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Dream rushed down the stairs that led into the hallway. His mom pulled down the newspaper she was reading and gave him a weird look. "Shouldn't you be at school already?" She said.

"Yeah it's the first day and I'm late" Dream said shoving his arm under the couch. "What are you looking for honey"

"I found it" Dream shouted, pulling out his phone. "And mom I told you not to call me that" He waved goodbye to his mom and ran out the door. He opened the door to his all black Honda civic that was parked in the driveway.

He sat there taking a breather to calm himself down. "I'm already late, it's not like I can be late twice" he told himself.

He set his puke green backpack on the passenger seat and threw the seatbelt over him. Dream put the keys in the ignition, the car started with a rawr.

He went in reverse out of the paveway. He connected his phone to the car's bluetooth. He opened the app Spotify, playing his favorite playlist out of the 10 he had.

The song that played first was "love it if we made it" by The 1975. One of Dreams' favorite songs. He blasted the song on loop.

It was a short drive saying he lived about 5 miles from his house. When he pulled into the driveway of the community college. The parking lot was packed with cars.

There were no students outside the building. He parked the car close to the front. He grabbed his bag and rushed out of the car.

He pushed open the double doors and ran down the empty hallway, his steps echoed through the building. He opened the door to the class where his teacher was facing the big white board.

Most of the students didn't bother looking at him besides a couple girls that gave him a flirty smile. Dream looked away, not really interested.

He hurried up the stairs to sit in one of the open seats. He sat next to a boy with black hair, who was wearing a white bandana and a really coordinated outfit.

"Hey," Dream said, giving him an awkward smile. He smiled back, not paying much attention to him getting back to his work.

The teacher turned around and cleared his throat to get the student's attention. "So class for some of you this is your first lecture by me, but some of you had me this summer. So for those that don't know me I'm Mr. Davidson" He said.

Dream nudged the man next him "is this a substitute professor or what"

"No he's the professor, why do you ask"

"He just looks really young," Dream said. "Oh by the way what's your name"

"My friends call me Sapnap, it's a stupid nickname that I ended up liking soni stuck with it"

"Yeah you're right that is a weird name" Dream laughed, he covered his mouth realizing that he was a little too loud.

Mr. Davidson cleared his throats. "Boys can you quiet it down"

"Yeah sorry" Sapnap said "hey dude let's talk after class" he said turning back to his paper notes.

The bell rang and Dream shoveled all of his stuff back in his book bag waiting for Sapnap to do the same. While going down the stairs to exit he got a better look at his new professor.

He noticed all his features; his brown eyes and brown hair were held on a built body covered by a black and brown suit. "Hey Dream are you okay?" Mr. Davidson asked.

Dream didn't notice that he was staring at the professor. "Umm yeah I'm fine" he smiled. Sapnap pushed his shoulder. "Are you ready to go to the next class. Dude why is your face all red" He asked.

Dream put his sleeve over his face in embarrassment. He walked a little faster to get out of the class. He waited outside of the doorway for Sapnap.

"Dude what the hell was that?" He teased Dream for his recent behavior. "What do you like about the teacher or something?"

Dream smiled, also rolling his eyes "don't be silly that would be weird".

"Hmm okay bro, wait I never got your name"

Dream was already walking to his next class and he turned around and shouted Dream. Sapnap gave him a weird look " and I thought I had a weird name" He said to himself.

Dream walked into his next class but this time the room was a lot smaller and the teacher was a girl. "Oh hey you must be the new student who has a seat next to a girl" She externally said waving her hand vertically over to the desk.

All the girls were swooning over Dream asking him to sit next to him. He looked around uncomfortably and took a seat next to a brown haired girl.

He waved at her and scooted his chair a  tiny ways aways from her. She gave him a dirty look and went back to reading her book.

Another two girls came up to him asking for his phone number. He really didn't want to be known as a rude guy so he gave in and handed I've this number.

He really didn't understand why so many girls liked him because he was that good looking. Dream let out a breath after giving out one more phone number.


Dream was leaving his last class when he saw Me. Davidson outside of his class. Dream was thinking of any excuse to talk to him.

"Umm hey"

"Hi" he said, sounding really confused. "Do you need help or something?"

"Yeah it's about the homework. I don't really understand it, I'm sorry to bother you if you're busy" Dream smiled.

"I actually do have to go, but here's my number if you still need help when you get home" He wrote it down on a tiny post-it note that for some reason he had in his pocket.

"Thank you" Dream grabbed it from his hands and walked down the empty hallway disappearing through the people.

Dream got into his car, setting the bag onto his back seat. "Omg why did they have to give me a hot teacher" He said to himself. He pulled out of his parking spot looking around to exit the community college. "Welp one day done, just a shit tone more"


1136 words

Sorry it took so long to update. I was at physical therapy and had to do other things. I'm gonna try to get at least two chapters done a week. Also thanks for 100 reads already. Okay that's all, have a good day or night and get something to eat or drink even if it's something small. I love you guys, Byeeee.

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