Live While We're Young (One Direction Fan-Fiction)

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I've decided to help with my parent's hotel today. I don't usually help, but they are away so I offered to help with the other employees. It's not a bad job, actually, but it's slow, hardly anyone comes out here.

Bored at the front desk, I sit back in the rolling chair, put my feet up and read my little sister's J-14 magazine. I flip through it, not very interested in Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's current relationship status. I find a section, a whole three pages actually, about One Direction. Eh, they're okay. I begin reading captions by the silly photos of them. They seem like they know how to have fun. 

All the sudden, I see something rapidly flash by me. I look up. Nothing is there. I go back to reading. I never really knew anything about them, so I read a section where it talks about them personally. My sis would be proud.

I see another something pass by me. Probably just imagining things, I think to myself. 

I see it again.

And again.

I look up this time and see nothing. I hear something from in front of the front desk. I get up to peer over, but as I do, a boy with short brown hair, glasses and blue eyes pops out in front of me.

"Hello, love!" He shouts. I jump back and utter a little scream. Another boy, with curly hair and green eyes, stands up as well. "I apologize for his behavior." He says to me. Then, two others pop up. One has black hair that's neatly styled with a blonde streak and brown eyes, and the other with blonde hair and blue eyes. "He's really a big goofball, aren't ya, Lou?" The black haired one says. The blonde just chuckles. I take note of their British and Irish accents.

And then I look down at the magazine and back up.

I realize I'm staring at Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, and Niall Horan.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask you something, dear!" Louis says to me. "W-what's that?" I say, still a little shocked I'm standing in front of 4/5 of the biggest boyband in the world. Louis leans closer to me and whispers, "Have you seen a lad with brown hair, brown eyes, a blue plaid shirt and jeans?" I shake my head no and realize he's talking about Liam Payne. "Oh, and, he might have a spoon plastered to his head." Niall says in between laughs. "That too." Zayn smiles.

"Seriously you guys?!" I look over and see Liam coming out of the elevator, with indeed a spoon on his forehead. The boys just start laughing hysterically and I can't help but laugh myself. "You got a little something on your forehead there, Li." Niall laughs. Liam looks up and sees the spoon on his forehead and screams. He rips it off and throws it across the lobby. Everyone laughs harder. "When you guys come out of your laughing fit, I'm gonna-"

Liam's small rant is cut off by the front desk phone ringing. Before I can answer it, Louis picks it up. "Hello darling, this is Louis Tomlinson at your service!!" He smiles proudly. We all laugh a bit. I hear the girl on the phone start screaming and say words that I can't understand. "Mhmm, yes, it really is me, doll. I love you too, yes." Louis says, responding to the girl on the phone. Harry comes close to the phone. "Hey hon, I know you love Lou, but he's my Boo Bear, alrighty?" He says seriously. The girl goes crazy. "Haz, you know I could never love anyone else." He smiles at Harry. Harry just smiles back. "Dear, I'm afraid I've got to go, but call back anytime!" Louis says to the girl, and with that, he hangs up.

"Poor girl.." Zayn says. "You've probably sent the girl into hysterics." I say. "Maybe." Louis just shrugs. "I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves." Harry smiles at me. "I'm Harry, this is Louis, and that's Liam, Zayn and Niall." He says, pointing at each boy as he says their names. Niall gives me a wave when Harry says his name. "And you are..?" Zayn asks me. "My name's Layla." I smile. "Nice to meet you." Liam and Niall both say. "Oh no, nice to meet you all. I'm nothing special, and well, you guys are famous." I say. "No, you are special. We meet girls everyday, but no girl is as cool as you." Liam says and Harry nods in agreement. I kind of blush. "Why's that?" I ask. "Because, you aren't totally flipping out at the sight of us." Niall says. "Though we love our fans' dedication." Zayn says matter-of-factly. 

"Layla..." Louis says with his eyes squinted, staring at me suspiciously. "Yes..?" I ask. "Would you like a carrot?!" He asks more happily, now with a carrot in his hand. The boys all laugh. "Uhm, no thanks." I say, trying to sound polite. "Aw. Well I'll go give it to Kevin." He says, running out of the French doors that go outside to the pool deck. They all snicker. "Who's Kevin?" I ask, confused. "Kevin's Lou's pigeon." Liam laughs. "He's basically every pigeon. Every single pigeon." Zayn adds. I smile. "Once he comes back in, do you want to play a game with us?" Harry asks me. "Sure." I say.

Louis runs back inside. He's soaking wet. "Lou!" Liam sighs. "What'd you do?" Niall giggles. "I tried to feed Kevin, but he flew across the pool. When I tried to catch him, I fell in." He says, like a disappointed little kid. "Oh my gosh." I say. "Let's get you cleaned up." Zayn says, patting him on the back. Louis nods. "Would you like to hang out with us in our room while Louis is getting ready? Then we can play that little game." Harry asks, winking at me. I feel myself blush and I nod. "Wait.." I say, as everyone is walking to the elevator. "What about the front desk?" They all stop and think for a second. "Can you ask someone to take care of it for you?" Niall asks. I think for a second. "Yeah, let me give someone a call." I say, grabbing my phone. I quickly dial Steph, one of the employees that I know is on break, and ask her to take the front desk for me. She agrees and we wait for her to come down.

"Hey Steph, I'm going to be out for the day, so can you-" "Oh my gosh!!" She squeals before I can finish. "Tha-th-th-that's O-o-one Dire-dir-direction." She says, looking as if she was going to faint. "Indeed it is." Zayn smiles at her and winks. She starts to fall back a little, but catches herself on the desk. I give him a, you-are-going-to-give-this-poor-girl-a-heart-attack look. He just rolls his eyes at me. "Why don't you guys just go in the elevator while I calm her?" I say, pushing the elevator button and shoving them in. "How will you know what room we are?" Harry asks me. "Who else would be in the penthouse suite?" I ask, pushing the top floor button. He shrugs, realizing I'm right and the doors close.

"That was-" "One Direction, I know. Please work the desk now?" I ask. She nods and sits down. "Thanks!" I say. I'll take the stairs, I think to myself.

I head to the stairwell and think to myself how crazy it is that I'm hanging out with One Direction.

Live While We're Young (One Direction/Larry Stylinson Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now