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One more day in Tartarus, one more day of suffering. Splinters everywhere, legs too tired to go on. I think I may have collapsed onto my knees a couple of times.

Thank goodness Annabeth was with me. She was my rock. As well as Bob the titan, and small Bob, the cat. But Bob was gone, and me and Annabeth were facing the most vicious monsters I'd ever seen. Pure black birds who we killed and then more came, leaving us with curses to deal with. So far, I had an arrow through my belly, some poisonous gorgon's blood, and a couple of slices through my body. Just a normal day.

We were nearly dead. Annabeth was temporarily blinded. I was covered in wounds. We needed a miracle, and thankfully, a miracle came.

Out of the shadows came the weirdest dressed person I had ever seen. The girl was wearing a pastel blue shirt and another pastel blue something around her waist as a skirt (blanket?) She was wearing navy blue leggings and grey and purple running shoes. A rainbow ribbon was tied around her ponytail of dark brown, wavy hair. Her skin had a mediterranean sort of complexion. The most surprising part was her face. It was my face! Sea green eyes... well that's the only comparison, really. But trust me, it was my face! She had light freckles on her upper nose and cheeks. She also had a colourfully striped satchel at her side.

She removed her blanket-skirt and threw it up at the birds. They disappeared completely as the blanket fell to the ground. She calmly walked to the spot where the demon birds had vanished and picked up her blanket. She tied it to her waist with a purple ribbon-thing. A puddle of water remained of the birds.

Then, she turned to face us, "Nice sword." I only just realized my sword was still uncapped. I took the pen lid out of my pocket and pressed it to the tip of the sword. It retracted into a pen swiftly, as usual. The girl's eyes widened, "Is that... Anaklusmos?"
"Uh... yeah."
"Percy?" Annabeth asked, trying to follow the girl's voice.
"Oh! I'm sorry I completely forgot!" the girl rummaged through her bag and brought out a square of ambrosia and a small, cylindrical tin, "Here! It's ambrosia and frozen nectar, for your wounds!" She handed it to me and I took it, still stunned. I fed the ambrosia to Annabeth, and I opened the tin can. It was indeed frozen nectar. I picked it up and took a small bite, I immediately felt better. My wounds started to close up.

"Are you Percy and Annabeth?"
"Who's asking?" Annabeth said, her sight returning.
"My name is Alexus, but you can call me Alex if you'd like. I came here from the Argo II. I'm here to help."
"Are you a demigod?" I asked.
"Yes. I got claimed yesterday, actually. This may come as a bit of a shock, but... I'm your sister."

It came as a shock indeed. Not only did I have a new family member, but she said she was claimed yesterday? This girl was well over thirteen years old. The gods didn't own up to their promise. Again! I hope Styx gives them tartarus for me. It wasn't just the gods, though, it was my dad. Poseidon didn't abide by his promise. I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to believe they were faithful, but I couldn't. They were all too familiar with breaking promises.

"Percy's sister?" Annabeth asked, dumbfounded for the first time.
"Half-sister, really. Like your brethren in the Athena cabin."
"How- I've never seen you at Camp Half-Blood." I changed my mind mid-sentence.
"I don't think anybody has. It's strange that way."
My mind was running. So far, I found out there is yet another member in this strange godly family that was apparently at Camp Half-Blood but no-one ever noticed. And the gods broke their promise. Just a regular day.

"How on earth would nobody notice you at camp? I've been there for roughly nine years and I've never seen you before." Annabeth questioned.
"That's easy, it wasn't on earth, it was in earth. It has something to do with Gaia." Alex hypothesized.
"You said you came from the Argo II?"
"Yes, I did."
"Um... how did that happen?"
"I came across the ship and Leo and Nico welcomed me to meet the rest."
"You came across them... while they were in the water?" I asked, sceptically.
"I see how that can be confusing," she agreed, "I have the rare ability to walk on water. And I am not Jesus, by the way. Frank asked the question and I found it stupid so I just wanted to clarify."
"Frank asked that question? Wow, okay." I threw my arms up in defeat. There were so many confusing and shocking things around me constantly that I had learnt to make peace with it.

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