Chapter 23

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Atsumu took the phone off speaker and ran out the room. Osamu injured himself and listened as he cried.

"Atsumu please stop stressing." Osamu whispered. He hummed quietly into the speaker of the phone. Atsumu slid down the wall of a random hallway and closed his eyes. Fuck him. Sakusa doesn't want the baby and that's alright. Osamu and Oikawa will be there through the entire thing so he didn't have to worry right??

"Good keep calming down. Suna is gonna help as well and we'll both be there for you. It always was just us. Us against the world"

"The Fox twins" Atsumu whispered with a giggle.. He sniffled and closed his eyes.

His brother was always with him. From birth to death they would always have each other. Suna joined the picture when they were kids and became a big part of Atsumu's life.

He placed his hand on the bottom of his belly. A new addition to his family plus Osamus kids. They were making that small family grow more.

"I won't be like our parents. I'll be alone but I won't be like dad and I won't walk away from them and I won't be like mom and take my anger out on them" Atsumu whispered as he rubbed his stomach. Osamu snickered.

"Of course of course. They don't need our trauma" he joked. Atsumu giggled and leaned his head on the wall. He was feeling better like a heavy weight was being lifted off his shoulders.

"You made me feel much better" Atsumu admitted.

"I'm glad. I have to go though! Suna's home" they said their goodbyes before hanging up. Atsumu sat there quietly. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't do anything.

His heart ached.

With a sigh Atsumu pushed himself off the floor and walked out the building. He held his stomach the whole way as he started walking in random directions. That was until everything went black

Sakusa signed loudly and fell back into his chair. He watched Atsumu leave the building through the cameras.

"I'm so so dumb" Sakusa sighed. He laid back in his throne like chair before closing his eyes and  groaning.

"I have to go after-"

Lev barged into the office. He rushed to Sakusa and put a tablet on his desk.

"Don't kill me just. Watch" Lev gasped out. He was breathing heavily and hard. Sakusa watched the video of Atsumu leaving the building and walking. The camera view switched and he could see Atsumu getting a needle to the neck and passing out. He was placed in the back of a truck before it took off.

Anger bubbled in hit gut as he wrote down the license plate and got up. Whether he liked it or not Atsumu was pregnant with his child.

"I need Oikawa and Tendou here now. Call Sugawara and have him call someone named Kenma. Whoever took Atsumu will fucking pay" Sakusa growled letting out the strongest pheromones Lev has ever smelt. He rushed off knowing not to question him at the moment.

This was Sakusa's fault. If he had just accepted the baby then Atsumu wouldn't have ran off. He slammed his hand on the desk creating a crack as he paced.


The name ran through his head like a bunch of fireworks going off on the fourth of July. He snatched his phone from his pocket and dialed Osamu's number.

"What the hell do you want?" Osamu hissed. He deserved it

"Osamu I know you're mad but listen. I need you at my base right now. Atsumu was taken"


The room was full of people from different places. Bokuto and his team, Sakusa and his team then Atsumu's underground organization. They all sat in a room with a large table.

"Listen. Atsumu is pregnant with a child that belongs to me. He was taken today but we don't know who took him or where they took him. They removed both trackers and we don't have a location. We have a licence plate and that's all" Sakusa said standing at the edge of the table.

Lev showed the recording and stopped at the license plate.

"Kenma I need you to hack into the surveillance cameras from all street views. Tsukishima track the plate and figure out who owns the vehicle and if it was stolen. Lets get this done quickly." Sakusa paused for a second.

"I'm not letting them harm Atsumu or my unborn child"


hope you enjoyed this chapter😴✨

Its unedited

Let me know what you think

That's all

Hoshi//Ian out😴✨😍😘

𝓜𝓪𝓯𝓲𝓪'𝓼 𝓑𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱 (SakuAtsu Mafia Au//Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now