The Bet (Part 2)

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(Previously on the Bet. "I was just a bet..." You whisper sadly causing all of his friends to turn around.

"No!" Marcus says quickly

"Yeah, you were (Y/N)" Padma says.

You shook your head at Marcus and then ran off crying. How could Marcus do that to you? You thought that he loved you but now he was just a Beautiful Lie.)

*Currently on The Bet*

It has been 5 months since Marcus moved away and when you found out that he used you as a bet.

You come home from doing some Retail Therapy

you walk in the house with bags in your hands, your mom calls out to you.

"(Y/N)" Your Mother says calmly

(Y/N): Okay, I know what you're thinking, but when I tell you how much money I saved, you'll be very happy. And I'll share the Maddens with you if I can wear them first.

you put your bags down in the living room

"(Y/N)" Your Mother says again calmly

(Y/N)" Okay, you have the Maddens, and I'll just take the Betsy Johnsons.

as you walk into the kitchen, you see Marcus sitting on a kitchen chair with his stuff on the table

Marcus: Hi.

(Y/N): Hi.

"I'm going to excuse myself, and go try on my new shoes." Your Mother says as she gets up from the chair and walks towards you "You okay?" Your Mother says as she stops next to you. "Yeah, I'm Fine" you respond to her then she leaves.

You stare at Marcus as your mother walks into the leaving room

Marcus gets up from the chair: Do you want to sit down or?

(Y/N): No.

Marcus just stares at you with his big beautiful brown eyes like he's still in love with you

(Y/N): You're not allowed to do that.

Marcus: What?

(Y/N): You're not allowed to look at me like that

Marcus just looks at you and smiles

(Y/N): You're not allowed to do that either.

Marcus: I didn't leave without saying goodbye.

(Y/N): Hey, was I unconscious during that exchange?

Marcus: I should've told you in person, I just... I had never said the things that I was feeling and I didn't think I could say those things without making a complete ass of myself, pretty much like I'm doing right now. So I wrote you a letter, and in the letter, I said I was sorry. For most of my life, I have felt alone, even when I was with people. That was until I met you.

(Y/N): So what happened to this letter?

Marcus: I gave it to Ginny, She said she would give it to you.

(Y/N): um, I appreciate that you came here to tell me this but ... it doesn't change what you did.

Marcus: If you ... If you let me, I, I know I can make it up to you. (Marcus sighed heavily and looked at you) Because I Love You...

(Y/N): I'll never be able to forget that you were using me as a fucking bet.

Marcus: I'm sorry.

(Y/N): I Believe you, but you should probably go.

"GoodBye (Y/N)" Marcus says as he grabs his stuff off the kitchen table and leaves.

"GoodBye, Marcus," you say softly as you slide down the Refrigerator until you're sitting on the floor with tears coming out of your eyes.

(A few hours later)

You walk into Joe's Blue Farm Cafe and walk up to MANG

"Oh (Y/N), loving that jacket. Did you get that today?" Ginny says as she looks up from her phone

"How could you do that to me?" (Y/N) responds looking pissed and disappointed

"Do what, Sweetie?" Ginny replies all casual

"I know about the letter!" (Y/N) tells her

"The letter..." Ginny says as she feels like she's been caught

"The letter Marcus left for me. The one you never gave me, Sweetie? I thought you were my friend." (Y/N) says feeling betrayed

"I am your friend, That's why I did it. Okay, no one has ever hurt you the way that he did and I couldn't give him a chance to do it again" Ginny replies feeling guilty

"You had no right to make that decision for me." (Y/N) says to Ginny

"I'm sorry. I screwed up, okay? I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was protecting you."  Ginny replies feeling guilty

"But you were right about one thing. Marcus really did hurt me. But this hurts more." (Y/N) replies feeling backstabbed

"I'm sorry (Y/N). If I could take it back, I would." Ginny replies feeling guilty

"Well, you can't" (Y/N) replies feeling backstabbed, and walks out of Joe's Cafe.

Ooooh a cliffhanger, Do you think Ginny and (Y/N) will be friends again?

Will Marcus and (Y/N) get back together?

Find out on Part 3 of the Bet.

Thank you for reading.

Well anyways
Ciao Bellas
xoxo - Dani

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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