"Where the fuck have you been?"

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TW/CW:mention of alchol (I think that's all-, please tell me if there's more that trigger some of you!)

"We are finally here..." quackity quietly, but loud enough for Wilbur to hear. There was a hint of fear and sadness that trickled on his sentence, Wilbur couldn't figure out why, he couldn't figure out if it was the cops or something else. He chose to ignore it. "So, how would we get in? I mean, we don't have a key..." Wilbur asked, facing towards quackity as the boy was still studying the cabin. "Quackity?" The taller asked, quackity had been quite for a while. "What? Oh, sorry I spaced out..." quackity apologize, he always apologized. He hated how much he did it. "Hey, are you ok? You seem... I don't know, uneasy?" Wilbur worryingly asked, he knew the answer, he's been told it many times but he never believed it, he let it be. He didn't want to push him.

"Ya I am, don't worry Wilbur..." the boy responded, looking at Wilbur with a sweet smile, that smile always made Wilbur believe him. Even though he knows that it's all a fucking fake smile. It was obvious that quackitys brain was to fogged with lies and terror. He turned back forward and walked up to the door mat, he then proceeded to lift up the mat and appeared a key, it shined so bright. He picked up the key and faced it to Wilbur, "this, is how we get in" he smiled, "that is such a terrible place to put a key, so cheesy" "well, deal with it" quackity responded, he agreed, just didn't want to admit it.

He unlocked the door and pushed it open, the creaking was loud, it was obvious that the cabin was old. The small was weirdly homey, even though no one used it in years. The scent sent quackity in a nostalgia state. "It still looks the same" of course there was some rust in some parts of the house, "tomorrow morning, we leave this shit hole" quackity said, even though he loved the cabin with his whole heart, there was still memories that replay in his head, memories that he wish will burn, that constantly remind him of his past that he wishes to forget. "Ok...were will we sleep?" Wilbur asked, already tired from all the running, he also had a splitting headache from the alcohol he drink. Quackity walked over to a hallway that was on his left, "here, there are four rooms, pick whatever one" he said, pointing at the four rooms as he spoke.

"Can I sleep with you instead?" Wilbur asked, he just wanted to cuddle and warmth. "Oh-, um, ya sure" quackity responded, this wasn't new to him but it still managed to make him flustered. A rose color bloomed on his cheek after responding, Wilbur felt a smile creeping up on his lips, "thanks darling..." he spoke with such love, the love was an addicting thing to quackity. Quackity hummed an response, awkwardly walking to one of the rooms, Wilbur quickly followed behind. They threw themself on the bed, making it bounce a bit, they were both so tired. Wilbur scooted closer to quackity, slowly wrapping his hands around quackitys waist and pulling him even more close. This brought comfort to Wilbur and quackity. "Sleep well love..." Wilbur spoke softly, like a lullaby. It sent shivers down his spine, but it was comforting and loving.

The next morning-

Quackity fluttered his eyes open, groaning and turning, the bed was very uncomfortable, it was spiking his side. His movements waking up Wilbur, who also groaned and buried his head into quackitys neck, "Wilbur... get up" quackity spoke, "do I really...?" Wilbur nuzzled into quackitys neck deeper. "Yes, please..." his hand crept up and began petting Wilbur hair, "fine..." Wilbur released his griped on quackity and sat up, stretching his long ass arms. Quackity sat up at the edge of the bed, rubbing his tired eyes that had bags under them, only this time it wasn't from a one night stand. He got up and stretched, and began walking out of the room. "I-, wait!-" Wilbur pleaded, getting off the bed as fast as he could, and began chasing quackity, sometimes tripping over nothing.

"We should head back now..." "but it's so earlllyyu!!!..." Wilbur complained, throwing his head back and groaning. " ya but if we get home early, our parents wouldn't know that we never came home, right?" "Home home" quackity giggled at his weird answer, but didn't question it. "Let's just, go already..." "fine, but can you turn around?" Wilbur asked, this confusing quackity, but he did it anyways, only for his face being cupped and a pit of soft lips meeting his. His eyes widen a bit at the quick action, but soon melted into the warm, comforting touch. Quackity pushed Wilbur away earning and whine from the other, "why did you push me away, what the fuck..." "because I want to go home" quackity said, waking out and completely ignoring Wilburs complaints and whining.

"Hey, are you still worried about the, you know, cops?..." Wilbur nervously asked, he could see the shocked and worry building its way into quackitys eyes and face. Stabbing it's way in. "Terrified." Quackity responded weirdly calmly, that freaked Wilbur out a bit, he was never this calm. Especially in the situation they're in. "What if we get caught?" Quackity asked, the sound of walking filling the silence that came between them, Wilbur saw quackitys hand fidgeting, he saw the river of sweat trickling in. Quackity was never a fan of sweating. "Quackity I'm pretty sure we won't get caught like in the movies, and even if we did, we'd probably be American" Wilbur stated, trying to convince quackity that they were ok. "I guess you're right...and we'd probably be a straight cringe couple" Wilbur nodded in agreement. It's like they didn't have interest in the opposite sex, Wilbur was bisexual and quackity was pansexual.

The walked closer and closer to winches house, since his was closer, then after quackity will leave. "You sure you want to go to your home? You can always stay at mine?" Wilbur asked, he knew quackitys life at home was hell, like literally. It was always hot and all he got was little ass demons torture him. "No, it's ok, my parents will be worried if I stayed with you" he said, not trying to be rude, his parents and Wilbur never got along. Maybe it was because quackitys dad fucked wilburs mom. Or they just never got along. His parents didn't care where he was, as long as he was at home whenever, they could care less. "Ok...-, that was hurtful" Wilbur said, dramatically faking a sob. "Shut up" quackity playfully rolled his eyes, they continue walking until they officially reached wilburs house. "Well, I'll walk to mine now, bye love-" "wait, can you come inside?" Wilbur asked, almost pleading, he didn't want quackity to leave yet. Quackity thought for a bit, before saying, "no, sorry wil..." he apologized, giving Wilbur an apologetic smile. "It's ok..." Wilbur responded with a sad tone. "I should go now..." Quackity said, standing on his tippy toes and giving Wilbur a small peck on his cheek, before gripping his hair and whispered, "tell anyone about last night, and I will kill you." "Not of I do it first love~" Wilbur responded. Quackity giggled and let go of his grip, letting his feet fall back on the ground, making him sadly small again and waved goodbye, with a smile like the whole 'I'll il you if you tell someone' thing didn't happen. Wilbur smiled and walked up to the door and opened it.

When he walked inside he instantly felt something off, like killing off. He turned every direction, trying to find what was off. He hesitantly walked further into the house, each step he made took risks. When nothing happened, he sighed in relief and chuckled at himself for being so scared over nothing, he was fine. That was until a voice broke the silence and mad wilburs eyes go wide.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

'Well fuck, I could never have a break can I?'

AYYYY, I UPDATED THIS, I'm not very proud of it, since I just pulled this chapter right out of my ass, but hey, it works right? I think it's pretty short, but eh idk. Well that's all, have a good day, good night, good afternoon or evening!


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