chapter 6

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"congratulations taehyung , jungkook"a old couple wished them.

"Thank you" the couple smiled at them.

Now it's was evening party taehyung and jungkook changed their clothes into another expensive dress and standing in the middle like a statue.
Only thing they need to do is smile and say thank you at whoever congrats them.

Actually seo joon organized this party... He was so happy today, his only son is married and this is enough for this man to fly in joy.
He booked Korea's number one marriage hall which is very expensive and decorated with beautiful flower and beads. He invited his close relatives and loyal business partners and friends.

"If I knew this shit will tired like hell I will never be married" taehyung mumbled.
However jungkook heared, chuckled.
"You tired?" Jungkook asked, he shifted his gaze to taehyung who is sulking beside him.

Taehyung didn't reply only huffed in irritation.

Cute jungkook thought to himself. .

A few steps away from them were aera watching them with fond eyes.

"Whats wrong mom? " Seo joon asked while gave her a drink.

"Do you think they'll love each other in the future?" Seo joon asked aera .

"They made for each other I have no doubt about it.... They need some time after getting know about each other they would never leave each other for a second" she smiled when she saw jungkook chuckling at the sulking taehyung.

"I hope so" seojoon sighed.

"Kook come on... Let's have some drink" jimin pulled jungkook by forearm.

Taehyung side eyed them, clearly not liking the way the shorty guy pulling jungkook.

Jungkook hesitated first but after noticing taehyung stare he compiled.
Jimin guided jungkook to sit one of the chair and gave him a glass of wine.

Taehyung rolled his eyes "fucking midget" he mumbled to himself.

"Taetae!! Whats wrong dear?" Aera asked.

"Oh granny... Nothing is wrong I'm just bored" taehyung smiled.

"Oh my baby... You must be tired from all of this" she softly patted taehyung's head.

Taehyung hummed softly "if its for my dear aera then I'll do anything for her" he smiled his boxy smile,
Aera chuckled and kissed his cheeks
"Always smile like this sweety" aera caressed his face softly, taehyung literally melted at that.
Taehyung laughed his eyes landed on someone who is staring back at him intensely.

Taehyung pupil widened what the fuck wrong with him.... Why he is staring like this
taehyung broke the eye contact and looking everywhere but not in his eyes.

Aera noticed the nervousness she followed taehyung gaze, there jungkook sitting with jimin and hoseok drinking but jungkook full concentration on his husband.

Aera giggeled "I think someone is waiting for you... I guess I should go now "

"W-what?" Taehyung puzzled.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow honey" aera kissed his forehead lovingly and left taehyung alone.

"Aera wait!!"

"Hmm.... I never knew my beautiful husband has such a beautiful smile" someone husked from behind taehyung.

Taehyung literally Shivered "what the--" taehyung cut off by jungkook placing his finger on taehyung's lips.

"Shhh don't talk" jungkook slowly put his hand around taehyung's waist and pulled closer to his chest.

Taehyung yelped "the fuck doing Jeon
Let go" he whisper shouted, his face blushing hard.

" If you don't shut up I'll make you" jungkook slurred pulling taehyung even close to his makes taehyung feel hot all over his body.

That's when taehyung realised jungkook drunk.... Taehyung tried to push him but his husband unfortunately (fortunately) too strong.

"Jungkook let go... I swear if you not your fired" he glared at his husband in return jungkook stared at the beauty in front of him.

However jungkook couldn't hear any word taehyung speak his eyes only focused on taehyung's lips.
Taehyung noticed that immediately he covered his mouth by his hand
"If you dare... I swear I'll kill you Jeon" taehyung voice muffled by his hand.

Jungkook laughed he slowly removed his one hand, another kept on  taehyung's waist "believe me" he cupped his face by his free hand "your smile...." Jungkook sensually whispered, his lips hovered over taehyung's "killed me already" Jungkook stared at the beautiful brown eyes which is staring back at him.

Jungkook slowly leaned forward now taehyung felt weak in his hold he couldn't escape from that charcoal eyes and didn't want to.

Jungkook lips brushed over taehyung's soft one.... Taehyung clutched jungkook coat in his fist.
Taehyung closed his eyes waiting for his husband to do something with his helpless self.

But none happened....
Taehyung opened his eyes and met with same eyes still close to his staring with lot of emotions...

Taehyung then realised what he is doing on the other hand jungkook mesmerized by taehyung...

Taehyung used the chance and pushed him a little roughly but jungkook still managed to stable himself.

Taehyung eyes filled with un shed tears.... He doesn't know why he feel like crying maybe by  jungkook words...

He literally shaking by the overwhelming emotion , he avoided jungkook gaze and left that place without shouting nor yelling at his husband...

Jungkook was shock..
Yes he was drunk but still a sober...
He couldn't believe that he kissed taehyung... Again.
It's just a soft touch but still he started it and taehyung didn't push him either....

Now he totally confused by taehyung behaviour...
And he couldn't forget the beautiful smile of taehyung's heck he want to see that smile again...

Fuck... Whats wrong with me!! He mumbled to himself and went towards his friends again.

Aera and seo joon grinned after watching their kids little lovely act
"I told you they both made for each other" aera squealed like a little girl.

"Oh my god mom !!  Did you saw the blush on taehyung face.... I never knew my son can blush too" seo joon  dramatically said earning a soft smack from aera.

"Now I'm sure they'll soon fall in love with each other and live long" aera teared up just by thinking.

Seo joon hugged her "me too mom... I'm glad my son is gay" he chuckled a bit which made aera chuckled too.

"Jungkook too" they both laughed.

Let's hope... 💜


Sorry if it's worst... 🤗💜

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