Chapter 2:

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Same morning:

"Ca..rina," Maya said in between moans. She then saw a beautiful Italian glance up from in between her legs and say, "Hmm." "Babe I ha— I have t— Carina," the blonde could barely get out any words because she was coming down from her high of an amazing orgasm. The brunette kissed Maya on the lips and laid her head down on the pillow next to her. "Now what were you trying to say Bambina," Carina questioned with a smirk.

"You think you're funny, huh," the blue-eyed woman asked. Carina just chuckled at the answer. Maya slowly stretched her hand over to Carina's stomach. She got all the way to her panty line and reached her hand in. As you were about to get to work, she finally answered while kissing Carina, "I have to go to work or I'm going to be late." She jumped out of the bed and started getting ready. Carina let out a very loud groan. She then screamed from the bedroom, "You did that on purpose!"

After a while, they both were in the kitchen trying to find something to eat. "Babe, don't cook anything, I'm just going to drink this smoothie," the blonde said as she was rushing to find her things around the house. "Bambina, you need to eat real food," Carina said as Maya walked into the kitchen. "Well then," she placed a kiss on the Italian, "will you come to the station for lunch?" The brunette just kissed back, Maya taking that as a yes.

"Okay, I have to go or I will never make it to work," placing another on her wife's lips. "I love you, babe, see you at lunch," said the blonde. "Love you too, and be safe please," Carina replied with love and concern. Maya just smiled and waved before she closed the door.

It was 8 am when Maya finally made it to work. She had put her uniform on and asked the team to do a line-up. As soon as she finished, they got a call, about a fire 10mins away from them.

Carina POV

After Maya left for work, I left about 20mins after. I made my way up to my office to change and get things prepared for the rest of the day. I soon found Jo Wilson, and I was super excited to be mentoring her to become an OB-GYN. "Hello, Wilson how are you doing today," I questioned with a big smile. Jo replied with "Hi, I'm doing good, and it's just Jo now." I just nodded my head.

"You seem very ... happy today," Jo added, while we were walking down the halls of the hospital. "I'm just a camper happy," I added with a chuckle. Jo looked at me with a confused face and laughed. "What, did I say it wrong," I questioned with a strong Italian accent. "Yes, it's a happy camper, not a camper happy," the American added with chuckles in between. I gave her a thumbs-up, and said: "Got it, happy camper, that's me." I wanted to brag about my life a little bit, but I didn't want to because I still didn't quite know how Jo was feeling about the whole 'Alex and the letters' situation. "Who's our first patient," I asked.

"We have an 8-month pregnant teenager, she is 18 years old. Her name is Linda Calvary and she is expecting a baby girl. She is about 6 1/2 cms dilated, and she is having a lot of contractions, and she doesn't want an epidural," Jo said while looking away from the tablet.

"Her vitals are fine and the baby seems to be doing good as well. She is also her by herself. Her parents put her out when they found she was pregnant," Jo explained. "Poor Bellina. Okay let's go in," they then both walked into the patient's room and started talking to the patient about their next steps.

Maya POV

I gave out orders accordingly. "Hughes, Montgomery, Miller, I need you guys to do a sweep of the house. Gibson and Herrera start working on the hose, and Warren clear people of this area. I don't want anyone near this house," I screamed in my captain's voice. As I finished giving orders, I received "Yes captain" before they started to do get to work.

Hughes, Montgomery, Miller did a sweep of the house and pulled two people out of the house. 2 adults, one man, and one female. Once they came back to the truck, I looked back at the house and saw someone looking out the window. I questioned all three of them, "Why do I still see someone in the house," They looked at me with confusion. "Captain there is no one is in there," Hughes said. "Then why is there someone standing at the window," I screamed softly. They had puzzles faces, while they glanced at the window and saw someone. They were certain they got everyone out. "Cap, there is no way we can go back in there. The stairs almost collapsed as we were leaving," Miller added.

I glanced at the window one more time, she's probably about 13 years old, I'm not leaving her to die. I put my gear on and made my way towards the house. "Bishop .. Maya, what are you doing," Herrera questioned trying to pull my arm. "I'm going to save that little girl," I replied. "Then I'm going with you," Herrera said, also trying to put on her gear. Before she knew it, I was already in the house.

There was so much smoke, and I had to walk upstairs softly so that they wouldn't collapse or there wouldn't be any way out. As I made it to the top stair the stairs collapsed. "Damn it," I whispered. My team heard it and started talking to me on the radio, "Maya, do you copy," "Captain," asked Gibson. "Yes, I'm fine, I'm almost to her room," I said softly. "I need you guys to get the safety net and put it under the window, the stairs collapsed," I responded, also trying to preserve my oxygen. "Sweetie if you can hear me call out," I yelled as I walked in the room. "..I'm here," I heard softly.

I saw the girl, with her legs pushed up to her chest. "Hi sweetie, I'm Captain Maya Bishop, and I'm going to get you out okay," I said while pulling her up to stand. She nodded back. I took a blanket off her bed, broke the glass from the window so we can jump out. I then wrapped her up in a blanket so she wouldn't feel the glass from the window. "Ok, now we have to jump out of the window my te—" before I finished I felt her tense up. "My team has a safety net that is going to catch us when we jump, I promise," she nodded and held onto me tightly. 1,2,3, I counted to myself as we jumped out the window.

It was a perfect landing. As we got off the safety net, Warren ran to get a gurney, while Herrera tried to give her oxygen. Because of the huge amount of smoke inhalation, she was having problems breathing. I also noticed that she had bruises all over her body. The two adults that were also in the house, had already made their way to the hospital. As I approached the gurney to see the kid before she left, I said "You were very brave today sweetie," she then grabbed my hand, and said "Please don't leave," with a raspy voice. I then saw tears stream down her face. It wasn't just scared tears, it was tears of pain and fear. I would know.

"I'm not going anywhere," I replied back while stroking her hair. "19, go back to the station and start your chores, I'll catch up with your guys later. Herrera, you are in charge," I screamed softly to my team. I hopped in the ambulance with the teenager and we made our way to the hospital.

Carina POV

As I was getting out of my 5th patient room, I heard running coming from the left of me. "Rallenta, geez," I yelled. When I turned around I ran into Jackson. "Sorry Carina, trauma coming in, got to go!" He yelled as he bolted past me.

Trauma, I thought to myself, but Jackson is ENT/Plastic Surgeon. Burns, fire. I said softly "Omg Maya." I made my way to the pit to see who it was. I was trying to stay calm, but negative thoughts were protruding through my mind.

When I walked into the emergency room...

*Rallenta- slow down*
*Bambina- baby girl*
*Bellina- pretty/pretty girl*

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