-Chapter Eight-

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*Aylina's POV*

I had never before seen so much of the pack as I do right now. It seems as if everyone came out to see the fight between the current Beta Alicia and the possible future Luna of the pack. They circled us as we stood in what seems to be the pack training grounds: a large field covered in training equipment. I wish I had known of this place prior. I haven't fought in almost a month, but on the other hand this is the best condition I have ever fought in. My body is well nourished, properly rested, and I haven't had a syringe in my arm for over a month.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Kian standing next to his two brothers. Alpha Donovan and Luna Rosaline are sitting uncomfortably in some shade. My mind flashes back to last night. Kian found me in the forest and told me of what Luna expected of me. Pathetic was all I could think. She doubts me that much that she will have me publicly fight her Beta?

"Today we test the honor of our future pack member and my eldest son's mate, Aylina,'' the Luna announces boldly to the large group of people surrounding us. I look up at her. Her eyes are intensely focused on us and her lips are formed in a tight line. She dresses very professionally. She sports black slacks matched with a forest green blouse with white detailing. She doesn't look like a mother to me, she looks like a business woman. A good business woman.

I focus my mind back to my surroundings. Unlike the pit fights, this crowd is silent. Only hushed murmurs can be heard from a distance. Trying to not focus on the discomfort the silence brings me, I look towards my opponent: Beta Alicia. She is a beautiful she-wolf. Her eyes are a sharp blue color and her chocolatey skin does not seem to possess a single imperfection. She's dressed comfortably in fitness gear, indicating that this will not be a shifting fight. I haven't let anyone but the brothers see my wolf yet.

"The rules are simple. There is to be no severe injuring of the other party and absolutely no death. The fight ends until submission or until the other is no longer able to move. There will be no intervention from anyone, especially not either party's mate," Alpha Donovan exclaims with a tone of authority, "Begin."

I carefully watch my opponent, zoning in on the fight. I can not afford to lose. Embarrassing Kian like that is not an option.

She makes the first move. She is quick, I will give her that; however, her cockiness will be her downfall. I feign a few missteps and let her take the first few hits. They feel almost numb against my body. Her lips curl upward as she thinks that this will be an easy fight.

I can sense the worry radiating off Kian. It hits me like waves and makes my wolf feel guilt for putting him in such a situation where he can not intervene.

"Is that all you got, Beta Alicia?" I chuckle quietly under my breath so only she can hear me. I uppercut her in the jaw, causing her to fall back a little.

She quickly readjusts and comes at me again with a high kick. Dodging with ease, I land a blow to her rib cage, and knock her down onto her feet. She hops back up quickly, only for me to disorient her and pin her back down to the ground.

Her eyes focus in on and she lets her lips curl up into a smirk, "I admit defeat."

The crowd surrounding us does not cheer like the one I am used to. All that can be heard is gasps of shock and sounds of confusion.

I stand up to my feet and offer her a hand, "Thank you for the warm up Beta Alicia."

She rolls her eyes at me and accepts my hand, "It will be an honor to have you as a future Luna."

I look around the crowd, all eyes on me. I focus on Kian and his family. He looks onto me with what feels like pride that makes my wolf howl with pleasure. Glancing towards his mother and father, I see two straight faces. I chuckle under my breath, they weren't expecting that, huh?

The crowd begins to disperse with hushed murmurs all around. They could have at least cheered. I relish the memory of the fight. I wish it lasted longer and I wish she did not succumb to false defeat so quickly. There was no way she put her all in, it was a simple test of whether or not I could hold my own. It was a ploy of possible public humiliation.

Kian came up to me and gathered me in a hug, "I know you can hold your own, but when you let yourself get hit it took everything to hold back my wolf from ending that fight right then and there."

I pull away from the hug before I become too lost in his scent, "I'm glad you had faith in me."

I look towards the Alpha and Luna, who exit quietly off to the side. Cowards.

"She held back on me," I told him quietly, "Which was frustrating."

"Beta Alicia is a cunning woman, as why she is my mother and father's Beta; however, she does not have a lot of patience. She gets things straight to the point. If she would have been able to win she would not have cut it so short."

"Spare with me," I blurt out without thinking. My desire to fight is overwhelming. I miss the impact, the intensity, the adrenaline of it. I want to do more, that fight with Beta Alicia was not nearly enough. I know I missed it, but being in that moment. I don't think I can live without fighting.

Kian looks taken aback and he instantly shakes his head no. My heart sinks a little in disappointment.

"You are a formidable opponent Aylina, I respect you too much as my mate and as a fighter to spare with you. My wolf wouldn't be able to land a single hit on you without taking over," Kian admits sheepishly.

There is a short pause and before I am able to give him a response, his eyes go passively black. He is communicating with someone over his mindlink, and whatever it is he does not look pleased.

"Aylina?" he asks carefully, "What exactly happened in those labs?"

The bluntness of the question throws me for a loop. I uncomfortably look around at our surroundings. Why is he asking this of me now? After almost six weeks? Memories and flashbacks come back in rolls, taking me away from the present moment. What exactly happened? Where could I even begin? What would he think of me if he knew the full extent of what did happen...

"Aylina?" he calls out again, touching my arm causing me to flinch back. His eyes flash black, but he holds back his tongue.

"I should not have asked so bluntly or so publicly, I'm sorry Aylina," he apologizes. I nod my head and pull together a tight smile. He has never asked prior to this moment, why now?

"What happened?" I ask quietly.

He grits his teeth together, "Doctor Evan has finalized your reports and finished your blood-work. She wants you to come see her again."


*Author's Note*

I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far! Let me know what you think. There will definitely be more coming, the peace won't last forever. Mwahahaha :) 

See ya next time! I update by terms of readers. After the previous chapters gets a few reads then I post the next one. :) 

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