Chapter 27

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Siena POV

It's been weeks since I had my melt down. It's been a month actually, and I feel a little bit lighter. Within these past few weeks, Maya and Carina have shown me so much love and support that I could never really set my mind on my thoughts that constantly were running through my mind. I noticed that they didn't work as much as they used to. They even tried to spend as much time with me as possible. They would distract me outings to restaurants, and arcades. Thankfully I also have soccer.

Oh I forgot to mention, I made junior varsity. And it has been amazing. I found myself becoming close friends with Carly. She was would come over every once in a while and spend night. She is so funny.

It was refreshing to have a friend again. Kids at school stopped with murmurs every time I walked by, and stared but it was as bad as before. Plus Alyssa, still was talking to me, but smile here and there.

Maya and Carina found a therapist for me that helped me with understanding myself better and it was going .... let's just say it was going. I wasn't too found of attending sessions two times a week, but it will become less and less if I showed progress. I requested a woman therapist and her name is, Dr.Ottis.

The first couple of sessions were terrible because I just cried and cried. It is so exhausting having to relive everything that happened since my mom passed. I expressed to Dr.Ottis about me going to see my dad. She said that it could be good for me, but do it for the right reasons. To make sure that I am confident, and fearless of him. That it would take time to forgive him, but that I also have don't forget what happened. What he did to me.

Today was finally the day, I was going to face him. Nervous was an understatement of how I really felt. We had to go to the jailhouse by 10am.

I looked at my clocked and time said 7:30am. I just groaned, with annoyance.

I'm stupid. I'm stupid for thinking this was a good idea. Should I even be doing this? Would anyone else face there abuser, as I am about to do?

All of these thoughts ran through my head as I stared at the ceiling. Maybe, Carina and Maya forgot. I could just fall back to sleep, I pondered as closed my eyes, but heard a knock at the door.

Carina POV

Maya and I were both anxious about today. We both didn't know what to except I could barely, and I woke up around 7:15am. I looked over and saw that Maya was still sleeping. She had a rough shift last night and I didn't want to wake her.

Siena had been making so much progressed, I wondered if this would set her back. If this would make her shut down. She hasn't seen her dad and months. It never easy to see someone that has hurt you deeply it affected you drastically. Let alone it be someone who was suppose to love you, and support you. I feel so much for Siena. This sweet beautiful girl.

One day while we were at the arcade she fell and slipped her drinking all over the ground and first we all looked and immediately and bust into laughter. She make jokes that whole day about she looked like a flattened pancake. I noticed she snorts a little when she laughs really hard and brought a smile to me face.

I finally got out of bed and put my robe on to her room to see if she was awake. I knocked, and I heard, "Come in." I opened the door and saw her facing me. "Were you sleep," I asked she shook her head no and pulled the covers back, and patted the bed for me to join her.

I laid down next to her, and she put her head of my chest. It was silence for a while. It was comfortable silence, but I knew todays visit was on her mind. I just caressed her curls and waited for her come to him first.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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