So Close

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Curly dark brown hair, limp body, cold silence.
  The void was never ending, stuck for eternity, the same way that Clarke was almost fate.
  Droopy eyes blinked open, only to close again. A few minutes later, they fluttered open briefly, the darkness was all that could be seen.
  A groan came too, as the young boy sat up, he rubbed the back of his head, glancing around in the darkness, the still silence creeped under his skin.
  He called out softly, before standing up with a small limp.
  The cold wind brushed his arm hairs, causing him to get goose bumps.
  "Where am I?"
  Asking himself, as he started onward, finding the ability to go on.
  Landon Kirby, the super boy Phoenix was stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no destination other than home.
Wondering for what seemed like forever, he stumbled upon a semi vacant house adrift in the middle of the darkness.

  He approached it, being hungry now, the teen stopped at the front door. Hesitation loomed over his being as he took the door knob in his hand, the door opening as he walked in melted with soft music playing, and an old man sitting by his lonesome.
  He looked familiar.
  The man looked over to Landon, as he raised his brow, he stood up.
"It's fancy meeting you here."
He sounded very calm, and peaceful.
  Landon took a second now realizing whom he was.
  The necromancer!
  "What did you do to me? How did I get here ?-"

The older man shook his head.
  "I could ask you the same thing, boy."
He spoke, only to turn and find a tea kettle. The door behind Landon slammed shut.

  Landon looked back as Ted, the necromancer poured two cups of tea.
"What do you mean?"
  Ted offered tea, and spoke.
"Well, exactly what I mean. I woke up here in a daze, and confused and I'm bond to this house."
  Mentioned to the shakles around his ankles.
He briefly turned away as he walked a bit away.
"I find that I'm different here though. I'm not as angry, or as nasty."
  Sounded disgusted with himself, he turned back to Landon.
  "I could only guess it's Malivor. It's the only explanation. I saw it was dark when you closed the door, but the windows show a bright sunny day."

Landon looked aggravated but kept his cool.
  "You don't know about any of this, none what so ever?"
  "If I did I wouldn't still be here. But, I think I like the silence. It's not loud like it was before I got here."
Landon set his tea down, he took his time now trying to open the door, but to no avail.
He groaned, as he looked back at Ted who was sipping his tea.
  "How long have you been here?"

"I've lost count."
  This made Landon spark with worry.
  Ted though perked up.
"The basements been locked, for what seems like forever. I can't seem to open it though."
  Landon came closer.
  "Don't you have a key?"
  Ted shook his head.
  "If I did I would be in it already."

  Landon was frustrated now, and grew ansy, he knew something wasn't right.
   Though he had a strange feeling to check his pockets.
  A old rusty key laid in his back jean pocket, he looked flabbergasted as he showed Ted.
  "You've been my only visitor and you had the key. Are you sure you have nothing to do with this?"
  The boy laughed nervously before heading to the basement where Ted led them too.
  "This should work-"
"It should, it's only partially your fault that you have the key."
Landon looked to Ted with an annoyed expression.
  "Almost as annoying as before."
He teased before unlocking the door.
  It clicked as it opened, the darkness crept up the stairs as light fought to go down.
  Ted felt this dread overwhelm him, it slowly shrouded his entire being as Landon was already heading down.
   The smell became tainted, foul almost.
Step, by step, Landon went down till he hit the floors landing, as he felt around the top towards the ceiling for a light, but to no avail. He looked back at the stairs as a flashlight sat with a broken lense.
  He took it, turning it on. It didn't, it flickered. He smacked it twice before it came on dully.
  He shined it around to find nothing, until a blue tarp came into view. The smell got worse, decay.
  Creeping closer, he grabbed the corner of the tarp as he revealed the necromancer's old body, it's hideous rotting face, the smell was even worse causing Landon to hurl.
  He dropped the light causing it to shatter as it sparked and started old wood on fire.
  Landon stepped back, the fire began growing bigger in seconds, it wasn't normal how fast it got so big.
   He called up to Ted who was still frozen, as he ran up, the fire almost taking him on the way up. Even though he was a Phoenix he still didn't want to burn alive.
He pushed past Ted who fell, as he frantically rushed to grab the man who still wasn't speaking.
  "Ted, come on !"
  He ushered as he was now dragging the frozen man, it was as if his soul left his body.
   Landon was desperately getting Ted to the front door, as he opened it with ease, it was locked before!
  He didn't think twice about it, he went fourth and found himself in a all white flash, as he was knocked out again.
  He body laid limp, alone from Ted in a different location.
  Near the school.

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