To hear you knocking on my door

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Few rays of sunshine escaped from cloudy Istanbul sky and knocked on a window of a tired sleeping girl. That didn’t help a wiggling Eda to wake up from her obvious bad dreams. She tossed and turned, and after another minutes of torture, she finally woke up. Just in time for her alarm to ring. Eda didn’t feel good. Didn’t feel good for a long time. She stared at the ceiling and hoped that her brain will soon forget about that awful dream. The one she dreamed every night since Serkan came back with Selin hand in hand.
“Eda ran and ran. Like a maniac. She couldn’t lose hope. Her Serkan will come back to her. He will remember her and their love and they would finally be together. Heal together. Make a family together. She only had to reach him in time. After a few minutes, she finally arrived at the destination. But she was too late. Far too late. People were gathered around a couple. A bride and the groom. Selin and Serkan. He was so happy. He was looking at her the way he used to look at Eda. He was smiling at her the way only Eda made him smile. Eda felt her heart beating so painfully, she thought she was going to die. Tears escaped from her lovely eyes and a tiny sob crossed through her body and escaped from her mouth. Then she heard the worst words she could ever heard, along with her parent dying.
The registrar with a huge smile said: “I present you Mr. and Mrs. Serkan and Selin Bolat. You can kiss the bride.”
Serkan turned towards his bride and smiled hugely before kissing her long and deeply. Eda watched all of it and she wished she died. In that moment. “Serkan, aşkim” she quietly said. “Don’t leave me.”
She fell to the ground as she watched Engin and Piril congratulate a newly wedded couple. Serkan turned toward the guests and then his eyes locked at Eda’s. Eda’s breath hitched as they looked at each for eternity before he spoke up.
“We have another great news to share with you guys” he said with a proud look on his face as he hugged his bride. Selin.
Selin and Serkan watched Eda as Selin said her next words: “Hamile ben.”
Serkan placed his hand on Selin’s tiny bump and Eda watched as he kissed her belly. She could hear him say: “My baby. I love you both so much.” Eda felt like she will puke or scream, so she decided for the latter. She screamed.”

Eda suddenly felt ill and she quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. She puked for a long time and after that she cleaned herself and went back to the bed. She was tired. She was so fucking tired of everything. She had to lose everything, didn’t she? She lost her parents when she needed them the most, and now she lost the love of her life. And she doubted she will ever get him back. Judging the way he surprised her with her birthday party, the way he looked so happy with her. She hated that. That he was happy with someone else. That he left her and now he is happier than ever. That he will marry her and start a family with her, her, but not Eda. Her soul and her heart were tired. Tired of the brokenness, of feeling empty, of feeling not worthy of love. She loved him. God, how much she loved him. Her whole being missed and craved him so much. But he didn’t care. He didn’t remember. He doesn’t want to remember. And, most important, he was happy now. Maybe that is the best in the end. Maybe he will be happier with Selin than with her. Maybe the best thing she could do is let Serkan go, and spend the rest of her life thinking about a few blessed months she spent with him.  She knows that she will never ever love anybody else. Serkan was and still is the love of her life. There is no one else. Just Serkan. So, because she truly, painfully loved him, she decided to let him go. Eda found her notebook in which she started to write to Serkan since he disappeared. And she started to write.

Eda finished the conversation with her lawyer and started the car. This was her last day at the Art life. Last time she would see Serkan. It broke the tiniest part of her heart that was still intact, but she knew she had to do that. She couldn’t live like this. She couldn’t see Serkan with somebody else anymore. Someone that is not her. But at least she had her memories. Her memories that will be her best friend in next years. She will survive it. She had to. That was her only option. She had no one else anyway. Ayfer with her weird Alex and Aydan business, strange Ceren who Eda couldn’t recognize anymore, her poor Melo stuck on both sides, Fifi in London, Piril and Engin on Selin’s side..and Serkan..her Serkan.. Eda felt tears on her cheeks and didn’t even realize that she was crying. “Get it together Eda” she said to herself as she passed through the yellow traffic light. Her phone suddenly ranged and Eda just for a few seconds looked away from the road and looked at her phone on the passenger seat. She frowned when she saw Serkan’s name on the screen. She tried to grab it when she abruptly heard beeping sound from a truck. She turned her head towards it and in that moment, truck connected with her car. The car overturned for a couple of times before it finally stopped. Last thing Eda remembered before everything went black was the color of Serkan’s eyes and the dimple from his smile. But, in that moment, one thing Eda didn’t know. She didn’t know she wasn’t alone in that car. In that car, along with Eda, was also Eda’s and Serkan’s baby.

Author's note:

I know, I know, I have two more stories to write,but we love some challenge, do we? I got inspired and this is the result of it. It's not gonna be a long story like the other ones, so this is a short fic I guess. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Vote and comment por favooor :")

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