The Bet

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You were the quiet girl in school and you don't have many friends, in fact, you didn't have any friends at all. Luckily though you had your boyfriend Marcus who you have been dating for the past 4 months but something didn't feel right. Whenever Marcus's friends saw you hanging out together they would always whisper to each other and start laughing. Whenever you brought this up to Marcus he would just shrug it off and say that they weren't talking about you.

It was finally lunchtime and you couldn't wait to sit with Marcus and vent to him about how long the day had been. You waited at your usual table for about 15 minutes but when Marcus didn't turn up you decided to go and look for him. Luckily it didn't take long to find him, you saw him with his friends but they were arguing.

"It was only supposed to be for a week, not 4 fucking months, Marcus!" Padma, one of Marcus's friend's shouts.  "Yeah well I'm done, I don't give a shit about how much money you were going to give me!" Marcus yells.

"I was just a bet..." You whisper sadly causing all of his friends to turn around.

"No!" Marcus says quickly

"Yeah, you were (Y/N)" Padma says.

You shook your head at Marcus and then ran off crying. How could Marcus do that to you. You thought that he loved you but now he was just a Beautiful Lie.

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