You brought out the best of me

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“How could you say that to him?” enraged Melo asked Ayfer immediately after poor Serkan left with his head down. She felt so bad for him, that she wanted to hug him so much. She could even see his tears on his cheeks, and Melo almost cried seeing him like that. Her eniste. He would always be her eniste. No matter what shitty thing happened in both Eda’s and Serkan’s life, he would always be her eniste. Even through he lost his memories, even if he wounded Eda so much, she could sense that deep down he loved Eda. Because love like that? Love like that happens only once in your life, and if you are lucky enough to know that kind of love, you know you will never let go of it. No matter what, you carry it in your heart and you hold it against every storm that appears in front of you. That kind of love had Eda and Serkan. And she will protect her eniste from everybody, including Ayfer abla.
“What do you mean?” Ayfer asked clearly surprised at her outburst.
“What do you mean?” Melo mocked her, barely consuming her anger.
“While Eda was struggling when love of her life disappeared and than came back not remembering he, you were running around Alex like a lost puppy. While your niece was crying her self to sleep every fucking night, you, an actual adult, were in a stupid love triangle like a naïve teenager. While your niece desperately needed her aunts help, her aunt actually played a ‘He loves me& He doesn’t love me’ game like a six-year-old. And you give yourself right to attack Serkan, Serkan who loves Eda more than he loves himself, Serkan who gave his heart to Eda despite having a shitty childhood and not knowing what real love is. Serkan, who sacrificed his own happiness just because he didn’t want to hurt Eda. Serkan who would eat strawberries if Eda asked him too. Serkan who waited for so long for her, who survived through all the harsh words, fucked up past, your crazy grandmother, just because he loves Eda so much. His love overcame all of this, and just before they got their happy ever after, another shit happened to him and he lost his memories. And you blame him for plane crash and forgetting her? How could that be his fault? And even without his memories, he still fell in love her all over again, and you still treat him as shit? Even through he is the only man who made Eda smile and laugh like that, the only man Eda looked with literally heart in her eyes? You should be ashamed Ayfer abla. And to tell him that he would be guilty if Eda dies? How could you say that? He already had low opinion of himself, and now you crushed even that little part that stayed intact. Let me tell you something, my eniste is the best man I have ever met, and he is Eda’s soulmate. So, I really hope you understand that fact, because you will never have a good and pure heart as Serkan has. Your actions during these months are disgusting, and you really disappointed me, and especially Eda, although she would never say that.  So, what am I going to do right now is go to find my eniste, and he will be here, where he belongs, close to his love. And you will keep your opinion to yourself, because let’s be honest, nobody gives a shit about.  And before all that, you will apologize to him for everything you said to him, and finally accept that he is the one for her and support him and them. No offence to you, but grow the fuck up.”
Melo left shocked Ayfer and went looking for Serkan, while Ayfer was processing her words and maybe, just maybe, she realized that Melo was right.

Melo find Serkan sitting on a bench near the hospital’s garden. She could hear his sobs as his whole body shook from crying. His head was between his arms, and Melo’s eyes teared up from seeing him like this. Months ago, Serkan was a big, cold, ambitious leader and award wining architect, was now a broken man.
“Eniste?” Melo said saidly, as she walked towards him and sat beside him.
Serkan stopped crying for a few moments, and bitterly laughed at his nickname. “ I am afraid that I don’t deserve that nickname.” “I never did actually. I was a fool for thinking I deserved her and her love.”
“Oh, my dear Eniste” Melo said sadly. “If you only knew how wrong you are. The only man Eda ever loved and the only man she will ever love is you. Don’t think about Ayfer abla’s words, Serkan. She doesn’t know how much both of you love each other. I knew from the first day that you two belonged to each other, and that was when you two were fake engaged. And why, you will probably ask. Everybody thinks I am too romantic, living in clouds and believing in fairytales. And yes, maybe I am too optimistic and romantic, but that is not the reason why I trusted you instantly and knew that you are the one for my Dada. I knew that, because you, Serkan Bolat, you have a good and pure heart. Despite every wrong people did to you, you still treated people with kindness, in your silent ways and people always misjudged you. But when Eda came to your life, you opened your heart and we all looked up to you. Despite your mistakes, or Eda’s mistakes. Nobody told that love was easy. If there is love, it always comes with a bit of pain. But, when you disappeared and forgot her, Eda never gave up. She waited for you, because she knew you will come back to her. So, don’t give up on her and yourself now, when she needs you the most. What do you say eniste?”
Serkan looked at Melo in awe. God knew only how much he needed to hear those words. At this moment he was all alone. Nobody cared enough to check up on him. Selin manipulated and abused him in a worst way possible, Engin and Piril cared at some point, but it was still pointless. His mother chasing some random man like a stray dog hoping for some love. And Ayfer..Well he knew she never really liked him, but hearing those words from her.. It hurt him…It cut deeply in his soul and he knew it was going to be just another wound, another cut on his badly bruised heart…Only Melo was on his side since the beginning. And hearing those words from her…well it let him breathe just a little bit easier.
“I…I don’t know what to say…I won’t survive if Eda dies. I won’t. If she dies….”, his voice broke, “if she dies, I will never forgive myself. If she dies, I will die too…And my baby…All I ever wanted is a family…I can’t lose my family Melo…I can’t.”
“She won’t die Serkan. My Dada is strong. She will fight for both of them and for you too. So, you must stay close so she can feel your love.”
Serkan pulled Melo in a bear-hug and they stayed like that for a while. It was a long time since anybody comforted him and truly cared about him.
They pulled out of a hug and Melo stood up.
“Let’s go, Eniste. Somebody we love needs our help.”
Serkan and Melo returned to the waiting room and he tensed when he locked eyes with Ayfer.
“Look, I am really sorry for everything, you have every right to hate me. But I need to be here. I need to be for her and our baby. I love them so much; I can’t leave them. Please” Serkan begged.
Ayfer surprised Serkan and actually smiled.
“I am sorry Serkan. I really am. I treated you and said these things because I was mad at you. I was just thinking about all these bad things that happened to your relationship with Eda, I was blinded by it actually, that I forgot about all these happy moments you two had. I had seen from first day how Eda is slowly, day by day, falling in love with you. I had never seen her that happy, and I never seen her smile that much since she met you. But you also broke her heart…But I forgot that she also broke yours when my mother came to our lives. I was always thinking about Eda, and I never thought about your opinion, your feelings. And I could never understand what you went through with this amnesia, and only now I know how much hard that must have been for you. Eda never stopped loving you. Since she realized her feeling for you till now, she never stopped loving you. I am sorry that this had to happen to make me realize, but I know that you are the one for her. I have no right to interfere and I understand that. I am really sorry for everything Serkan” Ayfer finished her emotional speech and Serkan was speechless. He never thought he would her these words from her, but still it made him emotional.
“I don’t know what to say” he said honestly.
“Come here” Ayfer said and pulled him in a bone crushing hug. She whispered in his ears after he accepted her hug.
“You will always be welcomed in our home Serkan. Welcome to our family.”
Melo was crying while watching that scene and immediately jumped to join their hug.
“Welcome, Eniste.”
Eda stood in front of a mirror in a long, lacy wedding dress. Her hair was collected in a low bun, with a few locks falling around her face. Her make up was elegant and Eda felt beautiful. It was her wedding day. Finally. Today is a day she is finally going to Eda Bolat. A little bit of doubt crossed through her mind. Something is wrong, she could feel it. She felt like everything about this day wasn’t real. She began to panic but in that right moment, someone knocked on her door. The door opened and she turned to see her five-year-old son, Alp, in his cute little suit, standing in front of her with an adorable smile on his face.
“Anne, you look like a princess” he exclaimed happily.
He came to her and Eda crouched down to hug her son.
“Are you ready? Baba is waiting” he said and her heart started to beat faster.
“Yes, I am, canim. Let’s go for your sister and we can start.”
Eda offered her hand to her son and he took it. They walked down the stairs and her little daughter came to them as fast as her little legs could take.
“Anne. You look like a princess” Yildiz said admiringly and played with her mother’s dress. Eda laughed at the same reaction as her son’s and watched both of them with tears in her eyes.
“Are you ready flower girl? Let’s go to your baba” Eda said and music started right in that moment. She took her little basket with flowers and started walking to the altar on the beach. Instead of throwing the flowers on the floor, she threw it at the guests. Serkan watched her amusingly and with love in his eyes. She finished with her walk and came to her father. He took her in his arms and Yildiz whispered in his ears; “Baba, anne looks like a princess.”
Serkan smiled at her and in that moment, Eda started to walk down the path with Alp holding her hand. Eda looked at her kids’ father and future husband, and she almost started to cry. Their eyes locked and she could see the love he had for her in his eyes. She also noticed Sirius and their other dog, Hector in their little tuxedos and it made Eda laugh.
They approached the altar and Serkan took her other hand and kissed it softly
“You look beautiful” he whispered to her while they sat at the table.
The registrar started the ceremony and she couldn’t wait to hear the main part of it.
“We are gathered here today….”
And finally, it came.
“Do you, Eda Yildiz, take this man, whose hands you hold, choosing him alone to be your wedded husband? Will you live with him in the state of true matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honor him all the times and be faithful to him?”
Eda looked at Serkan and few happy tears escaped from her eyes.
“I do” she said and watched Serkan pull a biggest smile she ever saw on him.
The registrar asked the same question to Serkan and the answer was the same.
“I do.”
After they exchanged the rings, the registrar officially announced them as Mr. and Mrs. Serkan and Eda Bolat.
“You can now kiss the bride” he said to Serkan and he happily obliged. They kissed for a long time and they stopped only when their kids jumped on them.
Photographers took the first pictures of Bolat family.
After a while, they joined to the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple.
“This right here” Serkan said to her. “This was the happiest I’ve ever been.”
Eda teared for the hundred time that day and kissed him softly.
“I want to stay in your arms forever” she whispered and Serkan smiled.
“You can. You can stay here forever. You only have to decide” Serkan said as they danced lightly
“What do you mean I have to decide?” Eda asked confusingly.
“Just decide Eda. Stay with me. Stay with our family.”
Serkan, Melo and Ayfer sat in a waiting room, praying to all the Gods they knew to keep Eda and the baby safe. They waited for what seemed like hours before doctor finally came from the operating room. They all stood up and anxiously waited for the news.
“Are you Eda Yildiz’s relatives?” he asked and they all nodded, in inability to say anything.
“Miss Eda suffered from quiet serious injuries. She has a broken leg, fractured ribs, dislocated shoulder, but what worries me the most is her head injury. We won’t know if it had affected her until she wakes up. She lost a lot of blood, but her and baby are alive for now. But we still don’t know if she will wake up. We all did our best, but from now, it’s up to her. I am really sorry.”
They all stood in shock after hearing the news. She was alive, they were alive, but there is a possibility of her never waking up. Serkan felt dizzy and he had to calm himself before he puked all over the walls.
“Can we see her?” Melo asked quietly, while watching Serkan anxiously.
“She has to rest, but I will allow one of you to come, for five minutes. She can hear your words so hopefully she will wake up as soon as possible.”
“You go” Ayfer said to Serkan and he smiled at her gratefully.
He followed the nurse, and after a while he stood in front of a room. He was scared to come in, but he needed to see her.
He entered the room and his eyes immediately fell on Eda’s limp body connected to thousands of wires. He slowly walked towards her and saw her bruised, broken face and body and Serkan sobbed.
“Eda” he quietly said and sat at the chair near her bed. He took her undamaged hand and brought her hand to his lips.
“Eda” he repeated again and tears once again tainted his face.
“Aşkim. I am so, so sorry. For everything I put your through. You didn’t deserve any of it. But I need you to know that I finally remembered. I remember our love, güzelim. So don’t you dare leave me alone here. We made a baby Eda. I don’t know if you know it, but we do. Our little baby boy is here. We can finally start a family, like we talked before” Serkan watched her but nothing changed.
He sobbed even harder. “You have to wake up for us, baby. We need you here. We will get married as soon as possible and go to Paris for our honeymoon. We will have a big family and we will live in that house you always loved. But please, please, you have to wake up.”
Serkan cried and cried while looking at her unmoving face.
“Please baby” he begged. “We have so much to do here. We need to grow old together. Please…”
A knock interrupted Serkan and he saw a nurse coming in, saying it’s time to go.
“I love you so much, more than you know. Please come back to me” Serkan said and kissed her hand for a final time.
“I will be here” Serkan whispered softly and the nurse guided him gently out of room.
“I love you Eda. Come back to me.”

Author's note:

Once again, thank you all for your kind comments and votes and everything, y'all are the best.
More often than not, I regret joining this fandom for a lot of reasons... But I still have this, so I am happy :)
Hope you enjoy this chapter, because I LOVED the scenes between Serkan,Melo and Ayfer.

See you soon <3

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