jealousy, jealousy

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^^yes pls.

this song is superior.

ive been listening to it on repeat more frequently recently bc just <3

anyways tomoz is my youngest brother's bday, 6 more days until school ends, 4 more months until im 15, soon ill have a job and a bass guitar, 4 months until i get my second ear piercing, 6 more months until 2022, 1 year and a half until i leave school for good, 1 year and half until i get my tongue and septum pierced.

yall theres a lot planned this year.

enjoy the imagine :))


zero sat at the table with her siblngs, she was looking at five who seemed to be glaring at his father.

"five?" zero taps his shoulder.

he just shoves her hand away.

she sighs.

five snaps and plunges a knife into the table. zero jumps.

"i have a question." five states.

"knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules, no talking during mealtime, you are interuppting herr carlson." their father sticks his knife in the air.

"i want to time travel." five continues.

zero slowly zones out as they talk back and forth at each other.

she looks up at five, knowing what he's about to do.

"no, five." she mouths to him.

"sorry." he mouths back.

"no!" zero chases after five as he runs out of the building.

she manages to grab his shoulder, she holds on to his arm realising where they just appeared.

"what.." she looks around letting go of five.

"you idiot! you weren't supposed to follow me!" five yells at her. "you were supposed to stay with the others! its not safe!"

"i can see that! you brought us to some destoyed place! i wasn't letting you go alone!" zero yells back.

five tries to time travel back. he fails.

"shit." five tears up.

"you can't get us back." zero grits her teeth.

"you followed me! so why are you complaining?!" five gets overly angry.

zero stays quiet and begins to cry uncontrollably.

they run around, only to find their siblings dead bodies.

"jesus christ." zero stares on.

~ Apocalyptic time, 19 years old ~

they look through an almost destroyed store.

they look for any decent clothes left.

five finds something instead of clothes.

zero found a pair of converse shoes, a graphic t-shirt and some jeans.

she changes into them and goes to get five.

she finds him across the store.

"what's that?" she looks at the mannequin in his hands.

"a new friend." he states blankly.

"a mannequin?" zero chuckles.

"yeah." five shrugs.

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