No Particular Clues

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Later that day, it had still been raining. The storm was rolling rather quickly and it wasn't going to back down. Neither was Hope.
  She rounded up a few people, Josie, Lizzie, Rafael, MG, Kaleb, Jed, Alyssa, and Cleo.
  Half of the group was familiar with Clarke. And the others were wary.
The tall man stood arms crossed away from the group as they spoke about what might've happened to Landon.
  The tribrid had everyone sat down in the dinning hall where the stairs leading to the upper main floor.
  The kids were questioning, and Lizz popped up with her two sense.
  "Hope. Landon might've just taken off because- who knows."

Hope frowned, crossing her arms.
  "He would've told someone. Like Raf, think about it. It doesn't make any sense. "

  Jed pondered before looking around.
  "Maybe he... took a walk?"
  Shrugging his shoulders he titled his head to the left.
"It's something I'd do."

  Hope looked to the werewolf with a sour expression.
  "We all do that."
The boy raised his arms in defense.
"My bad. My bad."

  Kaleb pursed his lips and so did Alyssa.
  "We can start by looking in the dorms, and work our way out. If he's not on the property then the real problem starts. "

Clarke raised a brow, what if he's off the property? He couldn't leave.
  Hope seemed a little enthusiastic about the efforts but went ahead setting up small groups to check else where on the estate.
As everyone began to take off Clarke softly tapped Hopes shoulder.
  "Hey, I ugh.  If he is off the property, not saying he is, but just incase, I actually can't leave the property it self."
  Hope turned to him, bright eyed before shaking her head.
  "You forget, I'm a witch."

Clarke scowled.
  "I didn't forget. Trust me."

The girl chuckled at this before undoing the spell.
  "If any one asks you're with me. Got it?"

The tall man nodded, this girl had so much power.. it was.. attractive.. ?

Clarke shook his head as the girl went away, and he sped up his step to keep up with her in a light jog.

After what seemed like a few hours of searching, the gang rallied up to give their final results.
"He isn't here, Hope."
Liz spoke, as her and Josie were standing hand and hand, of course Josie wasn't on speaking terms. But she didn't want to say anything that might upset anyone after the incident.
  Cleo stepped up, as she had been around everyone and spoke to them.
  "He isn't.  We must search off school grounds if we want to find him. I'd suggest anywhere you and him might've met up at."

Hope looked to the ground as her auburn hair fell softly around her features. Tapping her foot she enstated all places that the two had been and sent the individual groups to go search.
  It was about six in the afternoon now, and the leads kept leading no where.

Clarke followed behind smoothly as the girl went to her and Landons spot in town. The smoothy shake, shack.
  But to no avail he wasn't there.
  She had plopped down in a seat as so did the tall man.
  "What were you gonna say to him, anyways ?"

He asked curiously.
  The girl's saddened hues reached his, before she shook her head.
  "It's stupid. "
The male looked around before speaking.
  "It's not stupid if its important to you."
  Giving a softer smile to the girl, she finally spoke up.
  "I wanted to tell him that I was sorry for the way I had acted out over the last few months."
  Clarke shook his head.
  "Your actions are reasonable.  I didn't think you had to apologize for a broken heart."
The girl waved the man off, his words meaning so much but she wanted to be at fault like she always was.
  "Thank you, but I should've done it more maturely. Instead of ending speaking terms with him."

The man frowned.
"if I were you, I would've done the same thing. No changes."
  The two looked at each other for a brief moment, before breaking eye contact in a awkward manner.
  "We should get going its getting late."

The male agreed with a gulp as he stood up stretching.
  "Well, shall we?"

  The girl smiled softly before getting up, as the two would start walking back towards the schools direction side by side.

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