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George ran up the stairs to a shower as Josh watched him he tumble around the corner and heard a door slam. George slid down the bathroom door sitting on the cold tile he shuffled his hands around in his pockets trying to find his phone but putting the pieces together he realized that Josh took it.

He covered his face and distress and anger as tears started to stream down his face he didn't know what to do he felt stuck. He heard heavy footsteps tramping up the stairs and got up to turn on the shower. "George, baby is everything okay in there" josh asked innocently.

George wiped his nose and his eyes and try to calm his voice to try to not sound as if he was just crying "yeah I'm fine I'll be out in like 10 minutes" George looked around the windowless bathroom to see if he could do anything or find anything to help him out of this situation. He could just try to attack Josh but Josh was a built man and way taller than him.

He wanted to seem as if he actually took a shower so he wet his hair a little and ruffled it out with a towel that he found sitting on the toilet. He checked himself in the mirror to make sure his eyes weren't red they were a little but he was hoping Josh wouldn't notice.

He unlocked the bathroom door startled that Josh was sitting outside of it he turned back around and turn off the bathroom light and shut the door nudging Josh a little. "Josh?"

Josh breathed in heavily also exhaling loudly "I want you to quit your job" he said calmly "what are you insane I worked hard to get to that position"

"What position getting paid 15 dollars an hour to teach kids that are probably going to throw away that knowledge anyways" he started to get up and George noticed that there was something clutched in his hand. "Now as I said before I want you to quit your job" he said as he raised a kitchen knife up to George's face letting the cold steel put Goosebumps all over him.

"Okay okay I will" he pleaded.

"Great now I'll have you by my side 24 hours a day" he said lowering the knife moving his brown shaggy hair out of his eyes. " Now you go change into some pajamas and I'll be downstairs waiting for you don't make me wait too long" he said adding a sinister laugh at the end of it.

George opened his door, walking over to his dresser he grabbed a set of PJs out of there and looked out his window swiftly walking over to it he noticed that there was a lock on the latch so he couldn't lift it up and escape. "Had he been planning this" George said as his fingertip grazed the cold glass.

He didn't want to try to break it because that would make too much noise and cause Josh to go up there and he was not willing to take that chance of Josh hurting him. Instead he got changed into his pajamas. He walk down the stairs, josh sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed watching football as usual.

"Come here baby" he patted the sofa with his hand gesturing George to come sit with him. George hesitated for a second but then Josh started patting the sofa more aggressively, George took that as a hint and walked over to the sofa taking a seat next to Josh he put his hand over George making him flinch a little.

He couldn't do anything he put his head on his shoulder just trying to get the night over with closing his eyes hopefully some sleep would make this all better.


Dream look down at his phone the words he never wanted to see from George that he didn't want to see him anymore. Dream could feel tears forming in his eyes he didn't want to let them fall. He got up from his bed closing his phone looking out the window and was tempted to go over to his house cuz that didn't sound like George.

He opened his bedroom door slightly to see if his mom was still awake she wasn't the whole house was dark and silent and saying that her bedroom door was closed she was sleeping.

Dream slowly closed the bedroom door back up, opening his window the drop was only 10 ft or so. He breathed in slowly and jumped. He rolled on the ground as his ankle throbbed he tried to brush it off as he got up, falling slightly on the ankle that he injured he was ignoring the pain right now just trying to get over to George's place.

"Maybe this is a bad idea maybe he wanted me to stay away for a reason" Dream thought to himself all the time he was walking under the street lights crunching on occasional leaves a voice was in his head saying that he should just turn around and go home.

Finally he was faced with the dark house with only the living room light on seeing one figure moving and you could hear the TV from outside playing some kind of football or other sport with a lot of yelling.

Dream walked up the stone path to the wooden door he knocked on it he could hear Josh stampering from the other side and whispering under his breath "who the fuck is here at this time at night George did you tell anyone" josh

He didn't give time for George to answer before dream heard a yelling from the other side. He knocked a bit louder than last time and that made the ruckus stop. Heavy footsteps were being heard coming towards the door.

The door opened and Dream was met face to face with an angry Josh. "Dream I thought George said he didn't want to you anymore, and do you know why because he doesn't like you anymore he wants to be with me"

Dream stood there in the dark the wind wrestling through his hair looking past Josh's shoulder at George tears in his eyes they just made eye contact for what it felt like an eternity until Josh snapped and dream looked back into Josh's cold dead eyes.

"So I think it's best you leave" he smiled trying to shut the door but before he did dream stuck his foot in it. "Dream I'm serious I wouldn't do this right now"

"Or what huh?"

"You really want to find out"

Josh opened the door back up wider than the last time jumping at dream with the same kitchen knife he threatened George with earlier. Then he lifted his hands up the shadow emerging from the living room George watching on the sofa as he violently stabbed dream in the stomach and then all that could be heard in the night's silence was a blood curdling scream....


Words 1275

I really didn't feel like correcting this so there's probably a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes but I'll probably fix it later sorry it's been almost for a month since I've updated but I've been really busy with school and work oh btw I got a job. But my new boyfriend has 100K read so thanks for that and this almost has 10K reads so also thanks for that and have a great day or night and get something to eat or drink even if it's something small I love you byeeeeeee.

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