it's true. So, I do all the work here"

Emily puts down the crate she was carrying before fixing her dark blonde hair

"I could never" Aqua mumbled

"Did you say something?" "No no, it's nothing" Aqua then proceed to put down the crate she was carrying

"so when everyone's out treasure hunting or something, you don't go with them?"

"Nope, I'm always left behind here with Amirah... And let me tell you she is the most annoying little girl in the entire universe" Emily muttered, Aqua chuckled at her remark

Aqua proceeded to walk around the ship before her attention fell on the crow's nest located at the top of the mainmast.

There, a figure stood looking around as if they are searching for something. Aqua started to climb the ropes and ladders that were hanging from the masts to get to the crow's nest.

'What'ya doin'?" Oliver heard her question accompanied by subtle footsteps

"Nothing important, I'm just seeing if I could match the terrain with the map in the cabin. My old man's been trying to find this crystal for a while"

"I see, what crystal is it? I can maybe help search for it" Aqua offered

"I believe it's... Shikano? No, the Shinokanako crystal, yea that one" Oliver struggling to say the crystal's name made Aqua snicker.

"The Lepidopteria" Aqua said out of the blue.


"The cave of butterflies. Location: East from here. The direction of Araia, the moon of the East" Oliver was dumbfounded.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive"

Both Aqua and Oliver started to climb down from the crow's nest whilst watching their footing to make sure they don't fall

They made their way to the captain's cabin and knocked on the door. The two entered the cabin as soon as they were permitted to do so.

Before the captain could even ask what they want, Oliver had already started talking

"Dad, Marina knows where the crystal is" "She does?" The captain was dumbfounded

"Yes... Well, at least I think she does"

"Awww, you're doubting me?"

"Who wouldn't if you don't have solid proof"

"Point made. But I'm positive that It's there"

Jones joined in the conversation, "Where exactly?"

Aqua points at a spot in one of the maps pinned on the wall "In a cave in the east side of the country"

"How do you know" The captain questions the girl "Intuition, my strange talent" she responded

"I see, we'll head east then" he announced. They made their way out of the cabin while Jones proceeded to order the other pirates telling them to lift the anchor and ready the sails.

"And if it isn't there?" He looked at the girl, waiting for an answer "I'll give you permission to execute me..." This response shocked both Jones and Oliver, they were rendered speechless.

"Marina! Seriously?" Oliver asks who was still clearly shocked by her answer "I'm as serious as I'll ever be" she said before she skipped away to the front of the ship.

Once Aqua was there, she took out her anchor-shaped necklace that was hidden in her shirt by her collar and started to speak to communicate with the other guardians

"Iclyn, Adam. Are you there? I need something" Adam was the first one to respond

"Yea, I'm here"

Then follows Iclyn.

"I was doing something but what do you need?"

"I need you too to merge powerless Seranika and Ametrene crystals into one solid crystal, make it look like the crystal in the cave of butterflies." Aqua requested

"Sure, but what for? The Shinokanako crystal is not meant to be taken out of the cave, if you do the cave will collapse." Iclyn said

"Icy, I know that. I just need a decoy crystal to give to the pirates. Put it somewhere in the cave, and keep the real crystal safe." Aqua explained

"Alright. Let's head to the cave Adam"

"I'm on my way there"

"Thanks, you two" Just when she ended their conversation, the ship started to move and leave trails of foam on the ocean's surface, making her way to the East side of Anecahaore.

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