-Chapter Seven-

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*Kian's POV*

Aylina stands up from the chair and without another look, walks out of the office. My heart was both beaming with pride and disappointment. Pride in her for becoming her own person and my wolf's disappointment in her lack of commitment. I tsk those thoughts away from my wolf and look towards my parents.

My mother, the Luna, has never been an overly loving person. Her duty has always come to the pack first before her family. Finances, alliances, and resources have always been the focus of her attention. She loves me and brothers, I know that; however, mother was never good at showing her affection to anyone but my father and even then only in private. She is a dutiful Luna, almost a perfect one at that.

"Kian," my mother sighs in frustration rubbing her temples with her eyes shut, "Can you please explain to me what just happened."

I pause, thinking carefully. I wish to follow my mate out and comfort her. My wolf is begging me to run after her and make sure she is alright; however, leaving this room without discussing Aylina's stance would have consequences.

"Aylina is an independ-"

"Are you sure she is right to be Luna of this pack?" She hissed out, her eyes opening up with only rage apparent. From the look in her eye, I could already tell what was crossing her mind. Endless plans, back-up plans, and how to maintain the pack's image. Aylina, my beautiful mate, does not live up to her expectation of a leader.

"Luna Rosaline, I ask you to listen to me as I explain," I state formally, hoping to catch her attention.

"Proceed, Kian," she purses her lips together. I look over at my father, he is quietly thinking. Unlike my mother, I could never read him. He was never much of a talker, but his support for me was all I needed.

"Aylina has gone through something traumatic for a majority of her life," I explain firmly, "We still are going through the endless paperwork from the lab her and Kaiser were held hostage in. The extent of what happened there might never be fully known to us though."

My blood boils at the paperwork I've read through: the experiments, the tests, and the fights. I haven't let her know just yet how much I know about her days spent in that horrendous place. I want her to come to me on her own terms, but I wish it wouldn't take so long.

I continue, "She is a more than capable fighter. Luna Rosaline I know you have been busy this past month and may not know the full story behind Aylina's past; however, I assure you that she is a more than impressive figure. I understand why my Mate is so hesitant to take office. After 15 years of being deprived of freedom and decisions, I think that is extremely telling that she is hesitant to take on such a position. The role of Luna is a demanding job, as you are well aware of Luna Rosaline."

They both take a moment to process what I have said. My heart is racing.

"Without a Luna you are unable to take the role of Alpha," my father says, "Kaiser would be the one to succeed us. Are you aware of this?"

'He is challenging us,' my wolf growls out. I take a deep breath. Being Alpha is what I was born to do. I was born to lead this pack and always take into account the best interest for it. To protect the family and pack members I love.

My mind cleared for a second and went to one thing: Aylina. Her beautiful silver hair, her kind soft voice, and the indescribable joy I get from standing next to her. She is my mate, but being Luna is an honor that she-wolves dream of.

"I will never force my mate to do something she does not wish to do. The future of my position will be determined as we move forward," I conclude, "I will be going to speak to Aylina now, please excuse me."

I stand up, looking them both in the eye as I do so; however, I should have known it would not be that easy.

"Noon tomorrow, she needs to prove she is not wasting pack resources. She will be fighting Beta Alicia. If she fails to do so, her things will be removed from pack territory."

I hesitate for a moment. Beta Alicia?

"Understood," I respond curtly.


I stared up at the ceiling.

"I can't believe Luna Rosaline said that," Demarcus, my closest friend, huffed, "I knew she was pack oriented, but Aylina is your mate."

I huffed again, rubbing my eyes in frustration. I tried to find Aylina after the meeting, but she was nowhere in sight. So I did the next best thing and paid my closest friend a visit. We have been friends for the past three years. Demarcus is a smart man, and he will most likely become my Beta.

"I know," I sigh, "The records show that she is a more than capable fighter, but I think it is just she doesn't want to be backed into a corner like that."

"Beta Alicia doesn't play around either. She was your mom's closest friend growing up."

Beta Alicia was almost as pack oriented as my mother. Her and my mom grew up together in this pack knowing that they would be the successors to their parents. Once my mom finally found my father, she was able to complete the ritual and take over the pack from her parents. Beta Alicia stood by her side the entire way even though she did not find her mate Miranda until a bit later in life.

"I... What if she does reject me?" I ask warily, thoughts going in and out of my head, "I know she cares for me, but this title and life seems like so much for her."

Demarcus sat up and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Anything worthwhile will always have a risk. The question comes down to how far are you willing to go?"

"I could lose my title and the respect of my parents; however, if this is the fate that the Moon Goddess has given me, I won't fight against it."

"Good, now go find her dumbass," Demarcus gives me a pointed look. 

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