Tied Bonds

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  Anticipation held the male captive in his cell.
  It had been about three hours of waiting, awumbuk settled in from just sitting around, having nothing to do other than listen to his thoughts scramble around.
  A abnormal light squeak came from the crepid corner of the cell, a small white mouse had it eyes targeted on Clarke. Agile an fast, it ran across the cement floor, over the cell doors bars, and up the stairs.
  "Simple serenity really kills."
  A huff came from him, he was easily bored out of his mind.
  He sat on the floor, knees pulled up, arms resting on them.
  His brown hues catching every little detail around him.

  "Didn't think I'd be seeing you."
  Her voice was laced with baffelment, arms crossed over her chest.
  Clarke clenched his jaw at her presence, in seconds he released his tension.
  Standing up, he came over raising a brow.
"Neither did i."
  Some silence ran over them.
  Hope couldn't stand the silence right now, an broke it.
  "You're going to fix Landon."
  Her demanding words stretched to his ears. He smiled boldly, before nodding his head and turning his head away for a second. Taking in the fact that it was either this cell or outside of this cell.
  "As you wish, my lady."
  Mocking Hope in a joking manner, it made her scowl under her skin.

Nodding on instinct, she looked profoundly annoyed at Clarke's cocky manners. 
"Don't try anything stupid.."

  "Now why would I do that? The one chance I get to redeem myself. I'm not throwing it out the door, that soon. You'll be sorely mistaken. "
  His lips curled more, not even acknowledging her annoyance.

  She raised her hand with a key, unlocking the door, and sliding it open.
Clarke looked like a mess, she sorta enjoyed his conundrum. It brought slight bliss upon her.

"Got the wrong side of the bear?"
She asked, a snicker came too.

  "Ha, ha. No. I was buried alive."
  He admitted walking out of the cell.

"But you were on your way to Malivore were you not?"
"To be perfectly honest Hope. I don't remember anything other than our conversation on the phone."
Hope glared lightly at him.

"I came back from god knows where, an I feel completely different. Do the truth spell thing if you have too. I'm telling the truth."

"Just follow me."
She lead the way upstairs, as he followed like a puppy.
  The pressure was on now.

Minutes now, he came into the room where Landon laid dead.
  His resting body gave Clarke a bitterness that he couldn't control.
  "What is this?"
He asked, Hope shot her dagger blues at him.
"He's dead, like dormant dead. "
  She concluded, her body instantly by Landons side. Her hand over the arrows tip in him.
Clarke wore a face of disgust.
Maybe he was right.
Love had to be so short lived.
  Rolling his eyes, he came over looking over Landon.
  "Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"It's like.. I don't know. "
Clarke felt contempt.
  He wasn't going to say that in front of a girl who could rip his throat out at any second.

  "Well, great. Just, can you do something?"
  Hope had attitude in her stance as she stood near by.
  This made Clarke uneasy.
  "I don't even know what I'm doing, hold on."
   He examined his half brother more, before raising a brow. Was he going to have to dig into him?
"I guess I need some tools or something. Like a scalpe."

Hope nodded and went to the infirmary to retrieve them.

Clarke was alone now with Landon.
  Raf was out clearing his mind for once since this all started.

The tall man pursed his lips, "You're all we have now.. It's hard to believe my life is tied to yours. Once again, another thing I'm failing to control is my own fate.."
This heavy feeling dragged across his shoulders.
  "It's all a little to take in don't you think?"

Landon wasn't responding, it made the taller male a little more bitter.
"You are the perfect prodigy..-"

  Hope was back sooner than he expected.
"Oh, thank you."
  He blurted out, he looked up to her as she waited patiently for her lover to be saved.

Clarke took the scalpel, now moving the clothes from where it covered the wound.
  He studied it, as he took the sharp instrument against his skin.
It cut, but it instantly recovered in mere seconds of the incision.
  It bemused him, what was happening?

This took according to some, about all night before Clarke figured out what he had to do.
  It was 11:37 P.M.
  He was wearing just his pants, his light blue dress shirt, that wore stained blood.
He was digging in Landon with his fingers now, it was the last resort.
  "Come on, you can get it!"
  He muttered under his breath as blood drained from Landon onto him.
  Not to much but enough to make a mess.
"Almost got it-"
  Seconds after he said that he felt the object surface, he grabbed it as soon as it did and yanked out the golden tip.
  His audience was few.
  Rafael, an Hope stood anxious, as anticipation arose in them.
  As soon as they saw the piece in view in the males hand, they smiled cheekily, coming to Landons aid.
  "You did it!"

Clarke put down the piece as he whipped off his fingers on his pants, he was smiling from achievement, he felt this overwhelming bliss.
"I did didn't I?"
Raf was practically pissing his pants, he took off out the door.
"I'll tell the others!"

  Hope, had Landon pulled up into her arms, her eyes glowing with happiness.
  She looked over to Clarke, she mouthed 'Thank you'.
  She didn't want to give him the satisfaction he needed, so she just smiled to him. He was smiling back stupidly.
  Was it just her, or did he have the same compassion as his half brother?
   {{ This all takes place after March 15th. Josie and Lizzie's Birthday :v }}

 Josie and Lizzie's Birthday :v }}

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