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Dreams eyes flutter opened he tried to wipe his eyes but felt a hard tug on his arm when he tried to lift it up. When he looked over, George's head was resting on it. He had totally forgotten what he did last night.

"Gosh" he muttered to himself.

That must have woken George up because he turned over and had a dream. "Good morning what time is it"

Dream tried to pull his other hand back to grab his phone off the nightstand when he did he opened it and checked the time "oh shit it's 9:46" Dream cursed.

"Oh my God" George jumped up releasing dreams arm from his grasp. "I'm late, you're late, we are both late" George said in a panic.

"It's fine to call in sick or something," Dream said, laying his head back down on the pillow.

"Dream what about you oh and you mum what is she gonna think" George was spitting out a million questions and a million miles per hour.

"George calm down" Dream suggested.

"You know what your right I'll just call in sick. I should have a sick day hopefully"

George got up fully off the bed putting his pants on, he took his phone and walked out his bedroom door into the hallway to make the phone call.

Dream was just noticing that he was only in his boxers and no shirt. " What are we animals?" dream joked to himself.

Dream got out of bed putting his pants and shirt back on so George's roommate wouldn't see him like this. He opened the door and walked past George. He was still on the phone with the school.

He motioned that he had to go to the bathroom and George nodded pointing downstairs. Dream walked by the living room where Josh was on his phone. "Oh your still here hm"

"Yeah is there a problem"

"No no" Josh glared directly at dream as he went the opposite way to the bathroom door. Dream could sense that he was watching him walk away but decided not to say anything.

He washed his face off with some cold water to kinda wake himself up more. He went to the bathroom and washed his hands quietly stepping out so that Josh wouldn't hear him.

He creeped back up the stairs and George wasn't in the hallway anymore so he guessed that you went back in his bedroom. Dream knocked trying to be polite but even if George was changing it's not like he hasn't seen everything before.

He opened the door and shut it behind him. George was sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone. "Hey what's up with your roommate"

"What do you mean?" George turned his attention to dream " I don't know if he just seemed mad at me or something."

"Oh he's just mad that he's team lost the football game or something. I wouldn't worry about it too much"

"Yeah okay I won't"

"Hey about making us some breakfast"

"Yeah sure that sounds nice"

Dream and George headed down the stairs together Josh looked up at him from his phone and stared dream in the eyes they had eye contact for a few seconds before a dream looked away.

"Hey George shouldn't you be at work"

"Um yeah I called in sick" George said a little under his breath "what was that"

"I said I called in sick today you know after yesterday I didn't feel that good"

"Then why are you cooking breakfast for this boy? Why doesn't he make it for you" He grinned.

"No it's okay-"

"I'll make it if you want" Dream cut him off

"Umm sure I'll show you where all the stuff is"

George led him around to the small kitchen that only had two counters and a very old looking oven. "So the pans are in that cabinet down there" George explained.

Dream looked behind him to see Josh glaring at them. Dream had a sinister idea. He pulled George close to him pushing him against the fridge and kissed him, adding a little tongue.

When he pulled back Josh was shaking his head. "Why would you kiss him if he's sick?" he stood up and crossed his arms in anger. "I don't mind a little sickness" he licked his lips wanting to laugh but held it in.

He didn't say anything, he just stomped upstairs and a couple seconds later a door slammed. "Wow, what's his problem?" George asked.

"I have no clue" Dream lied. "So should we get back to breakfast"

George shook his head, grabbing the eggs and bacon from out of the fridge and placing them on the stove even though dream said that he would make it George did most of the work.

"So I think we should talk about my mom and your dad problems. How are we gonna tell them that we are dating"

George choked on his food a little bi "Dating" He said with a little cough "yeah aren't we?"

"I mean we never made it official. We-we barely know each other"

"Oh trust me we know each other" Dream joked.

"Okay let's put that aside for now," George said, swallowing a hard lump in his throat. "So we have to hide this from them, your moving out soon right"

"Yeah with what money" Dream said

"Oh you can live here with me. Josh probably won't mind."

"Yeah I'm not so sure about that, I don't think he likes me"

"Maybe he'll grow on you"

"Hm, maybe hold on I'm gonna grab my phone from your room real quick"

George shoved another spoonful of eggs in his mouth and nodded at him. Dream walked up the stairs quickly until Josh appeared out of the shadows. "So are you and George a thing or what"

"I mean you can say that" Dream rubbed the back of his neck "so why is it dark only in that corner"

"No need for questions, I've liked George for years and you're not just gonna show up and take him from me"

"Excuse me he's not yours to have"

"Really watch me" Josh said with a smirk then he ascended back into the darkness shutting a door behind him.

"Seriously y'all need to get that light fixed or something" Dream said going into the room to grab his phone.


1107 words

Short update but it's still an update. Not much to say besides thanks so much for 3k reads already. Have a good day or night and get something to eat or drink even if it's something small I love you byeeeeeee.

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