Troublesome Guy

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You and Marcus have been dating for 8 months but no one agreed with your relationship as Marcus was a "Bad Boy" He would drink, smoke, and get into a lot of physical fights with other with people he has also been in prison before. Your parents despised Marcus and have tried to stop you seeing him many times but failed.

You and Marcus sat cuddled on the sofa watching a movie when you needed to get a drink. You went into the kitchen and just as you poured yourself a drink you heard the front door open and your dad walk in. "So the prisoner is in my house" You heard your dad say. You knew what your dad was trying to do, so quickly you drank your drink and went back into the living room.

"When are the police going to show up?" Your dad says to Marcus as you come back into the living room. You look at Marcus and saw he was trying to keep his anger in. "Let's go for a walk" You say and Marcus stood up giving your dad a dirty look as he walked out of the room.

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