Chapter 5 - The Greenie vs The Maze

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It was the next day after Ben's banishment. Gally and Aria barely talked to each other after that. She was still upset for what he said. Gally was too prideful to apologize to her. But he was worried about her.

Alby was going to fill in for Ben until another glader could fill the position. Alby met Aria at the maze entrance.

"Ready?" Alby asked while adjusting the vest.

"Always. Try to keep up" Aria joked as she got a head start

Alby laughs and the two of them jog into the maze.

Without looking back, she knew someone was staring from the Glade. And she was right. Gally was looking at Alby and Aria entering the maze, trying to hide the pain his heart felt.


The two of them look for the sections that were already discovered, hopefully to find a new section. Finding clues.

As the two were going to go back, a low growl formed behind them. A whirring sound filled the air as well. Alby looked at Aria

"Is that a-"

"Yeah" Aria said.

The noise began to come closer to them. She already knew what creature this could be.

The one that had Ben banished because of the sting...

The one that killed many other gladers...

The one that is the guardian of the maze...

The one that protects almost every section...

...The Grievers.

Aria and Alby started running as the Griever started chasing them. It's tail trying to snap at them. The tail hits Alby and he trips over his own feet.

"Keep running Alby!" Aria shouts

They were running for a while until Aria found a little alcove to hide in. The two hid in the space as the Griever lurks around their spot. Waiting for the two to make a noise before attacking.

But Aria nor Alby made a sound. With that, the Griever goes away.

Aria stepped out to make sure the Griever was gone. She goes to Alby to tell him, when she notices that he's been stung.

His body was weak and so was his voice. She knew they had to keep going, unless they wanted to be stuck for the night.

She starts dragging him through the maze. As she got to where the entrance of the Glade was, she saw the boys encouraging her to get there in time.

Gally's face was full of worry and he tries to tell her to leave Alby behind.

But knowing how Aria is, she never leaves anyone behind. She persistently keeps going, still dragging Alby as much as she could.

She knew she wasn't going to make it but wanted to keep trying. She then heard the shouts get louder as she saw a figure running into the maze with her.

As the doors closed and the smoke cleared, it was Thomas. Aria was angry he did such a reckless thing, but admired his bravery. He was stupid but brave.

"Congratulations just got killed." Aria says as she sits Alby up against a wall. She sits down and Thomas joins her.

"I couldn't just do nothing, you needed help and that's what I'm here to do." Thomas said

"Let's just get Alby somewhere safe. Before the Grievers come back."

Thomas nods and helps Aria lift Alby. They get him to a wall of ivy and lift him up against the wall. As they do, a low growl and whirring sounds come back.

"Griever?" Thomas whispered

"Yes. Let's get him up there and hide." Aria whispered back.

They made sure he was secure and hid underneath the ivy. The creature stops at their spot. Growling lowly as it tries to look for them.

She's sees Thomas surprised look as the Griever walks past their spot. She signals him to keep quiet, and he does.

When the Griever leaves, Aria and Thomas get from underneath the ivy.

"We better get going before it comes back." Aria said

As the two of them jog but also keep quiet, Thomas asks her some questions.

"How long have you been here? In the Glade."

"3 years, Minho was the one to convince me to give the Glade a try. Wasn't too bad." Aria replied.

"Don't you ever wonder if we weren't here for a good reason?"

Aria nods "Sometimes, but I tend not to worry about it too much. We will get out soon."

"Can I tell you something? You won't think I'm crazy?" Thomas says perplexed

"Sure, tell me."

"Ever since I arrived here, I keep getting these visions of my life before here. I see a girl and then a scientist tell me something. I don't remember what it was but they said something about a change being good." Thomas explained

"I don't think you are crazy Thomas. But judging this place, maybe you are right.

As the walk continued, a mechanical whirring boomed in the Maze. Aria and Thomas stayed quiet, waiting to see where it was coming from.

A Griever comes out of nowhere in front of them. The creature slowly crawling it's way to them. Aria grabs Thomas's arm and runs with him.

While running, the maze starts grumbling. A piece of the stone breaks and falls. Breaking the two apart as the stone lands where they once stood. The Griever was hunting Thomas. Thomas keeps running to lose the Griever.

"Don't stop running! And don't look back Thomas!" Aria yells as the two get separated from each other.

After a couple minutes, a section opens and then another. Her mind realizes that the maze was changing.

She runs to a open section and sees Thomas barreling to her. The Griever hot on his feet. The section door began to close.

"Come on Thomas!" She shouts

The Griever continues to pursue Thomas. It's tail beginning to snap at him.

Just as the doors we close to closing. Thomas makes it through, the Griever did not. The creature was crushed against the door, it twitched before it stopped moving completely. Dead. It was dead.

Aria and Thomas rest against the wall, catching their breath and staring at the dead Griever.

"You killed a Griever, Greenie. Congratulations." Aria joked and punched him in the shoulder playfully. Thomas cracks a smile

"Yeah I did." Thomas said proudly

"Not everyone is going to be happy for you breaking a rule but it was for a good thing. I'll see what I can do at the meeting."

"Is it that bad?" Thomas asked

"Not really, but you know Gally is already pissed at you. So, he might not be as forgiving." Aria chuckles

"Are you and Gally...?" Thomas motioned

"No, not really. Just friends. Yes, we do act like that but really we are just good friends. Even if we aren't speaking at the moment." Aria said sadly.

"Sounds like something different than friends." Thomas says

"'s complicated." Aria barely whispered.

Aria keeps watch as Thomas rest. Looking at the dead Griever, she thinks about everything Thomas said. Their supply, the box, the maze.

Maybe Thomas was right. Maybe the people who put them there weren't good after all. But who were the creators? And why was their memories erased?

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