Chapter 16 - WCKD

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The boys was escorting Teresa to the building of WCKD, while Brenda gets a bus to transport any other kids to a safe place and Aria went with her.

The two girls sneakily go to the parking lot and find a bus. As Aria hot wires it, Brenda stands guard. The bus roars to life and Brenda drives the bus to the entrance.

"I saw you talking to Gally earlier, were you trying to tell him?" Brenda asks

"Yeah, but Thomas interrupted." Aria says in annoyance.

"He never has good timing for anything." Brenda jokes

Aria stifles a laugh and looks down. Smiling a little. "You got that right."

By the time they arrive, Gally is bringing the kids. Aria loads the kids onto the bus and Gally looks around.

"Where's Thomas and Newt?" Gally asks.

"They aren't with you?" Aria questions as Brenda gets ready to drive.

"No. You all stay here. I'll see if I can find them." Gally says as he puts his mask on. Aria grabs one of the guns and follows him.

"I'm going with you." Aria says

"Aria no-"

"Too late." She walks back in the building and Brenda shrugs to Gally. He exasperated a sigh as he follows her inside.


They find the building in disarray. Papers everywhere, glass broken, Windows smashed. They carefully looked around for any guards and looked for signs of Minho, Newt and Thomas.

"What the hell happened here?" Aria mutters

"Probably Thomas and Newt's doing."

"We should find them" Aria says

"I'll go the other way."

"Alright, be careful." Aria says sternly.

"I will, Sailor" Gally leaves to follow the other corridor.

As the two of the separated to cover more ground, Aria looks in every room. She sees many doctors and scientists running or continuing work. All the high innovated technology that surrounded them.

She sees Teresa walking with one of the scientists. Aria goes to follow, making sure to not lose a sign of Teresa.

She soon bumps into a woman.

"Oh I'm sorry about that" the woman said.

Aria recognized that voice, but couldn't place a name. As soon as she saw the woman's face. She pulled her gun and pointed it at her head.

"Stop where you are. Dr. Ava Page." Aria snarls as she kept her aim right at her. Aiming for the heart.

Dr. Page sighs and stands up. She looks at Aria and sees her face.

"Aria, it's finally nice to meet you. From what one of my scientists told me, you are one clever girl. A one true leader who knows about survival. Especially to fake your own death." Dr. Page says calmly.

"Enough of the praises. I just came to save my friend. That is it."

"I know you have. I known you Aria, for a while."

"What the hell do you even know about me?" Aria snaps.

"Everything. Always risking your life to save the ones you care about. We've surely studied you and your behavior. You were the one that caught my eye. Your fighting has improved more. Combat, defenses, survival intuitions, weapon usage. Everything. You were unbeatable in every test before we put you in the maze." Dr. Page said.

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