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Noah paced holes in the floor in front of the big window of the living room. From here he could see anyone coming towards the house from front. He could see when Anna and Aaron would come home.

After ending his conversation with Ms. Reeves he was told by Ms. Joy that his 'girlfriend' had left with Gary. Apparently Ms. Pam had spread the news of what happened at their house.

She had told everyone that she say Anna and Noah kissing in the kitchen when she got there. She also spoke about how Noah had gotten 'rude' with her on Anna's behalf.

The truth was in there somewhere.

A car pulled up. The walk to the veranda was shorter than usual for Noah.

He watched as Anna came out promising to call Gary and as Aaron raced towards him. He scooped the little boy into his arms dapping him up with their custom made greeting.

"Where have you bin?" Noah was itching to know. "He took us for ice-cream even though mommy said no and then we go Ms. Sally shop and him buy dis." Aaron said holding up the ugliest toy Noah had ever seen.

Noah felt uneasy about some man buying Aaron things and he could have gotten the boy something better than a Smeegle look alike.

"Want to help me burn it?" Aaron chirped. He had a mischievous look in his eyes. Noah put him down noting that Aaron may hate Gary just as much as he does.

"Hey." Anna had made it to the door, Gary was driving away and Noah waved as if to tell him that he was not bothered.

But he was bothered. "Anna weh yuh a come from?" Noah knew the story but he wanted her to tell him. She stood before him and stared into his eyes as if trying to figure out whether or not she should answer him. She brushed pass him moving towards the kitchen.

She was a grown woman and she did not have to explain herself. She would give him an explanation but only because they went to church together and it would be polite. She did not need someone to overhear their conversation.

She opened the fridge and felt it slam shut. "I know you heard me." He was angrier than she thought he would be and her temper flared. "Noah I do not owe you an explanation." She answered between clenched teeth.

"Wah yuh mean by dat? Wah yuh mean?" Noah was two seconds away from retaliating. He didn't want his jealousy to get the best of him but she had no manners. He brought her to church. She took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and had it at her lips, about to take a drink.

How dare she act nonchalant about this? Before he knew what he was doing he grabbed the bottle from her and watched as her dress and face were dosed in water. "Seriously!" she shrieked. The water was obviously cold as she was shaking slightly from the splash.

"I am a grown woman, I don't have to tell you shit. I have a great mind ughh you ughh asshole." She stomped off to her room and he followed her. Most of his anger was forgotten. He was sorry for splashing her and felt more or less he had to apologize.

When he made it to her room she had discarded her dress and wasn't paying attention to him. She was just so beautiful and he felt drawn to her as if she was to belong to him. She was driving him crazy. She still hadn't sensed him there when she reached for a shorts to wear.

Bending over she heard a sharp intake of breath. She was half way through turning around pulling up her shorts when she charged into the room. She was his and he would show her. He would show her just how much she wanted him.

Her world spun and before she knew it she was flush against Noah's front. His hands were on her waist and trailing slowly downward. She couldn't speak, she was ashamed that she liked his touch and allowed him to treat her life this.

Her breast pressed to the lower section of his chest she was visibly breathing hard. She wanted this, needed this, needed to feel. His eyes were heavy with lust, squeezing her butt he forced her to look at him. He waited two months for this, got to know her, got to know Aaron. He was ready to make things official. He needed her to know that he couldn't be her friend.

He was leaning closer, his head bent so that his lips were hovering over hers. She couldn't take it. She kissed him. She went up on her toes and kissed him. His lips were soft, and somewhat salty.

He was finally doing it. He hoist her onto him for a better angle as he deepen the kiss. Her hot mouth tasted of raisins and something else he could not quite place. Something that seemed unique to Anna. He couldn't wait to make her moan his name.

He pulled away. "I don't want you to talk to him." He breathed out. He was adamant about this. He watched as she licked her lips possibly reliving their kiss. He shook her softly and she opened her eyes.

"I hear you." She stated as she pulled away from him. "Wah dat mean? Mi know yuh nuh deaf of course you hear me." She knew just what to do to piss him off. "I don't tell you who to talk to." She had the finger out again pointing like she did when she was trying to discipline Aaron. "So don't go telling me who to talk to."

Hissing her teeth she moved to put a blouse on. "What do you even see in him? Aaron doesn't even like him!" He was angry again. Why couldn't she just listen to him once in her life? Gary was a no good cheat and all he wanted was to get into her pants.

Noah wanted that too but he wanted more too, he wanted to wake up to her. He wanted to be Aaron's father, he wanted to fulfill his mother's wishes but not because he was guilty.

He wanted to fulfill Maggie's wishes because Anna deserved to be happy and he deserve it too. He knew he could make her happy. "Am not marrying the guy, we got ice-cream and he bought Aaron a hideous thing that I might just burn."

She was thinking clearly again. The kiss had a major effect on her. She no longer looked down on those girls who came looking for him. It he kissed like that imagine how he. He must be gifted. "He wants to help us though. He has a place Aaron and I could move into so that you could have your space back."

Noah thought someone slapped him. How could she still think about moving out when there was obviously something going on between them? She would not leave him. This was her house too now. If she were to leave it certainly would not be with Gary.

"No." she was floored by the confidence that surged from his voice. How could he tell her what to do? Why did her traitorous body agreed with him. "Go tell your Ms. Reeves what to do because it will not work here."

As if a light bulb flickered on Noah noticed why she was so angry. She was jealous. Just like him. He laughed. His laughter boomed throughout the room as he took a seat on her bed. She was so confusing.

She felt embarrassed, why was he laughing at her? She could feel blood rush to her ears. The idiot was laughing at her. She found the first thing in her reach and threw it at him. The hairbrush zoomed through the air missing him by an inch and it did nothing but to intensify his anger.

She dashed to the bed taking up a pillow and repeatedly hitting him with it. Aaron ran into his mother's room to see her beating Noah and Noah laughing. "Ahhh!" he charged, deciding to join in on the fun. He jumped onto the bed landing onto of Noah and scaring his mother.

Retrieving a pillow he proceeded to hit Noah with it. Their pillow fight ended with Aaron being tickled by Noah and Anna breathing heavily on the floor as she tried to stifle her own laughter. She was used to their games.

She couldn't help but think that if Noah actually wanted to be with Ms. Reeves like Maggie wanted him to these would be her last days with him.

She wasn't sure if she could give him up. He was a blessing in her life and she wanted to keep him just a little longer. He didn't want to lose her like how she had lost Maggie.

Tears leaked from the sides of her eyes and she made haste in wiping them away. She would live in the moment.

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