HEADLINE: Huang Renjun has a Secret Visitor

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His books slammed against the table before his back hit the seat. Renjun being late to his lectures wasn't an unusual occurrence. In fact, the reason why he got stares in class wasn't because he was late. Everyone looked at Renjun in desire. Whether it was to be him or be with him, he was wanted. "To what do I owe this pleasure, Mr. Huang?" The blond beside him smirked.

Renjun rolled his eyes in response. The fact that he would even acknowledge his words, Yangyang should be honored to have the other be sitting next to him. Did he even need a reason? "Don't flatter yourself when it's the only seat open, Liu." He was beautiful despite being the most intolerable human being alive.

"I love when you talk hateful to me, baby." The older turned his head towards the other boy. He flashes a quick fake smile before his fingers meet Yangyang's forehead, a hard pluck clashing against his skin. Renjun's focus returned back to his professor's voice, opening his notebook to write as many notes as he could before the class ended. Not for the sake of his education, but so that he wouldn't have to speak to Yangyang for the rest of the class. ...But not before he told Yangyang that they were still on for later.

Public Speaking was not an issue that Renjun had. However, he had little to no control over his choice of courses to take just like everything else in his life. From the age of 8, everything was organized for him in hopes to set him up to be the next CEO of Huang INC., the biggest company in China. His connections, his actions, every move he made was either deeply analyzed or absolutely neglected. Why was Huang Renjun so hateful towards everyone around him? Simple. No one had anything to offer him. He woke up every day in hopes to fuck shit up just to get a reaction out of his stringent father. Everyone looked at Renjun as if he had everything he wanted. A cocky ungrateful rich asshole. Granted, he was that, yes. But no one could understand why he'd go out of his way to get on headlines and ruin his reputation. What did he get out of that?


"Headline of the day?" Yangyang asked, setting his bag on the ground next to the round blue table. He lifted his legs over the seats and wrapped an arm around his best friend to greet him.

Ten lifted his phone to the younger's eyes. "HEADLINE: Huang Renjun seen leaving club with unknown man. Seemingly twice his age. Of course he was drunk off his ass, when is he not?" He let out a soft laugh. No, it wasn't funny but Ten and Yangyang had been doing these headline check-ins every day for three years and Renjun had YET to have a fully good article written about him. Unlike the other, Yangyang wasn't amused by it. "What kind of freak tries to take advantage of someone like that..."

"You're just jealous it's not you."

Maybe that was true... The way his face scrunched up in anger before heinous words fell from his lips made Yangyang want to kiss him to shut him up. Those feelings were reserved for the night though.

Every now and then, Renjun would give Yangyang the time of night. The younger would climb up the fire escape to meet Renjun's window of his parents penthouse. That's when the blond would finally get to tell him.

"I saw the headline," he said as he lifted his body up and through the opened window.

"Oh, did you now?" If there was one thing, Renjun loved to do, it was brag. If the conversation isn't about him, he's not interested. "Yeah, the fuck were you thinking? You've got to stop drinking, Renjun. You're going to get yourself in trouble," Yangyang lectured. The corner of his mouth turned up, pulling the other boy down by his hoodie. "Fun." His lips hovered over the Yangyang's lips, teasing a kiss. "You never take anything seriously, Renjun..." He spoke, his heart beating out of his chest. "Aren't you one to talk, Liu?"

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