I Got A Secret, It's On The Tip Of My Tongue

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Last chapter in this book and there will be one more. Sorry for the cliffhanger from hell


Chris POV

I can't describe how bad I felt. I realized that she still likes me and she found me out to dinner with Megan. I knew I shouldn't have gone out with her. I didn't even want to but she seemed like she would snap and hurt herself or worse someone else. The fucked up thing is that now we were actually a couple again.

I hadn't seen Shelby in months nor has she talked to me really. She has been short and cold. I've tried bringing her up to Ricky and Balz but they say that haven't even talked to her which was weird to me.

I would go to her place and try to talk to her but we have been on tour for four months now. We left two weeks after I saw her and have been no where near home. We've been on tour with a band call Ice Nine Kills, they were really good and I hadn't really talked to the lead singer since he always disappeared after his sets.

I was basically just skating by with everything going on. God I missed home. I missed my best friend. I can't wait to go home next week.


We were finally home and it was wonderful. I couldn't be more happy to have a break. I stared up at the ceiling as I laid on my bed comfortable when my phone went off. I looked at the name on the phone and my heart jumped as I answered.

"Hey Chris?".

God just her voice made me happy.

"Hey Shelby what's up?"

"Nothing, listen I decided last minute to have everyone over for a cook out. Would you like to come? I don't want Balz to burn the burgers again".

I chuckled.

"Yes I would love to, what time were you thinking?".

"I'm having everyone come over about 2 but do you think you could come over at 1 and help me get some stuff together?".

"Yea I'll be over in a little while just let me get ready".

"Alright I'll see you soon".

We hung up and I decided to go shower to get ready. My mind was racing and I was incredibly happy. I know it was just having dinner with everyone but still I'm glad she took the time to invite me.

I finished drawing on my eyebrows and put on my you fake mother fucker shirt before heading out the door. I turned on some slipknot as I started to drive to Shelby's.

When I pulled up and step out of the car I smelt how crisp the air was and felt the warm breeze. I walked up and knocked on the door. "Come in!". I heard her yell. I walked into the house and saw her in the kitchen standing on her tip toes bouncing while she tried to grab something out of the back of the frig. She grabbed the meat and then shoved it back in when she saw me. To my surprise she ran at me, jumping into my arms hugging me. She wrapped her arms around my neck with her legs wrapped around my waist. Her hair smelled wonderful. "Christopher!". "Nice to see you too Shelby".

She hopped down and smiled as I cleared my throat. "It's been awhile". "Ya it has, hey thanks for coming to help me get food together". "Ya just tell me what you need". "Well I will start making hamburger pats but right now I need you to grab the buns from the top of that cabinet". I couldn't help but chuckle. "Short shit". She smacked me with a towel. "Shut up".

Later everyone started showing up one by one. Balz, his women Ashley, Ricky, Ryan, Ghost, Kylie and Shelby's friend Amber. It was great that I finally got the perfect day that I had been hoping for. Me in front of a grill, Shelby and the girls talking about bullshit, the guys talking about tits and good music and jokes. "Why do you get to cook the burgers! I'm a great cook!". I laughed at balz. "You've never cooked. Ashley always cooks". He flipped me off as I placed burgers on the buns for everyone.

After we are and we're eating for a while my phone started to ring. I looked at my phone and realized it was Megan. Fuck. I rolled my eyes. I needed to answer otherwise she would flip. "Hey". "Hey baby were are you?". "I'm hanging out with the guys having a cook out". "Oh well I'm hungry, I wanna come!". "Well we're almost done so I'll just see you later? Ok". I hung up quickly. I guess I should just leave before she tries to find me. "Listen I got to go guys. Let's hang out again soon".


Two weeks later

I sighed as I rubbed my eyes. Jesus I hated mornings. I heard a car pull out from driveway and when I got up I saw nothing. Whatever no big deal. I went downstairs and decided to go check my mail. I pulled out a real envelope that reminded me of something you get a birthday card in.

I plopped down on the couch yawning as I flipped it over and saw beautiful handwriting

"Chris Cerulli"

For a minute I got a bad feeling as I opened it.

". Shelby W. and Spencer C.

Would like to extent an invitation to attend their wedding as they take the jump to marriage.

June 26th. "

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