Chapter 5.

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It's the next day and there's no training planned, yet Diana and Sapnap decide to go into the woods and train a little.

Not too much though, just some sparring to keep themselves busy.

When the duo had arrived, they almost immediately started to circle each other. The girl tests the balance of the knife in her hand while waiting for Sapnap to make his first move because, after all, someone who attacks when provoked is always less precise.

The two are locked in a combat in a split second and, even though they both make sure not to injure the other too badly, the girl quickly ends up with several cuts on her arm and a bruised lip.

The smaller eventually manages to pin Sapnap, but just as she's about to declare herself winner of the first round, the man flips them over.

"Round one to me," he says, grinning.

The girl glares at him, taking his hand once he's stood up, pulling herself to her feet.

"I definitely pinned you first, you cheater."

Sapnap laughs, and the both of them go again.

This time Diana's the victor, leaving the last fight to be the deciding one. The younger girl focuses, making note to calm her pounding heart as she prepares herself, thinking of a tactic to use that could throw the man off.

The past two fights, Diana's noticed how his left side is usually left open, so she decides to stay low and aim her blows there.

The fight is tough and the girl's sure that her arm will most likely ache a bit in the morning, but the victory she earned is worth it.

Now, she was the one to pull Sapnap to his feet and, as she brushes the dirt off her clothes, the male goes to put both of their knives away before reconsidering and handing Diana's back to her.

"We were going to do some throwing, remember," he reminds the girl at her quizzical look.

They both look around for somewhere to do it, eventually spotting a couple of dummies out by the edge of the woods.

It's quite a way away, but it's the best target they'll find if they'd want to practice, so the girl hastily walks over, talking to Sapnap along the way.

Both picking a dummie when they had gotten to them, they take a couple of paces back, trying to figure out the best way to throw knives and what works for them.

Diana notices Sapnap take his' by the blade, so following his lead she does the same, making sure not to grip it too tightly and accidentally hurt herself. 

With a flick of the wrist, the man sends it spinning through the air and towards the target's chest, it lands perfectly in the middle of where would have been a heart. The girl tries to follow his movements, sending it towards the dummie's head, only to have the handle hit instead of the blade, watching as her knife falling to the floor.

"It comes with practice," Sapnap says as he makes his way to the dummie, fetching his knife.

"I used to do this for stress relief."

Diana nods her head, getting ready again and letting her knife fly through the air, she manages to get it lodged in the shoulder this time.

Meanwhile, Sapnap repeats the movement until he finds it as instinctual as breathing.

As the male continued to do so, the other got better.

On her final throw, Diana chucks the knife, sending it spinning through the air, landing right in between the eyes of the target.

Glancing over at Sapnap, she sees him smile at her, proud that she's finally got the hang of it of it.

As they both finish up, Punz calls the two back to lunch.

Diana has to strain to hear the man though, due to the fact that he's so far away - in her excitement, she hadn't noticed quite how far from the mansion they'd drifted off.

Walking back and taking seats in the dining room, Diana notices that George is still there, she couldn't help but wonder if he was staying here, too.

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