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TW/CW: mention of alcohol, drugs language idk- of i missed any, please tell me
The school bell ring, signaling thats its time for next period. Kids were rushing in, not wanting to be late and well, fucked. And if the school called their parents, all hell would break lose. Some kids choking on the powder they were on, not going down well. The cloud they breathed in clogging up their lungs, going up their throat, denying any a oxygen. Wilbur and quackity hid behind the school, waiting for everyone to leave. A few minutes had pasted, maybe a little longer. Cause of the sexual time other people had. Now that everyone had left, it was just wilbur and quackity, alone. "Well, lets go.." wilbur said, grabbing the shorter hands and left.

They walked on the sidewalk, that was badly destroyed. Cracks showed, stained shit, old gum smeared on the concrete. Felt like getting dragged down to hell. Wilbur had his hands into his jacket pockets, Quackity had his arms and hands behind his back. Quackity was kicking cans, rock, anything that got in his way. He found it amusing. "So...where are we going? Cause innit[i have no idea if i used that correctly, sorry if I offered some British people-] the bar that way?" Quackity said, pointing his hand back to the direction of the bar. "Well, we are. But i want to see something." The tall Brit said, his eyes facing the front, a maniacally smile appearing on his face. Giving off a dangerous aura, trouble intestines showering off. It scared the people by, the man was practically the towns devil. Transparent horns floating above his head, a tail that could impel anyone and anything, behind his lower half his his body, wings that were big, and long. He was the tnt and quackity was the button.

They kept walker for a few more minutes, Quackity was starting to get impatient, "Wilbur, what the fuck are we looking for." He spatted, his eyes looking up at wilburs, piercing eyes stabbing right through his soul, threatening to tear wilburs limps off. "Calm down love, we're almost there.." the tall man said, his eyes giving back the same piercing Quackity gave. The Mexican scoffed, but didnt argue. "Here we are!" Wilbur said with such excitement, eyes glittering with hype ness, but there was a flame, coming closer, threatening to blow up. "A house...? Are you serious-" "shush dear, this house belongs to the one and only, DAVE MILLERS!" You see, dave millers, was a famous writer. Writing many popular books, everyone loved him. He gave off such a pleasant vibe. "No way..." Quackity laughed at the information, his legs took control, and started to walk to the door, wanting to open it so dearly. He waited for this moment for so long, he wanted to tear the house down to shreds. He hated Dave millers. Set the house up flame.

Before he could touch the golden door knob, he was pulled back with such force. The arm twirling him around, to face, wilbur. And angry wilbur. The flames grew, and came closer, wanting to set everything on fire, make this town the new hell. "What the hell do you think youre doing" wilbur whispered, it was a cold one, cold than winter, sending chills down Quackity's spine. He smiled once more, the same smile he had when he was about to blow up the school. Medicining smile, poison-ness, a sharp sword, covered in others blood. "We're not gonna go in now. Later." They both hated Dave millers, for many reasons. Quackity giggled at this. He nodded his head, even though he wanted to go in now, but it was broad daylight and they would've gotten caught. They were to hot to go to jail with some trash human beings. "Yes señor wilbur" the Mexican said, getting on his tip toes, kissing the boy in front of him cheek, earning a chuckled. But that was soon replaced with a grunt, caused by Quackity giving wilbur a punch to the stomach. He soon left, leaving wilbur to leap over to Quackity. "You bitch-"

The two boys were standing in front of the bar, holding their fake ids. Quackity looking down at it, rubbing his finger on one of the tips. He sighed,a enclosed his eyes for a few seconds. He was never comfortable with drinking, his dad had a drinking problem, it only got worse over the years. Quackity never liked the idea of the liquid going down his throat, and entering his body. Poisoning his insides, for his own satisfaction. Which wasnt true. "Come one" wilbur said, already walking towards the line, Quackity following shortly after. "Ids." The guard demanded, she was big and scary. Quackity shuddered. "Here you go ma'am!" Wilbur gave her a nice, friendly smile. Crazy how he works it. Quackity gave her his. She snatched the away from the boys hands, looking at it, then looking at them. She did this three more times, this made the smaller Brit uncomfortable, he never liked getting looked up and down. From past trauma. "Alright, head on in." She had a suspicious look splattered on her face, a glare could be seen.

Wilbur grabbed Quackitys hand and dragged him inside. "We wont be here for long, so lets make the most of it" wilbur said smiling down at Quackity, who returned it. "Hell ya!" And thats what they did. They drank, flirted with random people, sometimes making out with each other. They were having a good time, until...

"THERE THEY ARE!" Said a familiar voice, it was the guard. And she seemed pissed, behind her was the manager an a few more guards. "Well fuck..." Quackity whispered, he grabbed wilburs wrist and dragged him to the back. They were both laughing their asses off, this wasnt new to them, they were the towns trouble makers. They ran as fast as they can, but being a little drunk, didnt help them that much. The spotted the back door,a den ran to it. Wilbur opened it, and walked out. Quackity, before he left, he turned around and stuck his middle finger out, "fuck you!" He yelled, sticking his tongue out, laughing away. They ran out, continuing to laugh their hearts away, they held each other's hands while they run. "HAHAHA, HELL YA!-" wilbur yelled.
Thank you for reading, I'm not gonna say much since I'm tried.
I was gonna make this like three days ago, but i kept getting distracted-
Sorry- i dont think its good, but idk
Again thank you for reading, have a good day, night, afternoon or evening!

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