-Chapter Ten-

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*Aylina's POV*

Another two weeks have passed since Kian's and I's chat with Dr. Evans. We haven't discussed much about the lab results, it is not a discussion either of us really want to have. On top of that, we have more pressing issues. Alpha Donovan no longer joins us in the morning for breakfast and Luna Rosaline avoids us almost like the plague. She has begun to bury herself deeper in the work she surrounds herself in. Although Kian and I's relationship has been improving, I find that lately we do not have as much time for one another. Since that fight with Beta Alicia, no one has questioned my right as Kian's mate; however, it provided more work as we figure out what to do about the Ceremony.

Sitting quietly in the office I've been provided for my studies, I finally get the topic that I have wanted to cover since the start: pack affairs. Before I am able to get too far into my book, a small knock at the door is heard.

"Come in," I call lightly, fully expecting to see Kian's fluffy hair and bright gold eyes pop in through the door. Instead, a young brunette walks through the door to my office. The small amount of excitement I had to see Kian diminishes and I read over her features. Her eyes are a coffee brown and her lips are a beautiful blushy pink. Her outfit indicates that she just came from a training session as well as the beads of sweat still lingering on her skin.

"Miss Aylina?" she questions delicately with a firm yet soft voice.

"Uh... yes. And who might you be?" I tense a little as I watch her carefully enter the office and close the door behind her. The close proximity with this female I do not know makes me anxious.

"My name is Hannah Wincloster, I'm in charge of training the younger division of wolves," she introduces herself hesitantly.

"And what can I do for you Miss Wincloster?"

"Please, call me Hannah," she smiles awkwardly, "I was wondering, Miss Aylina, if you would join us in our training sessions? I'm currently in charge of females aged fifteen through twenty. I could definitely use assistance in giving them the best possible training."

Helping with the training? That would give me an outlet for my desire to fight; however, my methods aren't of professional origin. I know how to kill a wolf, disarming them is not entirely my speed, but maybe this would prove beneficial for me as well. Would that be okay though? If I have no desire to stay long term, should I even bother to get so close? Or was I fooling myself that I would be able to leave?

"Let me discuss it with future Alpha Kian and I will let you know in the upcoming days Mis- Hannah."


I stood nervously staring at the door in front of me. Taking a deep breath in, I finally knock on the door.

The door swings up to reveal a shirtless sleepy Kian. His eyes widen as it takes him a moment to process that I'm standing in front of him.

"Aylina, are you alright? This is a little late for you, isn't it?" Kian yawns out, stretching out his gorgeous body.

Embarrassment floods me as I realize why I'm standing here. Looking him over it seems as if he had just been awoken, was it right to disturb him so late?

"I wanted to see you," I mumbled, only stealing a glance up at his face. His eyes soften as he pulls me softly into his room.

Looking around, the room is different from what I expected. It was cozier than I thought it would be. The carpet is a fluffy white color and the walls are a dark grey. He has a small desk off to the side with multiple pictures hanging above it. His bed is large with red and grey linen. A large window looks onto the forest near the houses.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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