Chapter 17 - Not like this

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As the group hides behind mail boxes and pillars, Aria helps keep a flared, diseased Newt steady. Her friend can barely stand alone. His voice barely auditable, his skin turning freakishly pale.

A riot between the cranks and WCKD arise. Bullets firing, fires burning and shouting. They ducked down in many stores to avoid crossfire.

A walkie talkie beeps and Brenda's voice comes from it.

"Thomas? can you hear me?" Brenda asks

"Yes, I can hear you. Where are you?" Thomas responds

"I'm here, Jorge came with the ship. I'll meet you all there." Brenda says

"Sounds good, see you there." Thomas replies before gathering everyone.

They tried to travel on but Newt's condition began to grow worse and worse by the minute. The black liquid in his veins reached his neck, his lips began to turn black. His eyes pooling with tar.

As they sat Newt down in a alley way, he begins to growl lowly as if he was going to attack. Time was running out.

Aria grabs Newt's face and looks into his eyes. "Newt? Newt! Stay with me. Focus on me, okay?"

Thomas grows concern and solemn for this best friend.

Newt nods and digs into his shirt to find the little tube tied to a little rope of leather. He holds it out to Thomas and Aria.

"Here." Newt says, barely auditable

"Newt I can't-"

"Take it! Take it!" Newt shouts.

"I'll take it. I'll take it, Newt." Aria says as she tries to call him down. He looks down in guilt and gives her the item as she extends out her hand.

"Thank you. Thank you, Aria" Newt says quickly

"Just hang on a bit longer. Do it for me, okay?" Aria puts the little canister necklace in her pocket.

Newt nods and Thomas hands Gally the walkie talkie.

"I'll stay with him. You all go." Thomas says as he helps Newt up.

"But Thomas-" Thomas shouts over Minho


The trio nod their heads and head to Brenda's location. Gally grabs Aria's hand as they run to the ship.


Brenda waits for a sign of the group. Soon, she sees Minho, Aria and Gally running towards there. But she doesn't see Thomas or Newt.

"Where's Thomas? And Newt?" Brenda asks.

"With Newt, apparently he has the flare. Where's the serums?" Gally asks as he searches the ship and finds the bag. He picks up a vile of the cure and goes to Aria.

"What is that?" Minho asks

"The cures that I got from the vault that WCKD kept the kids in. I think it could work on Newt. But since Aria is more focused and fast. She should run it to Thomas and Newt." Gally says as he handed her the vile of liquid.

"Aria, be careful and hurry." Minho says panicked

She nods and starts running. She bolts to find Newt and Thomas. Her feet hitting the ground. Her lungs burning. She couldn't rest. Not until she tries to save her friend.

She dodges fire spears, explosions and gunfire as she keeps running. She didn't want anything getting in the way.


She makes it to the train station, thinking she made it in time. Her eyes search for the two boys and finally she spots them. She runs to them, only to see that Newt swings a knife at Thomas.

He was already infected, Newt wasn't there anymore.

She still persist and goes to them. Thomas captures Newt in a embrace, but only for the knife to plunge into Newt's chest.

"NO!" Aria shouts. Before Newt could fall, Aria catches him and lays his head on her lap.

Her eyes brimming with tears and sadness. Her fingers stroke his pale skin, as his breathing slows down. Aria whispers in his ear.

"I'm so sorry Newt. I'm so sorry." She takes his hand. Thomas next to her and hold his other hand.

"I'm pregnant Newt, and I'll make sure this baby knows who you are." Aria whispers to Newt. And with that, Newt takes his final breath.

He was gone...

Aria cradles Newt in her arms as her sobs rang through the station. Tears blinding her vision as she held Newt tight. Thomas standing up as tears escape his eyes as well.

His scream filled pain, sadness and anger filled the area.

4 people walk up to them. Aria looks their way. Frypan, Brenda, Gally and Minho.

The group looks at Newt's body and their hearts shatter. Gally goes to Aria and picks her up. One arm around her waist and the other around her legs.

She hides her face in his chest as she continues crying over the lost of her friend. Gally's face is replaced with sadness as he says his goodbyes to Newt.

As Frypan and Minho say their goodbyes to Newt along with Brenda, Gally carries Aria back to the ship.

Newt's death left a hole in Aria's heart. One that couldn't be healed in fast timing. She wished she had more time with him. Spending time with him, cracking jokes and talking with him.

Her memories flood with Newt. How they met, how they became good friends, being by the bonfire and much more.

Aria was going to ask Newt a special question.

She wanted to ask Newt if he would be the Godfather of her child.


As they reached the ship, Jorge and Vince were there. The two men walked up to the loving couple.

"Where's Brenda and the rest of everyone." Jorge asks

Aria hands Jorge a vile of the serum. He sees it's full and questions it.

Aria looks to him. He sees the girl's face stained with tears as she whispers it out.

"Newt...he's gone."

She goes past Vince and Jorge as she sits down against the walls. Her hand still clasping the little tube that Newt gave to her.

From the corner of her eye, she sees Gally sitting next to her. His arm wrapping over her shoulder and his hand finding hers.

"I can't believe he's gone." Aria's voice breaks

Sadness washes over Gally's face as he holds her tighter. His head resting on hers. The two of them sit in silence waiting for the others to return.

Brenda, Frypan and Minho make it back. Anger spotlights on Minho and sadness appeared on Frypan. Aria doesn't see Thomas. She looks to Brenda.

"Where is Thomas?" Aria asks Brenda.

"Going to kill that doctor who started this shit."

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