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Dream rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. The sun was not up yet because it was 6 in the morning. No light was let in, it was just dark. He sat up in bed grabbing his phone from the charger. Checking any messages. The bright light hurt his fragil eyes. He wiped the tears from his eyes and continued checking his messages.

He sighed when it was just girls asking him on dates and to hang out at their place he left them on read and closed his phone kind of disappointed that he didn't get a text message from George. " I mean it's only 6:00 in the morning. Maybe he's not up yet" Dream tried to tell himself.

Dream got up from the mattress going to the bathroom across the hall trying to shut the door as quiet as possible to not wake his mom up since her room was right next to the bathroom. He took the toothbrush out of the medicine cabinet. Quickly brushing his teeth.

He spit out the white goo from his mouth and splashed some cold water on his face to wake him up some more. Dream walked down stairs to eat breakfast even though he wasn't much of a morning eater.

Dream grabbed something small, just looking around in the cabinets for a granola bar or something. He grabbed out a chocolate chip flavored granola bar just taking it out the wrapper and throwing it away then running back upstairs to change his clothes.

He put on a black dress shirt and took some time to button the buttons with some washed out light blue jeans. Getting down on the floor to slip on his shoes which were black Nikes. He still had half an hour to tell George was supposed to pick him up to drive him to college.

He grabbed his phone from out of his pocket and opened his and George's conversation to see if he was awake yet.

Hey I'm ready early and was wondering if you could pick me up now?

Yeah I'll be there in 15 minutes ;)

Dream sighed and went out of his bedroom to go into the living room to wait for George too show up he sat down on the couch watching tik Tok to make the time pass.

Around the time George said it would take to get there, there was a honking sound coming from outside. Dream jumped up looking out the window to see if it was George. It was his black Camaro. He smiled and walked out the door.

You quickly walked over to George's car and opened the passenger seat to get in. "Thanks for picking me up early" dream said buckling up.

"Yeah it's no problem" He smiled. "So we have some extra time. What do you want to do"

Dream side eyed George "well I have an idea but I don't know if you'll like it"

"Hmp what"

"Pull over," Dream demanded.

George did as he was told and pulled over in front of someone's house. Dream took off his seatbelt and turned towards George.

Dream looked down, George put his hand on his thigh. Grabbing him over. Dream that his head is over the console. Looking up at George one more time to ask for consent " can I ?"

"Please" George begged.

Dream smiled and unzipped the zipper to George's jeans. Pulling out his dic. Right before he was about to go down his eyes started to flutter. Dream opened them back up to see that he was in his bedroom.

"What kind of dream was that?" Dream could feel himself throbbing all over. "It wasn't bad , '' he whispered.

He took off his blankets to reveal a wet spot on his sheets "aw shit" . Dream ripped off the sheets hiding it under his bed. "I'll just deal with it later," Dream reassured himself.

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