-Chapter Two-

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Dr. Juben unlocks my heavy chains and helps me steadily to my feet. I make no effort to run, I only tried that once and my back will forever be a reminder of that failure.

    He leads me down the cold and creaky hallway to a bathroom where I am granted my first shower in a while. I change out of the dirty rags, wash the mud and blood out of my hair, and cherish the short lived moment of feeling clean.

    "03, hurry up," Dr. Juben snaps at me, "You need to spar before your match tomorrow."

    I sigh and pull on the clean shorts and tank top that they have given me. I take a deep breath in, not ready to re-enter the arena only a day after Rye's death. He was one of the longest friends I had here, I wasn't ready to let him go; however, I cannot grieve yet.

    I nod my head and follow him down the hall.

    "We have a new participant to our experiment, you will be sparing with him. He is the son of an Alpha of a local pack," Dr. Juben chuckles, seemingly feeling accomplished, "I hope for both of you to bring us a lot of attention tomorrow."

My eyes widened a little. I knew the two doctors were feeling a little cocky in their success rate so far but to capture an Alpha's child was quite the risky move. Alpha's were protective of their own and powerful wolves. They were naturally dominant and aggressive in maintaining and protecting the pack they lead. Their wolves were larger than others and their healing powers were extremely impressive.

    Finally reaching the arena, I hold my breath in anticipation for the child of an Alpha. To only quickly be dismayed and horrified to find myself looking at a young boy, who appeared to be around thirteen fourteen, standing in the middle of the fighting pit. The pit was about 6 feet below the normal level of the room and it was completely made of concrete. Surrounding the pit was a rope laced with silver and a large fence directly behind it. Behind the fence were lines of comfortable chairs and good views of the pit below.

The boy's ankles were chained together and he reeked of power and frustration. His golden eyes, a trait of an Alpha bloodline, quickly landed on me and his mouth dropped into a frown. His dirt and blood covered brown hair was matted to his face as he stood in a defensive manner. He still had traces of hope and determination.

    "Let me leave and my father will not give you a painful death," he growled, standing tall and proud of his statement.

    "43, that is no way to talk to me," Dr. Juben chuckles as I jump down into the fighting pit, "How about you fight for your freedom?"

    The boy looks at me in confusion as I go into a fighting stance. My body aches with every moment; although, whatever they gave me in that syringe was healing me quickly. I look intensely at him, but it seems the eye contact almost makes him comfortable.

    "I won't fight another wolf," he declares and crosses his arms, his confidence fading with every moment that passes. He is so young, they did not place me into the arena until I had my wolf at 16.

    Dr. Juben snaps his fingers and I lunge at the boy and pin him to the ground within a matter of a few seconds. He falls back in shock and horror. I lean in close to his ear and mumble quietly, "If you want to live, fight me. They'll kill you in a gruesome way if you refuse."

    Looking intently at this young boy, I hope he understands the gravity of the situation. Giving him a moment to process, he gives me a quick nod and takes a deep breath in. He uses his legs to push me off of him and I take a quick jump back before he is able to take advantage of that moment.

    We fought for at least five minutes before I pinned him to the ground and kept him there. Both of us were breathing heavily, hoping for the fight to end now.

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