Chapter 18 - Burn

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As the ship heads to find Thomas, Aria sits and her hands began to play around with Newt's little canister.

Eyes brimming with tears as she remembers seeing his lifeless body on the ground.

She wished she had more time with Newt. Thinking if maybe she had been faster, Newt would be alive.

But like she told Gally, you can't change the past.

She thinks back on everything she has been through. Everything that she has fought to survive and to be alive tonight.

Losing friends, almost losing her lover, finding out what she was supposed to be and now taking down the biggest organization in city.

But one thing sets in her mind.

That conversation with Dr. Ava Page.

"What's on your mind, young warrior." Jorge asks while sitting next to her.

The boys and Brenda guiding Vince through the city. In search of Thomas.

"My mind keeps replaying of what that scientist bitch said about me." Aria says, staring at the wall on the ship.

"What did she tell you?" Jorge listens attentively.

Aria sighs and begans explaining.

"She made me sound like I was an assassin. Well...technically I am. The way she said I was trained to fight. Weapons and combat, being stealthy and knowing what to do to kill."

Aria pauses and then resumes, her gaze dropping to the floor.

"Who knows what could've happened if I didn't lose my memory and didn't end up in the maze. I could've been working for her or worse killing people. Innocent people."

Jorge nods and places a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Well, look what you have become. I may haven't known you for very long, but you aren't a heartless person. And you are using those skills for survival, which is what we need during a time like this. Don't listen to that crazy woman, clearly she'll never know who you truly are."

Aria smiles slightly. Jorge's words impacting her greatly.

"Even a good soon-to-be mother." He says in a hushed tone so that the boys wouldn't hear.

"How did-"

"Brenda didn't even have to tell me."

"How come everyone keeps figuring it out?" Aria says while letting out a slight laugh.

"I know plenty. And Newt was a special lad. He will be missed greatly. Vince has something planned once we all get to the safe haven. Something to do for Newt and every person who couldn't make it with us." Jorge assures.

"Thanks Jorge." Aria says appreciately

"Anytime. Now let's find Thomas."


The ships soars through the night sky in search for Thomas. Wondering where he could be.

The city was being burnt to the ground. Buildings collapsing, fire rising high and even explosions happening left and right.

"What the hell..." Aria mutters

"They were only suppose to take down WCKD, not the whole got damn city." Gally says in disbelief

"Yeah, well let's hope Thomas isn't in that crossfire." Brenda says as they head to the building of WCKD.

Aria sees two people on the roof. One looks hurt as the other one tries to keep them alive.

Aria gets a closer look and sees that it is Thomas and Teresa.

"Guys! Down there. It's Thomas!" Aria points to the roof.

"Alright. Jorge, come lower the ship!" Vince says as he lowers the hatch.

Jorge sits in the pilot side and steers the ship. He lowers it and tries to get it as close as he can to Thomas and Teresa.

Vince, Gally and Minho lean over the edge to help grab Thomas's hand. Teresa hobbles an injured Thomas to the ship as the fire surrounds them and the building starts to collapse.

"Just a little farther, Jorge!" Brenda shouts.

"I can try!" Jorge shouts back as he tries to get the ship as close as possible.

Teresa pushes Thomas to the group and Vince reels him in. Aria gets the medical kit and goes to attend his wound.

Vince reaches his hand out for Teresa to grab.


A creaking sound booms over the city, a building next to WCKD collapses and falls right through the middle of the building.

Teresa looks at the group as tears well in her eyes, just before she is pulled down by the gravity as the WCKD building collapses and burns into flames.

Thomas lays there, in shock and pain as he watches the girl he loved die right before his eyes.

Aria takes gauzes and bandages and starts wrapping his abdomen, where the wound was located. Frypan helps her and they were able to stop the bleeding for some time.


Thomas goes unconscious, Aria monitors him for any changes that may occur as they head towards the safe haven.

The group stays in stunned silence. The trauma and events reoccur in their minds.

"We finally did it." Frypan says in amazement

"We won." Minho says

"Yeah, we did" Aria says softly.

Gally plants a kiss on her head and whispers in her ear.


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