Chapter 4: A Haunting Reason

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chapter warning: sexual harassment

Exactly four long days have passed since Jungkook last seen or heard from Chaeyoung and each day since the argument that night, more bad things keeps happening to him. It's like the negativity just doesn't know when to stop.

Just yesterday, a freshman had spilled warm coffee onto his shirt just as he was walking towards the library! Lucky for him, he had a spare change of clothes he brought but Jungkook just can't believe his week keeps worsening as the days go by.

And now today, he had arrived to his 8AM class punctually but only found out that same morning that the professor had cancelled it. He swore he almost sent an email to the old geezer with very, very vulgar words.

When he complained to Jimin, his roommate had only told him that he was just being dramatic because Chaeyoung hasn't talked to him yet and that, in turn, had affected his mood but what has she got to do with anything that's been happening? He doesn't care at all if she doesn't want to speak to him anymore. In fact, it even makes his life easier—maybe he can go out on another date without her nosing around.

Jungkook scoffs. Maybe then she'll finally approa—No! I should stop thinking about her. He shakes his head, then fastens his footsteps towards the gym.

"How's school today?" Mingyu asks as he lifts two dumbbells off the ground.

"Fine." Jungkook replies, clenching his jaw as he recalls the bad day he had today.

He was currently lying on the bench press as his arms slowly lift the heavy barbell then brings it back down.

Meanwhile, his two other friends were working out around him, with a dumbbell in each of their hands, as they lift them.

"Doesn't look so fine to me." Jaehyun says, his eyes focused on the mirror in front of him, watching as his muscles flex.

Jungkook ignores his friend's comment and continues lifting the barbell, up and down, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply each time.

"Something obviously happened," Mingyu chuckled after noticing the harsh expression on his face.

"Just had a bad day." Jungkook blows out a breath, "That's all."

After about 30 minutes of heavy weight training, the three of them moved on to the next portion of their group workout and started their routine running on the treadmills.

Jungkook loves the treadmill. Well, not the treadmill exactly. He just loves running—it keeps your mind off of things you don't want to think about and it's such a cathartic way to release any anger or bad feelings you feel.

Because while he was working out on the benchpress and lifting heavy weights, his thoughts kept drifting to Chaeyoung, wondering if she's fine or if she has eaten because she'd usually be bugging him right now about their weekly dinner.

This must be Stockholm Syndrome, he had thought.

But now, within just five minutes of running on the treadmill, he wasn't thinking about her anymore as he was too focused on the energy that goes towards working his entire body to exhaustion.

He loves it. It's the best form of distraction.

Jungkook feels himself grinning, as he watches the distance count on the display panel quickly increasing as his pacing fastens.

"Aw, look at Mr. Grumpy finally smiling." Mingyu, who was running on his right, smirks.

Jungkook's smile instantly drops at that comment and he feels heat rushing up his face, embarrassed. "Shut up, jackass." He curses.

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