-Chapter Five-

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*Aylina's POV*

Days turn into weeks as I settle into my new home. I build up a common routine: I eat with Kian and his family in the morning, study with a tutor that Alpha Donovan hired for me for most of the day, go on runs with one of the brothers, and then retire to my room with my own free time. It was not the life I expected it to be once I was free, but it was my own.

Three weeks pass, and my body is finally beginning to fully heal; however, my mind is still recovering. I try not to focus too much on the woes of my past while I'm with Kian. I don't know when I will be ready to discuss with him what happened, if ever. I need time to process everything, but at the moment I'm kept so busy with studies that I don't have the time to heal mentally. Part of me also missed the fights: the impact, the adrenaline, and the release of emotion. It is a sick thought, I can rationalize how truly evil those fights were; however, it was my only coping method for years. I do not know how to let it go.

As well as the overwhelming thought of I did not know what happened to either of the doctors. Did they escape? Were they killed? What happened to the files and all the research they were doing? Or the other prisoners? In the three weeks of my freedom I couldn't bring myself to ask about it in fear that I truly did not want to know the answer.

Suddenly the door opens and breaks me from my thoughts. I watch Kian enter with a dorky smile.

    "Aylina," Kian greets me kindly with a glass of water, "How is your study going?"

    "It is going well," I smile back, shutting the laptop in front of me to give him my attention, "Any reason for the visit?"

    He sits down in one of the chairs in front of the desk I'm at. He is dressed casually for the day, a grey v-neck that hugs him nicely and a pair of black jeans, ripped at the knees. He always looks so good and put together. His beautiful gold eyes always so captivating.

    "Yes, actually. I was wondering if you would like to join me for a date tonight? You seem to have settled in well, and I would like to start to show you a bit more outside the pack borders."

    My eyes instantly light up at the idea. Although the past three weeks have been good for me to explore the pack grounds, I haven't really expanded past that. I had an urge to do more, but I did not want to push myself too far.

    "I would love to," I chime with a tad too much excitement, "When would you like to go?"

    "How about now? I'll give you a bit to get ready if that is alright."

    I nod my head, "Give me twenty minutes."

    I walk up to my room with a large smile on my face, excited to explore what is beyond that of the pack borders. Quickly I go through the clothing that Kian has supplied in my closet.

    First changing into a loose short-sleeved shirt and jean shorts, I halt once I look in the mirror. Scars cover both my arms and legs and faint bruises were still present from my final fight with Rye. My heart stops for a moment, is this truly what everyone saw when they looked at me? My heart begins to ache as I pull off the clothing and exchange it for a pair of black leggings and a long loose blue shirt that went down to my wrists.

    Standing in front of the mirror, I bite down on my bottom lip trying to hold in the outburst of emotion. I brush through my silvery gold hair, reminiscing when it was a beautiful shade of oak brown. The experiments changed a lot of my physical appearance, and I never realized how much I truly lost physically.

I pull back the long sleeve of the shirt, tracing the scars with my fingers. Each scar has a story and a reminder of those years. Reminders I did not want to have.

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