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Dream who was laying in his bed. Swinging his legs like a middle school girl. He was thinking about Mr. Davidson. "Maybe I should text him. Wait no I'm his student if I text him with nothing for him to help me with hell think I'm crazy" Dream brushed that thought off.

He grabbed the backpack off of the floor that was cleaning against his metal bed frame. He unzipped the first pocket that was the biggest pulling out a really heavy textbook. "Well I have nothing better to do '' Dream told himself.

He opened up the first page talking about the elements and what compounds they make when you mix them. "This is so boring" Dream through the textbook on the floor even though it only had been 10 minutes.

He got off the bed and walked downstairs to where his mom was. The house was quiet because unfortunately Dream was an only child.

"Hey honey- Dream sorry" His mom smiled at him. She was standing behind the island that kept the living room and kitchen separated.

"Is dinner almost done?" Dream sat at one of the bar stools.

"Yeah almost but let's talk about your first day at school. How's it going, did you make any new friends"

"Uh, actually I thought his name was Sapnap or something."

"Are your teachers nice"

"Yeah most of them are boring you know normal teacher stuff" Dream lied of course he wasn't gonna tell her about Mr. Davidson.

"Yeah it was the same thing when I was in school gosh things never change" she put a steamy hot plate of food in front of Dream.

"Thanks mom," He said. His mom came around the island, placing a plate down for herself also. Throughout the meal they didn't talk and Dream mostly picked at his food, only eating the steak his mom prepared for him.

Dream got up and put his dish in the sink. "I'm gonna go upstairs and studied" Dream ran to his bedroom, locking it behind him.

Dream rested his head on the only pillow he had on his bed. He grabbed the remote for his TV, turning it on. His eyes fluttered until he was passed out cold.


Dream woke up in a cold sweat. Grasping onto his bed sheets. He looked around for his phone to check the time. "It's fine I still have half an hour to get ready. He threw his legs out of the covers.

He got up and opened his door quietly so his mom wouldn't wake up. He tiptoed over to the upstairs bathroom. He took his purple toothbrush and his Crest toothpaste and started brushing his teeth.

He spit out a huge glob of toothpaste and a mixture of spit and wiped his face with his arm. He didn't know if there was enough time to take a shower so he decided to just skip it today.

He smelled himself "okay maybe I should have taken that shower" . Dream put his off brand deodorant on and sprayed axe body spray to cover his stench.

He went back to his bedroom to grab his backpack and put the textbook that was on his floor back in it too.

Slowly walking down the stairs to not make them creek he made it down that living room and grabbed the keys for the car off the hook that was by the door.

Shoving the car key in the hole to unlock it. (This came off a little sexual ngl) he hopped in, accidentally touching the middle part of the seatbelt burning his fingers.

"Gosh, why does it have to be so hot here?" Dream complained, shaking off the pain.

He started up the vehicle and backed out of the driveway heading to his community college.


Dream quickly grabbed his bag off the passenger seat, shutting the door behind him. He quickly walked into the double doors not wanting to make it that obvious that he was in a hurry.

Until someone stopped him. "Hello Dream, why are you in such a hurry?" Mr. Davidson asked.

"Actually I was on my way to your class" He chuckled and then awkwardly smiled at him. His face went back to a straight line instantly.

"Well I do need some help tidying up the classroom if you would like to help me" He smirked.

"Yeah sure Mr-" Dream was cut off.

"Ah aha ah out of class you can call me George"

"Yeah of course George"

They walked into the classroom together. Dream takes opportunity to get a seat in the back since no one was there. He threw his bag down to save his spot and walked back down the stairs.

"So what did you need help with exactly?" dream asked.

"Can you go grab me those books off the top shelf and hand them out to every single table. You know since you're tall and all"

Dream nodded and walked over to the huge brown bookcase. He grabbed as many as his arms allowed him to distribute them along the bottom row and then went back for more and repeated the same thing until everybody had a book

"I'm all done" He said a little out of breath.

"Okay if you do this for me I'll give you extra credit* George winked. "I want you to mop all of the floors," He said, putting his feet on the desk.

"Uh that depends how much extra credit" Dream asked.

"I'll give 20 percent no higher"

"Fine I'll take it" Dream went over to the closet and grabbed the mop and bucket and started to work.

Around 20 minutes later he was finally done and why did he put the stuff back into the closet? The bell rang. "Thank you for all the help, Dream" George got up from his seat to let the other students in.

Dream walked up to the back where he saved a seat for himself. He wasn't really that interested in what George was teaching; he was more interested in the teacher.

Dream was totally zoned out and his own world when George looked up and looked in the back he saw a dream just staring out the window.

"Dream," George cleared his throat to get his attention. "Can you see me after class please?"

"I'm not in trouble am I" The whole class eyes went to him "of course not I just need to talk to you" George responded.

Dream let out a breath of relief that he wasn't in trouble or something. "What does he want to talk about?" Dream asked himself.


1180 words

Omg I learned that some of y'all are 11 like what. Okay I also pierced my nose and that shit hurt. Also I dyed my hair blonde but it didn't die the whole thing so some are brown and I don't know how to feel about it. Okay enough ranting I hope you have a good day or night and get something to eat or drink even if it's something small for. I love you guys Byeeee

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