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Hanging out with coach Hedge while the others do all the hero work wasn't my idea of fun. My idea of fun was... well I don't really know. I guess I'll know it when I feel it.

When they emerged, Hedge immediately scolded them about taking too long and 'keeping their guest waiting'. That was my cue, I guess. I came out of the Argo II and saw everyone standing there. Lexi immediately caught my eye, and her face lit up. I smiled back at her. I couldn't help it, she was infectious. I looked at the person who was supporting her. He was a tall, sandy-haired boy with a long white scar on the left side of his face.

There were a lot of overlapping voices and I joined the crowd. We all settled down on the grass and Lexi took the seat next to me, Piper the other. Everyone exchanged stories and I was staring at Lexi most of the time. Listening to Luke, the new boy, recount their time in the cage, I had flashbacks. Lexi always depended on me when it came to her seizures. I was glad that she could now handle them better on her own.

"Wait, is that why you woke up screaming some nights?" Piper asked her.

"No, that's just PTS." she answered.

"Just PTS?! Nobody reacts that calmly to waking up at night screaming!" I yelled at her. She just shrugged at me. I stared at her incredulously. I was looking at the bravest person in the world. Literally. 

"Mmm! I have a story about Percy-" said Lexi.

"-I have a feeling this isn't going to go well-"

"-First time he arrived at camp. He had just defeated the Minotaur, his mother 'dead' and he woke up in the infirmary. Wait, so he woke up twice. First time, Annabeth was spoon feeding him ambrosia, and according to him it tasted like buttered popcorn. The second time, he woke up to Grover, and there was a glass of Nectar next to the bed. He drinks the entire glass, it tasted like... his mom's cookies I think? I don't know, but Grover takes him outside and he sees Annabeth again, and, I don't know, confronts her saying 'hey you're that girl' or whatever the hell you wouldn't say to a person after waking up in a hospital bed in a place you don't know. And Annabeth..."

"I'm proud of what I did next. First thing I say to him as soon as he walks up to me: 'you drool when you sleep'" finished Annabeth. Everyone laughed at his expense, "And, I am pleased to report that he still does."

"Wait really?" Percy asked.

"Are you kidding? You drool when you're awake too. I've seen it." announced Lexi.

"You know, you're one to talk," said Luke.


"You were drooling in the Hermes cabin."

"So you watched me sleep." accused Lexi. Smart move. And very Lexi of her. Everybody was following the exchange carefully.

"No- what-" Luke stuttered. Lexi smirked smugly as everyone laughed at his expense.

"As much as I am loving this conversation, we need to get back on task," said Annabeth.

"And that is?" asked Lexi.

"Reyna, you're going to take the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, but the problem is transportation."

"I'll go." For the first time, everyone's heads turned to Nico.

"You sure?" Lexi asked him timidly.


"You've never shadow-travelled that far before."

"So I'll take it in trips."


"Alexis, I'll be fine. You stay here and go to Athens."

"You know, I didn't think it would be this soon before you banished me." she chuckled softly.

She flickered into her Hades appearance. I placed a hand on her back and she stopped, resting in the Hades form. The rest stared at us, but I didn't care. I just helped her.

"We should probably start getting ready if we want to be there by the first of August. It took us 18 days to get to Epirus from Rome, which should have been a two day trip." announced Leo, breaking the tension.

"Luke? Are you staying or going back to camp?" All eyes turned to him.

"I think I'll stay, unless you guys think I should go."

"Bringing back the statue could be seen as an apology." Annabeth stated. Percy looked at her. Then Leo. Them Hazel. Then Piper, with the fiercest one, "But we wouldn't mind if you decided to come with us." she continued nervously now that everybody was giving her death glares. I joined them. It was so obvious that he liked her. As for Lexi, I don't think she felt the same way, but who knows?

"Let's go!" yelled Leo out of nowhere. I got up and took one step before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Lexi.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I complied. She led me away from the ship.

"I- I wanted to ask you about what you said... the last time we saw each other. It's okay if things have changed since then, but I just want to know." She said hurriedly, like she was going to explode if she didn't say it in one second.

"To be honest, it still stands, but I'm pretty sure Luke is sending you some serious vibes."

"He- what?! That's gross, he's ten years older than me."

"He is?!" I practically yelled.

"Oh gods... I mean, I guess it isn't too weird, but still. I'm so confused."

"That's okay. We can talk about it." I offered.

"I don't know if I want to talk about it to anyone. I don't know if it will help me. I don't know if it'll destroy me. I don't- I don't even know if I want to have a relationship with anybody right now."

"Lexi, we could get together right now, in a few months, in a few years, or we could stay friends. I don't care. As long as I don't lose you, I'm happy." I smiled reassuringly at her. I meant what I said. That conversation we had a few months ago... I was so happy when she said it. It was the first time I smiled in a really long time. Every time she's around me I feel like butterflies are in my stomach. I know what you're thinking, and there's no 'but'. There's just her.

The Girl He ForgotWhere stories live. Discover now