Our love was made for movie screens

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“Good morning my love” Serkan greeted Eda while he sat at a chair near her bed.
“I have something for you” he added, “well something for our baby actually.”
Serkan pulled out of the bag one tiny white baby onesie.
“Look at this Eda.” He showed that onesie in front of her face, as if she had woken up.
“It says, ‘Sorry daddy, now you have two bosses’, it immediately made me think of you. As if you aren’t in my mind anyway” Serkan said with tears in his eyes.
“I had to buy this, because our little boy will wear this in a few months, but only if you wake up. We can finally start with our own little family. Sirius is missing you too. Everybody does. Your aunt, your Melo, Ceren, Deniz, and Ferit is here too. Leyla and even Erdem.”
Serkan took her hand and kissed it softly. Then he put the onesie on her belly and smiled sadly.
Her belly wasn’t showing yet, but Serkan could already see his son in that tiny onesie.
“I promise you I will never hurt you again. I promise I will try my best to be the best husband and father in the world. We will live in our house I bought for us, or any other places you want, I don’t really care, I just want to be with you. Wake up every morning to see your beautiful face, and go to sleep every night with your face the last thing I see before I go to sleep. I want to make your laugh so much, that you beg me to stop. I want to see your dimples every second of the day. I want you to look at me with love in your eyes, like you used to do. I want to kiss you for the rest of my life. I want to make love to you whenever you want, so I can properly show you how much I love and how much I want you. I want to have at least four kids, and maybe even one or two puppies. I want to see our children grow in our house, I want to show them how is it to be raised in a loving family. I want us to grow old together. To see our children getting married and to babysit their children, our grandchildren. I want to die in your loving arms when the time comes, so I can say I had the best possible life I could ever dream of. But, in order to have all of that, you have to wake up. So please, wherever you are right now, it’s not the place you should be. You should be in my arms right now, thinking about the names for our son…I need you here, with me, I can’t breathe without you. Don’t give up on me just yet” Serkan chocked on the last part, his eyes filled with tears.
Serkan didn’t count how many times he cried during these past few days, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to see Eda’s loving eyes once more.
Knock on the door sobered him up, and he saw a nurse coming his way to tell him that it was time to go.
He kissed her forehead, saying that he will come back, and reluctantly left the room. He was met with tired Ayfer and Melo, who looked at him sadly, and he sat on a chair next to them.
His phone rang and he saw Selin’s name on the screen. Anger flashed rapidly through his body and he ignored the call. He called a doctor in Slovenia who treated him, and he sent him all the details of his case. He also collected the video where Selin was deleting her project. Serkan now had a big fat documents against Selin, so he was mentally preparing for this. It’s finally time for the payoff.
“Meet me in the office in thirty minutes” he texted her and then he texted his friend in the police department.

Serkan was sitting in his chair when Selin came. She was furious at him for ignoring her because he was at the hospital for that bitch. When she heard about the accident, she considered treating everyone in the office with a bottle of champagne. She hoped she will die, so she could finally have Serkan all for herself.
“Sevgilim?” Selin called him and he immediately tensed. He was fighting with an urge to strangle her right there and then, but instead he took a deep breath and looked at her, trying to hide his disgust, but failing miserably.
“Sit down, Selin” he ordered calmly.
“Where the hell have you been these past days. I was calling you non stop and now you call me here like nothing happened and have audacity-“
“I said sit down. Don’t make me repeat myself” he said with a threatened voice.
Selin tensed but complied and sat next to him. She put her on top of his but he instantly shook it off.
“Selin Atakan. My oldest friend. My childhood friend. In these past days, I was just wondering how much you had to hate me to do the things you did to me.”
“I don’t understand Serkan, what did I do?” she played dumb, hoping this conversation isn’t going in that way.
“What did you do?” Serkan  repeated her. “Oh, you only violated me, abused, manipulated me, mentally raped me, fed me with a bunch of lies about my fiancé,  endangered company when you deleted Eda’s presentation, really the list goes on and on” he said coldly while looking at her with pure hatred in his eyes.
Selin froze as she realized that Serkan got his memories back. Serkan could see actually wheels turning around as she tried to approach this carefully, trying to save her ass.
“I didn’t do any of these things you are accusing me off. Frankly, I am offended that you would think I was capable od doing such things. As if you don’t know me at all Serkan” Selin defended herself which brought a angry smile on Serkan’s face.
He took what seems like a file that was next to his laptop and throw it in front of Selin. She jumped a little, startled, and met with the scariest looking Serkan. She never saw him like that and in that moment, Selin knew she was screwed.
“Open it” he ordered and Selin again complied.
Selin froze when she saw what was there. Doctor’s statements against her, the receipt for pills he didn’t need, the footage of her deleting Eda’s presentation. It was all there. And now, she was scared as hell.
“What is this Serkan?” she asked with a tremble in her voice.
“Those, my dear Selincim, are the documents that will send you in jail for probably five to ten years” Serkan said with a sneer.
Selin paled. And then gone ballistic.
“YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME SERKAN?” she yelled at him as she stoop up from the chair. “After all I went through to heal you, this is the way you thank me for that?? You called for me, not that bitch, but me. You called for me and I came, because I love you. I loved you longer than she did and you go back to her like a lost puppy? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“First” Serkan said in a calm voice, “you will never call my fiancé like that, or things will go south much worse than it already did. Second of all, I never loved you. How many times do I have to tell you so you can understand it. I NEVER LOVED YOU AND I NEVER WANTED YOU. Third of all, I called for you because I COULDN’T REMEMBER SHIT. I naively thought that you are my friend and looked where that got me. I pushed Eda away and now she is in hospital. How could you do that?”
“You pushed her away, not me. That was all on you” Selin said without a single regret in her voice.
Serkan looked at her and saw that. Even a therapist couldn’t help her. She was a lost cause. He hated her. She ruined his life. Now, all he wanted is to get her out of sight and life. And he did.
“Ahmet and Emre. You can come in” Serkan said and two officers came in the office, walking towards Selin.
“NO” Selin yelled. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME SERKAN. I WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE” she threatened emptily while one of the officers put handcuffs on her.
“Serkan, please. I did all that because I love you. Please. We can still be happy.”
“Take her away” Serkan ordered and just like that, Selin was gone from his life.
Serkan thought that he would feel something, relief or sadness or happiness.
But all he felt is emptiness that filled his body and soul.

After a few minutes, the door opened and he saw Engin and Piril coming his way.
“Abi, what happened? We saw officers taking Selin, are you alright?”
“Am I alright? I guess I should ask you guys, considering your bff is going to jail” he remarked snidely.
Engin and Piril looked at each other confusingly.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing, really. I am just thinking about how easily you let Selin come in our lives despite everything she did. And you knew I was in a vulnerable place, and you knew I needed friends and someone to say me the truth, but did you guys do instead? You, despite knowing how much I loved Eda, and you knew how much Eda was hurt during that time, you decided to play along and play like everything was normal. And you Piril, you were with Eda at our wedding, and you suddenly switched the sides and joked with Selin like a good old best friends. What is wrong with both of you? Didn’t you cared at all for and Eda? Did our friendship meant nothing to you?”
They couldn’t look at Serkan, because they knew he was right. Shame coursed through their bodies and they didn’t have the capacity to say anything to him.
“Serkan, I am sorry, we are sorry, we just didn’t know-“
“Save it Piril. I will just say one more thing. If anything happens to Eda, I will never forgive you” Serkan said and left crying Piril in Engin’s arms.
There was one more person to visit.
A loud baby cry woke Eda out of a deep sleep. She groaned tiredly, she couldn’t remember the last time she got a good quality sleep. She removed her blanket, but a hand stopped her.
“I got this, go back to sleep” Serkan said to her sleepily and she let him. She tried to fall asleep again, but she became restless. Eda couldn’t sleep without Serkan. She removed again the cover, and went to the nursery room. She leaned at the door as she watched Serkan singing a lullaby to their twins, Aylin and Ayaz, with both of them in their father’s arms. Eda could never get used to this view, Serkan in pure fatherly mode.
Serkan looked at her and smiled. Her husband and the father of her children. The best person she knew. Her soulmate. She quickly left the room and checked her older kids, to see if they are asleep. Their oldest son looked just like Serkan while their older daughter looked just like Eda. She tucked them again in their blankets and smiled a little. Her family is the most important thing in her life.
She returned to the nursery and saw Serkan putting them in their cribs.
“Good night, my sweet babies. I love you, and your siblings and your mother to the moon and back.” He kissed them softly, and went to Eda’s arms. They silently left the room and went to their bedroom.
“I will never get used to this Serkan” she said while being in his arms.
“I will never get used to this happiness.”
“I know aşkim” Serkan answered. “And you can always come back to us, to here” Serkan said while looking at her in a soft way Eda loved.
“But now, you have to be somewhere else.”
“What do you mean?” Eda asked confusingly as dizziness overcame her and everything turned black
“Serkan Bey? Welcome” Seyfi’s surprised voice cruised through the garden as Serkan watched around.
“Where is my mother Seyfi?” he asked rudely, not in the mood for small talk.
“She is drinking her tea at the lake. Do you want something?”
“Don’t bother” he said and walked towards his mother.
“Serkan?” Aydan exclaimed happily, excited for the visit of her son. She tried to hug him but he refused.
“We need to talk mother” he said as he sat on the bench.
“What happened? Is it Eda? I was going to visit her in a couple of hours.”
“Stop pretending like you care about her. I will make this quick, because I can’t even look at you right now.”
“You were prisoned in this house and garden for years. You couldn’t go outside and I understood it. I believed that would never change and that is why I stayed here for so long. But then, something magical happened. Eda came to our lives and colored everything and everyone here in her bright colors. You walked the first steps outside this house because of her. You gained back your life because of her. She ignored every cruel word you said to her and she helped you anyway. Who does that? She supported you and defended you at your social gatherings, because she loved you. Hell, she almost started to call you mother. And what do you do in return? You watched her suffer in months when she didn’t know if I was alive or dead. Even through you knew I was alive and you knew where I was. How could you do that to her?”
“Serkan, I…” she trembled with tears in her eyes.
“I wanted to tell her so much…But you told me that I can’t tell her…”
“I was in a fucking another country mother. What would I do? Put a gun against you? Eda had nobody. Nobody. She was fucking alone. But you didn’t care much about that, didn’t you? Because Alex showed in your life and you became a fucking teenager. An adult woman with adult son, and here you are, running around his leg like a dog. I have lost every bit of respect I had for you. I don’t want to see you, especially near Eda. Don’t call me because I won’t answer. I don’t want to see you anymore. Until at least you decide to grow the fuck up. Goodbye mother” Serkan said and left shocked and tearful Aydan.

Serkan was furious when he entered his car. Everybody betrayed him. Even his own mother. He now only had Eda..
Phone buzzed in his jacket to alert him for a new message.
He opened it and was shocked when he saw the text.

From Melo:

“Enişte come back immediately. Eda woke up!!!!”

Serkan didn’t remember the ride to the hospital. The only thing he remembered is reading that text for like a millionth time and then there he was, in a hospital, running like a crazy man towards his lover. He finally came in front of her room and he suddenly stilled.
What if she didn’t want to see him? What if she doesn’t remember him? What if this is all a dream and he would soon wake up?
He pinched himself and realized that this is real. Eda is there and now the new beginning is waiting for them.
He knocked at the door and quietly entered the room. He was immediately met with the most beautiful pair of eyes he ever saw. He stood there in awe and shock, not knowing how to react. And then, Eda smiled, Eda smiled in a way that made Serkan lose his breath.
Soft ‘aşkim’ came from her mouth and Serkan ran towards her. He kissed her many times; on her forehead, on her eyes, on her nose, cheeks, lips…Anywhere he could really. Eda laughed quietly, enjoying his proximity.
“We will leave you alone” tearful Ayfer said, as she and Melo left the room.
“You came back to me” Serkan sobbed in her neck.
“Are you really here?” Eda asked in a tired voice.
“I am here baby, and I am never leaving again. Eda, I am so sorry for everything. I..
I remember everything. And I hate myself for doing that to you. I will never forgive myself. But, my God Eda, I am a selfish person and I prayed and prayed to every star there is, to give me one more chance. And they listened to me” Serkan said as he took her face in his hands and caressed her cheeks.
“Never do that to me Eda. I will never let you go” he sobbed as Eda watched him in amazement. He was really there. Her Serkan. They can finally be happy.
“Serkan” she whispered and Serkan saw her love-filled eyes and he cried once more. But this time, for happiness.
“Don’t cry baby. I am right here. I will never leave you. I love you so much.”
He groaned after hearing her words and he started to kiss her again
“I love you. I can’t wait for three of us to start a family together” Serkan happily sobbed and saw the confusion in her eyes.
“Three of us?”
Eda saw the biggest smile on Serkan’s face. A smile she never saw on him.
“Eda…You and will become parents. You are…we are pregnant. A baby boy is in here” Serkan said as he put his hand on her belly.
Eda’s eyes were filled with tears and she put her hand on top of his.
“We are having a baby?” she asked in wonder.
“We are having a boy?” she laughed and Serkan laughed too.
“Yes we are aşkim. We will be a family. You are stuck with me forever” he said and Eda laughed even more.
It was a beautiful intimate family moment, until Eda’s heart monitor started to beep loudly, and Serkan saw in panic how the ‘waves’ on the monitor changed into a straight line.
Eda’s heart stopped beating.

Author's note:

One chapter left!
See you soon :)


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