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I don't think I've ever been in so much trouble. Our disguises wore off, and now we have no way of escaping a crowd of monsters surrounding the exact place we wanted to go. Just then, small Bob decided to become big Bob. In other words, he transformed into a jaguar and let out a roar that riled up all the monsters. Not very helpful, if I do say so myself. Which I do. It wasn't helpful at all.

Bob, Annabeth and I all sprung into action. I slashed and stabbed until my arm went numb.

Turns out, small Bob wasn't the only one roaring. I whirled around in time to see a girl hanging upside down from the Nemean lion's mane. She grabbed me by the shirt and threw me onto it's back so fast I couldn't see her face. Someone else grabbed my shirt in time to pull me up. I looked to see who it was, and words can't describe how I felt.


"The one and only." He leaned back down as Annabeth flew onto the lion's back.

"Luke? You're dead!"

"Not anymore. I just woke up in a cage with her." he pointed at the girl riding at the front who just swung back upright. Her appearance flickered into a different girl and back to herself. She turned her head and sent me a wink.

"A- Alex?"

"Did you miss me?"

"Yes." I actually laughed out loud. She stood up and took out a lid-less back scratcher out of her pocket. She walked nonchalantly to the Nemean lion's nose like it was a pavement. She turned back and flicked the back scratcher as it grew into a sword split into 4 quadrants and glowing like a rainbow.

"See ya." and she backflipped into the battle. As she fell, she brought down her sword in a deadly arc and the ground rippled like the Mexican wave. She fought like no one had ever fought before. She could rival Luke. Speaking of Luke...

"What are you doing here?" I turned on him. Annabeth was staring at him like he was a ghost.

"Gaea brought me back so me and Alexis could torture each other in a dark prison cage because she IMed camp and told them everything. Honestly, it's working. I don't remember her being this bossy when I was alive the first time." He chuckled. Annabeth was still staring, and I joined her.

"Wait, you're one of the two that knew she was there?"

"Two?" he asked, "No, there were way more than two. More like seven or eight."

"Wha-" I was cut off when our ride stopped smashing people. In fact, everything stopped. We all looked down and saw the most horrific thing I've ever seen in my entire life. A cloaked man glowing purple with a swirling spiral for a face was staring at Alexis. We couldn't see his expression, but it looked like disappointment.

"Oh, Alexis." he tutted, "I thought I taught you better than that."

"You wish, Tartarus." she fixed herself in a battle stance, "I always beat you in training." This was Tartarus? Why was Alexis being so cool about it? Was he... was he her kidnapper? Annabeth told me it was Gaea.

    Alexis whirled her sword around and it glowed like a rising sun. Earth pebbles and rocks flew up from the ground and the last section of the sword, closest to the hilt, absorbed it. Fire erupted and joined the next one. Water from the River Styx coiled it's way to the second, and a tornado of air flew into the first.

"Mastered our powers, I see." Tartarus taunted. She didn't say anything, just smirked lightly. She let out a battle cry and charged. Tartarus flicked his hand and black magic blasted out at her but Alex didn't waver. She simply swerved around it like it was a game of dodgeball. She jumped off the ground flying 2 feet- no 3 feet- higher than his head and brought down the sword on his swirling face, but he held the sword in his hand like it was nothing. Alexis just floated there, her powers useless against him. He swatted her aside and turned to us.

The Girl He ForgotWhere stories live. Discover now