Chapter 2: Territory Acquisition

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Almost a week has passed since Chaeyoung last interrupted his date with Sana.

Jungkook is still mad about it but what could he do other than ignore her? Even during their dinner that same night, Jungkook made sure he was sitting as far away as he could from her—but obviously that didn't work out because Chaeyoung slid in the booth right next to him, but that's besides the point. The point is that Jungkook ignored her. Or at least, he tried to.

Jungkook erases hard on the textbook he was writing on. He had been distracted by thoughts of Chaeyoung that he had drawn her lips at the bottom of the page. Not that he was thinking of her lips because he wants to kiss her or anything, obviously not. It's just that Chaeyoung talks too much and it annoys the hell out of him. He's a quiet man—he needs to bask in silence.

"What are you doing?" Jimin, his roommate and senior of the gaming club he's in, asks curiously.

Jungkook grunts. "Nothing."

His friend shrugs and returns his attention back to his laptop, his fingers clicking fast on the keyboard.

The two of them were studying at the campus library together, in a secluded corner not frequented by people, which is what they usually do every other day. They're hardworking and smart, and every IT student knew that.

It also doesn't help that they're probably the only two male students in the entire faculty who are actually good-looking—it's hard to find attractive IT students, as Chaeyoung would say.

Jungkook shakes his head again. Don't think about Chaeyoung, man. You're better than this.

He wills himself to focus on the text in front of him, reading the same sentence over and over again, making sure it gets through his head.

Suddenly, he feels a pair of small hands covers his eyes, blinding him for a moment.

Jungkook doesn't even budge, already knowing who it was. He sighs, speak of the goddamn devil.

"Guess whoooo," the culprit, who's still covering his eyes, whispers in his ear.

Jimin laughs. "Hey, Chae!"

"Oppa!" He hears the pout in her voice. "I wanted Jungkook to guess!"

Jungkook instantly pulls her hands away from his eyes and returns his gaze back to his textbook, frowning. "I'm not stupid, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung pulls the chair beside him and settles herself on it.

"I know that," she huffs, crossing her arms. "I still wanted you to guess."

"I'm busy." Jungkook replies easily, still not looking at her.

Then he finally tunes out, this time really focusing on what he was studying, ignoring the hushed chatter of the two other occupants on the table as they talk about their day.

Jimin and Chaeyoung are the only two people Jungkook meets regularly in school (well, one of them he meets voluntarily and the other, not so much). They are practically friends now, and their main topic of conversation is always how boring Jungkook is, so he has learned to ignore them whenever they started talking. And they're both two very talkative people. Sigh.

But suddenly, he senses Chaeyoung shivering beside him, rubbing her bare arms. Jungkook looks at her through his peripheral vision. Today, she was wearing a light blue halter top and a tight black miniskirt. Her long, blonde hair tied up into cute space buns. It suits her.

"You cold?" Jimin asks.

"Just a little," Chaeyoung replies, clenching her teeth a little. "The aircon usually doesn't bother me though."

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