Coming down to Earth.

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Ok my purples, here is another story I thought up...I may make this a two-shot or a three shot, and I hope you enjoy reading as much as I am enjoying writing it...What would you like to see happen? Please comment your thoughts.

Enjoy God of Love...

Claire xxxx

"Your highness...this is unheard of, you can't possibly..."

"Mr Lee, I have a need to feel true love...Isn't it hilarious that the god of love himself is without a partner? The possible candidates my family have chosen all lack what I require in a mate...It is time I seek out that one soul that fullfils my desires...I haven't found him here so I must try elsewhere."

"But sire...your highness...Earth?"

The blond god smiled at his servant/friend and nodded.

"My mind is made up I will descend to Earth most haste."

"But...Highness, where will you reside on that planet? You have no abode fit for your needs?"

The tall blond god simply smiled at his company and walked away...his long robes following behind like obedient slaves clinging onto his slim muscular body.

The thing about the god of Love Taehyung was that he daily played cupid for his subjects on Earth...without them knowing of course, this was his job...He would chuckle when he heard the Earthlings refer to that cupid as being a cute flying baby...if they only knew it was he, a tall blond haired, good looking male who brought them to their forever partners.

Reaching his chambers he stepped in front of his long mirror and inspected himself.

He would have to change his look...most Earthlings weren't accustomed to seeing someone of his beauty walking around...don't get him wrong he wasn't vain, but he knew he was pretty, he had been told more than enough by fake courters who only wanted the title being his partner would bring.

Raising his fingers he clicked them and his whole image changed. He inspected his new look and smiled...His long bottom length hair was now just below his shoulders and had a messy look. His clothes consisted of a plain white t-shirt and leather jacket and he had on jeans with rips in the knees...Finishing the look was tan Doc Martins.

Finishing the look was tan Doc Martins

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He frowned slightly at the rub these jeans caused him, but he was satisfied with the look...Never in his one thousand years of life had he ever thought he would take this step to find his true love...He frowned again as a realisation hit him...What if he did find him? Would he be welcomed in his home? Would he want to leave Earth to be with him? He would have to leave behind everything he loved to be with him.

Shaking the worrying thoughts away he raised his arms and closed his moments his body began to fade and he vanished completely.

Opening his eyes he found himself on an empty road somewhere on Earth...he had allowed his heart to guide him to where his soulmate resided and he just went with it.

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